Heilende Informationen -> Frequenzen

Lakhovsky: Zellen=elektromagnetische Strahler.. mikroskopische Schwingkreise..
empfangen und senden Hochfrequenzwellen.. hören die Zellen auf zu oszillieren sterben sie..
Krankheit=gestörtes Gleichgewicht der zellularen Schwingung.. Radio-Zellulo-Oszillator.. MWO..
kranke Zellen mit entsprechender Frequenz behandeln.. Krebs durch VerstÀrkung der normalen
Schwingungen gesunder Zellen ĂŒberwunden.. Energie von außen, kosmische Strahlung“
Tompkins/Bird S.119f

„in Zellen und dem kolloidalen System vorhandene Ionen werden im Takt der
Magnetpulsation beeinflusst -> Regeneration Gewebe, bessere Durchblutung“ Hanusch S.87f

„Warnke konnte 1980 nachweisen, daß der Sauerstoffpartialdruck
im Durchschnitt um 200% ansteigt, wenn pulsierende Magnetfelder
mit bestimmter IntensitĂ€t und Frequenz einwirken“ Hanusch S.88

„bestimmte Frequenzen reduzieren TransportkapazitĂ€t von Wasser.. 60Hz..“ hier

„Frequenzen 1-3MHz, moduliert mit 80-200kHz dringen tiefer in den Körper ein..
durchbrechen die dĂŒnne Haut der Krebszellen ohne den DNA-Code der
gesunden Zellen zu stören.. Pressman.. Dotto-Ring 1.8MHz, moduliert mit 100kHz“ Dotto

Albert Abrams Oszilloklast sendete Wellen aus, die die Wellen
der kranken MolekĂŒle verĂ€nderten oder löschten..“ Tompkins/Bird S.158f

„jeder Teil des Körpers operiert auf einer anderen harmonischen Frequenz und ist
auf diese Weise fĂ€hig sich dem Kontrollzentrum=Gehirn mitzuteilen“ Hanusch S.28

Royal Rife entdeckte, daß die jeder spezifischen Krankheit eigene elektrische Signatur
so modifiziert werden kann, daß beinahe alle Gebrechen beseitigt werden können..
jede Krankheit durch Frequenzen besiegen“ hier

Beispiel, wie man sich einen Satz Frequenzen gegen Brustkrebs zusammenstellt“ hier

„‚Doug‘ speiste Frequenzen in kleine Spule unter seinem MikroskoptrĂ€ger..
entdeckte Lyme-Frequenzen“ hier

„die Kombination mit Silberkolloiden verstĂ€rkt erheblich die Wirkung
gegen Bakterien, Viren und Pilze“ hier

„Es gibt 4 Frequenzspektren elektromagnetischer Schwingungen (biologische Normale), ohne die der
Mensch u.a. Lebewesen nicht leben könnten: Licht, Solarwellen, Schumann-Welle, Geomagnetwellen..
MĂ€use/Ratten sterben nach ca. 4 Monaten, wenn man diese Schwingungen entzieht“ hier

„Geomagnetfrequenzen=Eigenresonanzen der 64 Spurenelemente der Erdkruste..
die gleichen Spurenelemente mit analoger Resonanz in Erythrozyten (Blut) und in Enzymen

„Schumannfrequenzen=Eigenresonanzen des Hohlraumes zwischen ErdoberflĂ€che/IonosphĂ€re..
in exakter Resonanz mit der Hyppocampus/Hypothalamus-Frequenz im Gehirn aller SĂ€uger“

„die klassische chinesische Medizin wußte: Körper braucht mindestens 2 Umweltsignale:
Geomagnetfrequenzen und Schumannfrequenzen, die im Gleichgewicht stehen sollten“

„Wasser hat eine extrem starke magnetische ResonanzfĂ€higkeit“ Mau S.38

„Die DNA ist ein selbstfokussierendes System..
kann sich in eine Resonanz hineintunen“
Popp 25.10.03 DGEIM

niederfrequenz u. gepulste Hochfrequenzen des Mobilfunks.. Schlafstrungen, depressive Verstimmungen,
, Gedchtnisstrungen, Lernstrungen bei Kindern, Herzrhythmusstrungen, Migrne,
, stndige Mdigkeit/Erschpfung, Immunschwche..“


Auszug aus Lynes: „The Cancer Cure That Worked“: hier
Rife-Mikroskop.. Krebsvirus 1932 identifiziert (BX-Virus).. Frequenz-Instrument gebaut.. Heilung von Krebs, GeschwĂŒren, grauer Star, Tuberkulose, Typhus, Lepra, Polio, Herpes.. 1934.. 16 von 16 Krebspatienten im Endstadium geheilt.. schmerzlose Behandlung mit ‚Rifes Ray‘ alle 3 Tage je 3min.. kein Gewebe zerstört.. Virus/Bakterien zerstört.. Körper erholt sich selbst.. mehrere Krankheiten gleichzeitig behandelbar“
heutige Behandlungsergebnisse:
Tom.. Prostata-Krebs.. in die Knochen gestreut.. unheilbar.. alkalischer Urin.. Oxygenic A Plus zur Korrektur.. Grapefruitextrakt.. energetisiertes Alfaalfa.. EMEM3 tÀglich 2128Hz (Cheb Phanotron-Röhre).. nun krebsfrei..

Fred.. Prostata-Krebs.. 3 Monate zu leben.. PFG-100 Rife-Crane li+re am Körper.. 666, 690, 727, 2000, 2008, 2100, 2120, 2127, 2130 Hz je 3min jeden 2. Tag.. Parasitenfreq. 20, 60, 81, 120, 125, 440, 800 Hz.. Beck Blutreiniger 1h/Tag.. magnet. Pulser fĂŒr jeden Lymphknoten.. NahrungsergĂ€nzung.. tumorfrei nach 5 Wochen.. hier

Jimmy 4.. ALL LeukĂ€mie.. Chemo.. schlechter.. Stop Behandlung.. Rife-Generator Fuß-Fuß. 14 Wochen spĂ€ter gesund. 2 Wo je 3min: 2127, 2008, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666, 590, 10000, 2008, 6.8, 1850, 450, 440, 428, 14, 15, 2030, 15, 2030, 15, 2030, 465. Woche 3-6 je 5min. Ab Wo 7 je 7min. Vegetarisch, Microhydrin, Eniva ionische Mineralien, viel dest. Wasser. Je 8oz Wasser 10 Tropfen „Stabilized Oxygen“ hier

weitere Erfolgsgeschichten z.B. hier

Heilende Frequenzen:
„frequencies of Royal Rife to promote healing. They work very well!“ hier Dr. Ludwig, Clark, Fa. Onkotherm und viele andere verwenden Rife-Frequenzen in ihren GerĂ€ten

mehr Infos zu GerÀten der Elektromedizin: hier


Frequenzmedizin wirkt: die FDA (food&drug administration) erkennt dies an . . .
http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~comm/ift-pef.html (gepulste elektrische Felder)
http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~comm/ift-omf.html (schwingende Magnetfelder)
http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~comm/ift-us.html (Ultraschall)
http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~comm/ift-micr.html (Mikrowellen)
. . . fĂŒr die Haltbarmachung von Lebensmitteln! . . . und wann fĂŒr die Heilung von Menschen?


Frequenzmedizin wirkt: wissenschaftlicher Nachweis:
University of Washington in Seattle: Prof. Henry Lai bestĂ€tigt, daß der Zapper selektiv Krebszellen abtötet..
in der Laborkultur nach 24h 42% weniger Krebszellen als ohne Zapper hier


pulsierende elektromagnetische Felder wirken:
www.delphion.com/ (US-Patent 4683873: Cadossi/Marazzi: Methode/GerÀt mit pulsierenden elektromagnet. Felder 1987)
www.delphion.com/ (US-Patent 4665898: Costa/Hofmann: Malignancy treatment by pulsed magnetic field 1987)

wo gibt es Informationen ĂŒber heilende Frequenzen . . .

untenstehende Frequenzliste
www.royalrife.com/freq.html (Richard Loyd: Experimental Frequencies)
andere Frequenzlisten
www.electroherbalism.com/Bioelectronics/FrequenciesandAnecdotes/CAFL.htm (Brian McInturf’s Consol. Annotated Freq. List)
www.electroherbalism.com/Bioelectronics/FrequenciesandAnecdotes/IntrotoFrequenciesandAnecdotes.htm (EinfĂŒhrung in die Frequenzlisten)
www.electroherbalism.com/Bioelectronics/FrequenciesandAnecdotes/CAFL Mystery.pdf (Anwendung der Frequenzlisten)
cat007.com/rlist.htm (Jon Brooks: ausfĂŒhrlich: Consol. Annotated Freq. List, Freq.gen.-Software)
educate-yourself.org/Freqchart1.html (Ken Adachi: ausfĂŒhrlich fĂŒr Krebs..)
educate-yourself.org/Freqchart2.html (Ken Adachi: sehr ausfĂŒhrlich)
www.bioelectric.ws/ger/freq-list.html (ausfĂŒhrlich, deutsch, mit Candida 464)
www.mindspring.com/~turf/alt/elec/freqlist.txt (Brian McInturf: ausfĂŒhrlich, engl.)
www.geocities.com/rifetube/codes.html (Bill Cheb: ausfĂŒhrliche Codes, engl.)
www.frontiernet.net/~breightondawe/rifetech.html (Stone Circle: nach Freq. und nach Krankheiten geordnet, engl.)
www.heal-me.com.au/frex/ (Frequenzdatenbank FREX mit PC-Generator, engl.)
members.aol.com/networktcp/research/freq.htm (Hirn-Frequenzen)
www.lunarsight.com/freq.htm (Hirn-, Chakren-, Mineralstoff-, Farb-, Ton-, Schuman-Freq., Widerspruch zu Meyl)
www.lunarsight.com/glossary.htm (Glossary dazu, Tipp Erzeugung niedr. Freq. mit Cool-Edit, engl.)
www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/2888/freq1.html (Main list: Frequenzabgleich verschiedener Quellen)
www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/2888/freq6.html (interessante Frequenzen, magische Fenster, knapp)
www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/2888/freq9.html (John Garvey, Energy Medicine Clinic, Mucor Racemosus, ĂŒbersichtl.)
www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/2888/freq10.html (System Freqs gute, ĂŒbersichtlich)
www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/2888/freq11.html (Index Freqs)
www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/2888/freq13.html (Crane Freqs)
www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/2888/freq14.html (Master list, fĂŒr 4-5V Rechteckwellen)
www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/2888/freq15.html (Early Rife, wenige Frequenzen)
www.drclark.net/info/frequencytable.pdf (Clark-Freq.: Parasiten, Bakterien, Viren)
www.stenulson.net/althealth/hcfreqs.txt (Bruce Stenulson: Clark-Freq.: Parasiten, Bakterien, Viren)
www.stenulson.net/althealth/stimfreq.htm (Bruce Stenulson: Normalisierungsfrequenzen)
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/PMGifs/Genomes/allorg.html (Genom-Freq.)
www.akupunktur-arzt.de/main/english_s2.html (Beate Strittmatter: Nogier-Freq.)
Royal Rifes heilende Frequenzen: „Die Krebstherapie die funktionierte – 50 Jahre UnterdrĂŒckung“
www.rife.org/newspaper/planet.html (Stanley Truman: Barry Lynes Zeitungsartikel unterdrĂŒckte Krebs-Behandlung seit 1930)
www.rife.org/rifelab/rifelabresearch.html (Stanley Truman: Kurzfassung von Rifes Laborforschung von Rife 14.6.1958)
www.rife.org/john marsh/rifeinstrumenthistory.pdf (Stanley Truman: ĂŒber Rifes GerĂ€te, true MOR’s und spĂ€tere Frequenzen)
www.rife.org/ramfiles/rifelabtour.ram (Stanley Truman: Video von Rifes LabortÀtigkeiten)
www.rife.org/ramfiles/rifespeaks.ram (Stanley Truman: Rife spricht ĂŒber seine Arbeit mit Mikroskopen)
www.rife.org/johnmarsh.html (Stanley Truman: John Marsh arbeitete mit Crane/Rife an Ray/Pad-Generatoren)
www.rife.org/rifeslab.html (Stanley Truman: Rifes Labornotizen Daten und Isolation des BX-Virus, K-Medium..)
www.dfe.net/RifeHist.html (Dave Felt: Rifes Geschichte detailliert aus Briefen etc. zusammengesetzt)
www.luminet.net/~wenonah/history/rife.htm (Tommy Cichanowski: Rifes Geschichte als mp3.. ĂŒber Hoylands höhere Frequenzen 21275Hz.. Ergonom 500.. Cooper pairs)
www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/2958 (Bill Cheb: Rifegeschichte warum Rife gescheitert ist)
www.rife.de/cancer/cancer.html (Peter Walker: Rifegeschichte Gary Wade, Rife-Mikroskop besser als Elektronenmikroskop, Geweberegeneration durch el. Stromquelle)
www.rife.de/interview/interview.html (Peter Walker: Rifegeschichte „perfekte Heilungsraten bei Karzinomen, Sarkomen..“)
cat007.com/rife1.htm (Jon Brooks: Rifegeschichte, PC-Generator, Resonanzen a la Fscan)
cat007.com/rife.htm (Jon Brooks: Waynes Heilerfolge mit Rife, Diagnose durch schwankende Freq., PC-Generator)
www.quantumbalancing.com (Rifeinformationen zu Originalfrequenzen/TrÀgerfrequenzen/Modulation: Freq. war 10x höher, TrÀger 2.2/4.8/4.6MHz, Sinus, Richteffekt erforderlich, nahe am Körper, Pads ok, ggf. Rechteck probieren Tastverh. 90%?)
www.royalrife.com/f-scan.html www.royalrife.com/f-scan-stories.html www.neue-heilverfahren.de (Thomas Böhmes F-Scan: 1Hz-3MHz, Resonanzen, Blut scannen, Rife-/Clarkfrequenzen, Bibliotheksfunktion)
www.bioscanlight.com (Biofind sucht Stellen mit erhöhtem Hautwiderstand -> Verletzungen)
www.rife.de/article/index.html (Peter Walker: ausfĂŒhrlicher Rifeartikel rifearticle.pdf mit Experimenten Aubrey Scoon)
www.scoon.co.uk (Aubrey Scoon: Artikel/Bilder zu Rifes OriginalgerÀten, Prototyp Rife-Ray)
www.scoon.co.uk (Aubrey Scoon: CFA-Antenne)
home.arcor.de/free.energy/ (Energetisierung, Möbiusschleife, Wasseraktivatorspule, Sedonaspule, Teslaspule)
jnaudin.free.fr/html/tripole.htm (Jean-Louis Naudin: Möbius-Tripol)
www.scoon.co.uk (Aubrey Scoon: The Hoyland Machine, Harmonische von 66.5Hz)
www.scoon.co.uk (Aubrey Scoon: Das Geheimnis der Rife-Maschine)
www.scoon.co.uk (Aubrey Scoon: denkbarer Mechanismus der Rife-Maschine)
www.rifetechnologies.com (James Bare: Rife-Bare-Gen., Oszillogramm, Rife-Gen. 1946, Ableitung DNA-Freq.)
www.rifetechnologies.com/pix.html (James Bare: Bilder von Rife-Bare-Systemen)
www.medizinfo.com/alternative/euro/html/eurogerate.html (Rifegeschichte, CD-Generator VEJA 10 LED, 111Hz, NET)
healthalternative.freeyellow.com/Consumer_Guide_To_Rife_Generators.htm (Fred Walter: Rife-Generatoren: REM Super Pro, Klark Kent’s Rife Resonator, Hansen/Henco/Elenco, ScalarTronix SXT-2, R.I.F.E., Crane Foundation CRF1000/1990, Rife/Crane, Biotron)
www.royalrife.com/zappers.html (Richard Loyd: Übersicht Rife-GerĂ€te, Zapper: Violet ray, Rife beam-ray (500W, Röhre, 160kHz..12.83MHz Ă€hnlich Clark), Contact Pad Devices=Rife-Crane=Crane, Dan’s Enhancer, „Doug“, EMEM, „Ray“ (200V 1mA), Beck zapper/plant stimulator/blood cleaner, Beck magnetic pulser, Super Thumpy, Haining, Clark zapper (30-40kHz), Super Zap (steiler, mehr U, 75% Tastverh., 727, 2128), Rife-Bare=Rife „beam ray“, Wade, BioTec 2000, Photon Sound Beam, EMEM2 (1 Transistor), EMEM3, Weeks Parker, B&K-4040 (BX,BY), Icom IC-718 (2 Antennen), Bioray, F-Scan)
skyboom.com/j-k-r/TREATMENTUTILIZINGFREQUENCIES.htm (Frequenztherapie Rife, Clark, Zapper, magnet. Zapper, Bicomed, optisch gekoppelt, Soft Laser 640nm, DOS-Programm, 500 Krankheiten, Rife/Clarkfreq. 1-35000Hz max. 1mA, Magnet-/Farbadapter)
www.cicbs.com/rife (Dave’s Rife-Gen. mit ZĂŒndspule/Blitztrafo+Röhre, PAD-Device, PC-Freq.generator)
www.intrnet.net/~rsmith (Dan Tracys EMEM2, Frequenzen)
www.geocities.com/weeks_parker (Weeks Parker: 11.78/17MHz-Generator)
www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/2958/gallery.html (Bill Chebs Rife-Röhren)
www.holman.net/rife/allredneon/Rife_TUBES/rife_tubes.html (Rife-Röhren)
www.holman.net/rife/ (Poor Mans Frequency-Generator: NCH Tongenerator, Wavefiles, Winamp, Frequenzlisten)
educate-yourself.org/nchtonegen.html (Ken Adachi: NCH Tongen., Freq.listen, Soundtherapie, weißes Rauschen, Lichttherapie)
www.marchandelec.com (einfacher Tongenerator fĂŒr Soundkarte)
cat007.com/rife.htm (Jon Brooks: Rife-Gen.Software rif-Dateien, Waynes „Wunder“heilungen, Nicklaus..)
healthalternative.freeyellow.com/dtunney_detox.htm (Fred Walter: Zeiten/Frequenzen/Entgiftung/Fragen bei Rife/Bare D.Tunney) Jan.02ok
www.kalamark.com/batyah/detox.html (Zeiten/Frequenzen/Entgiftung/Fragen bei Rife/Bare D.Tunney, schlechter als oben)
www.kalamark.com/devices/ (Batyah-Projekt Rife/Bare-Generator)
www.bioelectric.ws/ger/rife-beck.html (Rife-Generator 1-30.000 Hz analog)
www.dnaco.net/~eheft/lll/index.shtml (F1C Programmierbarer Funktionsgenerator, 4 Stellen, 20 Speicher)
www.cbt2000.de (Forschungsinstitut fĂŒr Frequenztherapie, Cell Balance-Therapie 2000)
HF-TherapiegerÀte: Lakhovsky, Priore, Pappas -> Krebs, ..
educate-yourself.org/lakhovskyindex.html (Lakhovsky’s Multi-Wave Oszillator MWO, The MWO Handbook)
www.zephyrtechnology.com (Lakhovsky’s Multi-Wave Oszillator)
www.copen.com/copenmwo.htm (Lakhovsky’s Multi-Wave Oszillator)
bourbaki.de (Bourbaki: Geschichte der HF-TherapiegerÀte Lakhovsky, Priore, Dotto, Pappas PAP-IMI)
Clark’s Zapper -> Parasiten, ..
www.neue-heilverfahren.de www.lightronic.com www.ipn.at (Zapper, EMOR 2.5kHz, 10-35kHz..)
Bob Beck’s GerĂ€te: Pathogene -> Krebs, Aids, ..
www.excel.net/~jaguar/basics.html (Unterschied Beck <-> Rife)
healthalternative.freeyellow.com/d.htm (Fred Walter: Bob Becks Blutelektrifizierung/Pulser/kolloidales Silber/ozon. Wasser gegen Infektionskrankheiten/Krebs) Jan.02ok
healthalternative.freeyellow.com/bobbeck.htm (Fred Walter: Bob Becks Blutelektrifizierung/Pulser/kolloidales Silber/ozon. Wasser gegen Infektionskrankheiten/Krebs, Beck Lecture, Schaltplan) Jan.02ok
www.krc.com.au/electrification.htm (Bob Becks GerÀte gegen Infektionskrankheiten/Krebs)
www.toolsforhealing.com/products/Product_differences.htm (Unterschiede Zapper, Beck-Blutelektrifizierer, Magnetic Pulser)
Theorien, Systeme, SchaltplÀne, Experimente, Anwendungstipps
www.papimi.gr/cancer.htm (Krebstheorie Prof. Pappas) www.papimi.de
www.k-meyl.de (Skalarwellen Prof. Meyl)
www.excel.net/~jaguar/ces-info.html (Cranial Elektrotherapie CES, Brain Tuner/Synchronizer, Quellen zu Gehirnwellen..)
www.excel.net/~jaguar/freq-qa.html (Fragen/Antworten: Rife Tube/Pad, Brain-Tuner, Diskussionsgruppen..)
www.quantumbalancing.com (Rife, Beck, Frequenzgenerator, Silver-Pulser, alte Geometrien..)
www.brainscanner.org (therapiefÀhige Signale im Niederfrequenzbereich..)
www.educate-yourself.org/forbiddencures.html (Ken Adachi: „Verbotene“ Methoden: Sauerstoff, Ozon, ..)
healthalternative.freeyellow.com (Fred Walter: freqgen, Zapper, EMEM, EMEM2, Rife/Bare Reports: Brustkrebs Katze alle 3 Tage, MWO, Bob Beck, Doug, Large Coil, Magneten, KrÀuter, Naturmedizin, Clark, Lynes Rife/Krebs-Reports, John Cranes Patent 73) Jan.02ok
www.mindspring.com/~turf/alt.htm bzw. www.electroherbalism.com (Zapper-Tipps, SchaltplÀne)
healthalternative.freeyellow.com/doug_letter.txt (Fred Walter: Resonanzexperimente mit Mikroskop von Doug wg. Lyme)
www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/4995.html (Michael Prescott: Resonanzexperimente mit Tasco-Mikroskop) Okt.01ok
www.rife.de/article/index.html (Peter Walker: ausfĂŒhrlicher Rifeartikel rifearticle.pdf mit Experimenten Aubrey Scoon)
rifetechnology.com/CancerFighter.html (Donald L. Tunney: was KrebskĂ€mpfer wissen mĂŒssen: hinterfragen, lernen..)
cat007.com/detox.htm (Jon Brooks: 7 Tage Entgiftung Krebs, Arthritis..) -> 4. Gifte/Entgiftung
www.excel.net/~jaguar/get-ready.html (Leberreinigung, Blut-/Nierenreinigungstee) -> 4. Gifte/Entgiftung

Zusammenhang Licht, Töne, Frequenzen (Diskrepanz zu Ton-/Licht-Frequenzen oben)
(aus Meyl: „Skalarwellen“ S.58, Liberman: „Die heilende Kraft des Lichts“ S.65) -> siehe auch hier

Frequenz [Hz], Ton WellenlÀnge [cm] Farbe WellenlÀnge [nm] Sinn Organ Chakra
Metalle Edelsteine
    UV-C 100-290 Immunsystem      
    UV-B 290-320 Immunsystem      
    UV-A 320-380 Immunsystem      
740 Fis“ 46.4 (Purpur) Epiphyse Kronen- Zinn Amethyst, Fluorit
698 F“ 49.1 (Rotviolett)        
659 E“ 52 Violett Vorstellungs-kraft Epiphyse,
622 Dis“ 55.1 Indigo 421 Intuition Hypophyse,
große Halsarterie
Blei Indigo-Saphir, Azurit
Blau 440
587 D“ 58.4 Blau 446 Hören
Begriffliches Denken
SchilddrĂŒse, NebenschilddrĂŒse,
Rachen, Halsgeflecht
Eisen Saphir, Lapislazuli
554 Cis“ 61.9 TĂŒrkis 472        
523 C“ 65.6 GrĂŒn 500 Tasten
Thymus, Herzgeflecht Herz-
Gold Smaragd, Malachit, Jade, gr. Turmalin, Topas, Bernstein, Zitrin
494 H‘ 69.5 GelbgrĂŒn 530        
466 Ais‘ 73.6 Gelb 562 Sehen
440 A‘ Kammerton 78 Orange 595 Schmecken
oberhalb der Milz
Kupfer Karneol, Feueropal
415 Gis‘ 82.6 Orangerot 630        
392 G‘ 87.5 Rot 668 Riechen
körperliche Sinne
KeimdrĂŒsen, Steißgeflecht, Kreuzgeflecht Wurzel-
Genitalien, Kreuzbein
Silber Rubin, Koralle, Granat, roter Jaspis

Nogier-/Bahr-Frequenzen hier

Nogier-Frequenz [Hz]
weißes Licht
Nogier-Frequenz [Hz]
Bahr-Frequenz [Hz]
A 2.28 A‘ 292 5 9592
B 4.56 B‘ 584 4 4796
C 9.12 C‘ 1168 3 2398
D 18.25 D‘ 2336 2 1199
E 36.5 E‘ 4672 1 599.5
F 73 F‘ 9344 7 299.75
G 146 G‘ 146 6 149.87

„biologische Uhr: 12min VergrĂ¶ĂŸerung, 12min Ruhe bei Proteinen/Zellen..
liegt nahe bei den 15min des Lee Crock-AuragerĂ€tes..“ James & Dorothy Morre

Kreislaufschwingung ca. 1.2Hz (Herz schlÀgt ca. 60-80x pro Minute)..
„Oberschwingung 0.1Hz sympatisch, 0.25Hz parasympatisch“ Dr. Ludwig, Dr. med. L. Brillat

„niedrige („langsame“) Frequenzen, z.B. 3-4Hz: entspannt/ermĂŒdet
höhere („schnellere“) Frequenzen, z.B. 5-12Hz: vital/aktiv..“ hier

„PEMF-Therapie=Heilung durch gepulste Wellen: 2-15Hz.. Schwerpunkt 7-8HzOschmann 25.10.03

„EntzĂŒndungen.. bis 30gauss 8Hz
Entgiftung.. 90gauss 30Hz.. mind. 8-10 Anwendungen“ Hanusch S.23

„DNA-Stimulation: 3.5Hz hier
„DNA Reparatur: 528, 731, 732Hzhier

Nazarov-Stimulation.. aktiviert Muskeln durch rein mechan. Schwingungen.. Resonanz..
10-100x effektiver als normales Muskeltraining.. 10-13Hz..
Durchblutungsstörungen, Nerven, Bindegewebe, Regeneration, Alterung..“ hier

„Schwingschleifer, Lachen.. gg. Schmerz“ mail Zesar

„Knochenmasse optimal mit 15.3Hz aufgebaut.. optimale Knorpelfrequenz 1Hz..“ hier

„Photosynthese +400% durch impulsartiges Licht.. 4 Blitze/min -> 100% mehr Ertrag..
Emerson&Williams steigerten Ertrag +400% durch 50 Blitze/s..
Lichtblitz viel kĂŒrzer als Dunkelperiode.. mind. 1ms hell, mind. 30ms dunkel bei 25°C..“ hier

„ca. 200Hz verbessert Durchblutung in Arterien, Venen, HaargefĂ€ĂŸen (Kapillaren)“ Warnke/Lau/ Stemme..

„starke magnetische Wechselfelder 20-500Hz intensiv zu Therapiezwecken genutzt“ Hanusch S.8

120-500Hz P.S.I, moving of objects, changing matter, transmutationhier

„normale Leber 40Hz.. mit Zirrhose 58Hz..
durch wiederholte Behandlung mit 40Hz der zirrhotischen Leber normale Struktur aufzwingen“ Ferreira

Krebs-Therapiefrequenz 33HzDr. Ludwig: „Informative Medizin“ S.127

„Druckwelle von 2127Hz gegen viele Krebsarten.. Sender mit voller Amplitude in TumornĂ€he 1min..
3 Tage Nebenwirkungen der Entgiftung abwarten.. 2-3 Monate Abbauzeit.. Dreiecksignal“ Gary Wade

„Vitamin C-Mangel, Skorbut 5000Hz“ aus Rife-Frequenzlisten

„Weizen reagierte am besten auf 5000Hz.. Resonanzeffekt“ Tompkins/Bird S.110

Stoffwechsel=Pumpen Ionen durch Zellwand 20000Hz..“ hier

„Rife’s Frequenzen lagen im Bereich 160.000-12.830.000Hz..
viele im selben Bereich wie die von Dr. Hulda Clark gefundenen“ hier

11.780.000Hz gg. BX-Krebsvirus und 11.430.000 fĂŒr BYhier

„Energiespeicher ATP.. ATP-ADP-Umbau.. 5.6*10E13Hz fĂŒhrt Zelle Energie zu Warnke

„Pyramiden empfangen Strahlung von der Sonne..
Frequenzen weit außerhalb des sichtbaren Spektrums“ S.88f,93
„Muster aus Shri Yantras=Dreiecke mit Winkelmaßen der großen Pyramide von Gizeh=starke EmpfĂ€nger
fĂŒr biokosmische Energie.. paramagnetische VerstĂ€rker im unteren IR-Bereich..“ Flanagan S.115

Gehirnschwingung hier

Frequenz [Hz] Effekt
0.5-3 „Delta-Wellen“ Tiefschlaf
4-7 „Theta-Wellen“ Traumzustand
8-13 „Alpha-Wellen“ Entspannung
14-30 „Beta-Wellen“ Wachzustand

Theta-/Deltawellen=tiefe Meditation/Schlafstadien, KreativitÀt, TrÀume.. FrequenzfolgereaktionFlanagan S.55f

Gehirnfrequenzen „Zaubergesang – Frequenzen zur Wetter- und Gedankenkontrolle“ ISBN 3-9808206-6-1

Frequenz [Hz] Effekt
3.5 „Theta-Bereich“ beschleunigte Speicherung der Sprache
5.5 „Theta-Bereich“ Visionen ĂŒber beschleunigte Wachstumsprozesse
7.0 „Theta-Bereich“ beschleunigtes Lernen, verbesserte GedĂ€chtnisleistung
7.5 „Theta-Bereich“ gefĂŒhrte Meditationen, KreativitĂ€t in Kunst, Erfindungen, Musik.. Kontakt zu geistigen Bewußtseinsformen
7.83 „elementare
Schumann Resonanz“
8.0 „Alpha-Bereich“ Regression in frĂŒhere Lebensphasen
8.3 „Alpha-Bereich“ Visualisierung mentaler Objekte
9.0 „Alpha-Bereich“ Gewahrsein ĂŒber die Ursachen körperlicher Unausgeglichenheiten
10.5 „Alpha-Bereich“ Heilung des Körpers
14-30 „Beta-Bereich“ normaler Wachzustand
33 „Gamma-Bereich“ VibrationsgefĂŒhl, physische AufgewĂŒhltheit
35 „Gamma-Bereich“ Balance der Chakren
41 „Gamma-Bereich“ GefĂŒhl physischer Anstrengung
62 „Gamma-Bereich“ GefĂŒhl physischer Kraft
90 „Omega-Bereich“ WohlgefĂŒhl, Sicherheit, Ausgeglichenheit
105 „Omega-Bereich“ Überblick ĂŒber komplexe Situationen
196 „Omega-Bereich“ GefĂŒhl großer Beruhigung
247 „Omega-Bereich“ GefĂŒhl des Friedens
348 „Omega-Bereich“ GefĂŒhl der Liebe
494 „Omega-Bereich“ geistiges Erwachen (manchmal auch Angst)
523 „Omega-Bereich“ Angst, Panik
698 „Omega-Bereich“ starkes LiebesgefĂŒhl
794 „Omega-Bereich“ starker Wille
880 „Omega-Bereich“ unbegrenzte Vorstellungskraft
988 „Omega-Bereich“ Vergeistigung
1925 „Omega-Bereich“ GefĂŒhl der Erleuchtung bei unvorbereiteten Menschen auch Euphorie oder sogar Angst

Wasserfrequenzen Ulmer S.26

Frequenz [Hz] Effekt
1.2, 2.5, 7.8, 10Hz nĂŒtzlich
1.8 und 5Hz ungĂŒnstig

Schnurrfrequenzen bei Katzen (Dr. Jon’s letter 6.9.02, www.animalvoice.com)

Frequenz [Hz] Effekt
20-50 (Vibration oder Ströme) stimuliert Knochenwachstum, KnochenbrĂŒche heilen schneller
geschwÀchte Knochen werden stÀrker, regenerieren
gesteigerte Produktion entzĂŒndungshemmender Stoffe
weniger Gelenkschmerz/Schwellung
25, 50 (Haupt-Schnurrfrequenzen) effektivste Frequenzen fĂŒr Knochenwachstum, -reparatur
(bei Katzen keine Knochen-/Gelenksprobleme/Arthritis bekannt, Schnurren als Selbstheilung)
bis 140 Feintuning der Katzen

„Wer heilt, hat recht“

Experimental Frequencies (Stand 24.5.2000 auszugsweise aus www.royalrife.com/freq.html)
NOTE: These experimental frequencies can be used for research with an EMEM, EMEM2, EMEM3, „Doug“ device, Rife/Bare unit, pad type unit, or variable frequency zapper (pulsed DC). This list includes frequencies from many sources and includes Dr. Jim Bare’s Updated Frequency List, and Dan Tracy’s list. It also includes all the frequencies from Rife’s lab notes. These have been divided by 2 until they are usable on the above equipment. I have had the opportunity to experiment with many of these, usually with good results. They are intended for research purposes only. Start with 3 minutes per frequency and work up to 5 minutes per frequency if desired. For key frequencies such as 2008 and 2128, slowly work up to 30 minutes or even more. Please do not fall asleep with equipment running! Use common sense and see a physician for conditions that normally require the services of one. For a much longer list, see http://www.mindspring.com/~turf/alt/elec/cfl.txt for Turf’s Consolidated Frequency List. Happy researching!

Krankheit Frequenz [Hz]
Acne 727, 787, 880, 5000
AIDS 727, 787, 880, 2489, 5000, 31000, 31750, 34750
Alcoholism 10000
Allergies 3, 20, 125, 727, 787, 880, 5000, 10000 
Alopecia (Hair Loss) 727, 787, 880, 5000, 10000 
Anthrax 727, 787, 880, 400000 (3125), 900000 (7031) 
Arteriosclerosis 20, 727, 787, 880, 5000, 10000
Arthritis – General 727, 784, 787, 800, 880, 1550, 1552, 2720, 4200, 5000, 10000
Arthritis, Rheumatoid 250, 262, 600, 625, 650, 727, 776, 787
Asthma (Correct Parasympathetic Imbalance) 727, 787, 880, 1234, 3672, 7344, 5000, 10000 
Cancer, Alternate Frequencies to Try 543, 641, 784, 1560, 2050, 2180, 2182, 2452
Cancer, Basal Cell Carcinoma 760, 2116, 2280, 2876 (Consider 30 minutes on 2116)
Cancer, Breast 20, 465, 660, 665, 690, 727, 740, 787, 800, 880, 1840, 1998, sweep 2000-2300, 2008, 2128, 2876, 5000, 10000 (Work up to 45+ minutes on 2128. Reduce run times if fluid retention develops.
Cancer, Carcinoma 20, 120, 333, 452, 464, 660, 666, 690, 683, 728, 740, 784, 787, 794, 800, 880, 1560, 1577, 1840, 1998, sweep 200-2300, 2008, 2050, 2084, 2128, 2182, 2720, 2876, 3176, 5000, 6064, 10000, 304 (Work up to 45+ minutes on 2128. Reduce run times if fluid retention develops.) 
Cancer, Glioblastoma 465, 543, 641, 727, 784, 787, 880, 1560, 2008, 2128, 2876 (Pulse at 4 Hz)
Cancer, Leukemia 2128, 2008, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666, 590, 10000, 2008, 6.8, 1850, 450, 440, 428, 14, 15, 2030, 15, 2030, 15, 2030, 465 (use Halox too.)
Cancer, Melanoma – see sarcoma
Cancer, Prostate  use carcinoma frequencies plus 2128, 2125, 2131, 2140, 2145, 666, 3672 pulsed at 6 Hz, work up to 6 minutes each.
Cancer, Sarcoma 20, 465, 660, 665, 690, 727, 740, 787, 800, 880, 979, 1840, 1998, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2128, 3672, 5000, 7760, 10000
Candida Albicans 254, 414, 450, 465 
Carcinoma Virus 2120, 2128, 2130, 11780000 (1438, 2876, 5752)
Cataract (see Eye Cataract) 727, 784, 787, 880, 5000, 10000
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 120, 424, 465, 660, 665, 727, 787, 880, 1550, 2128 (Also consider parasites, worms)
Circulation, Poor Sweep 2000-2200, especially 2112, 5000
Cold Feet, Hands 20, 727, 787, 880, sweep 2000-2200, 5000
Cold in Head or Chest, etc. 400, 660, 727, 770, 776, 780, 787, 800, 880
Deafness 20, 800, 10000
Depression 664, 764
Diabetes 20, 48, 72, 95, 125, 302, 444, 450, 465, 666, 690, 727, 787, 800, 880, 1550, 1850, 1865, 2008, 2128, 4200, 5000, 10000
Ears, Balance 20, 727, 787, 880, 10000
Ears, Dizziness 20, 727, 787, 880 
Ears, Hard to Hear 20, 727, 787, 880 
Ears, Ringing 20, 727, 787, 880, 5000
Enlarged Glands 727, 787, 880, 5000, 10000
Epilepsy (Fits) 20, 120, 727, 787, 880 
Epstein-Barr 660+727+787 (Same Time), 660, 665, 690, 727, 787
Eye, Arteriosclerosis 20, 727, 787, 880, 10000
Eye, Bifocal 20, 727, 787, 880 
Eye, Blurred 20, 727, 787, 880, 1600, 5000
Eye, Cataract (Non-Diabetic) 727, 784, 787, 880, 1600, 5000, 10000 
Eye, Color Blind 10000
Eye, Conjunctivitis 728, 787, 880 
Eye, Crossed 727, 787, 880, 5000, 10000 
Eye, Degeneration 727, 787, 880, 1600, 5000, 10000 
Eye, Diplopia 727, 787, 880, 5000, 10000 
Eye, Droop of Lid 727, 787, 880, 5000, 10000 
Eye, Far Sighted 727, 787, 880, 5000, 10000 
Eye, Glaucoma 727, 787, 880, 1600, 5000, 10000 
Eye, Improve Vision 350, 360, 1600
Eye, Infected 727, 787, 880, 1600, 5000, 10000 
Eye, Lacrimal 727, 787, 880, 5000, 10000 
Eye, Near & farsighted 727, 787, 880, 1600, 5000, 10000 
Eye, Nerve pain 727, 787, 5000, 10000 
Eye, Strained 727, 787, 880 
Eyes 20, 727, 880, 1552, 1600 
Falling Hair 400, 800, 5000, 10000 
Hay Fever 727, 787, 880, 5000 
Hallucinations 20, 727, 787, 880, 5000
Hepatitis A 321, 346, 414, 423, 487, 558, 578, 693, 717, 786, 878, 3220
Hepatitis B 334, 433, 477, 574, 752, 767, 779, 869, 876,
Hepatitis C (Also run Parasite frequencies) 166, 224, 317, 329, 477, 528, 633, 929-933, 1371, 2189
High Blood Pressure 20, 304, 727, 880, 10000 
Impotence 10000
Malaria 20, 728, 787, 880 
Multiple Sclerosis (Consider Lyme Disease) 20, 166, 218, 224, 317, 470, 727, 787, 807, 880. Alternate days, 5000 (Can slowly work up to 60 minutes on 5000.) Also do parasite frequencies.
Mumps (see Coxsackie) 152, 242, 642, 674, 727, 787, 880, 922
Muscle, Heart 5000, 10000 
Muscle Repair 120, 240, 5000 
Muscle Stiffness 300, 328, 727, 880
Obesity 10000
Pain, Paralysis 15, 94, 304, 727, 787, 880, 1577, 3000, 3040 5000, 10000
Parasites, General 20, 47, 60, 64, 72, 96, 112, 120, 125, 128, 152, 240, 334, 422, 442, 465, 524, 642, 644, 651, 669, 666, 676, 688, 690, 712, 728, 732, 740, 751, 770, 780, 784, 787, 800, 802, 854, 880 1550, 1552, 1840, 1862, 1864, 1998, 2008, 2112, 2128, 3176, 4412, 10000
Parasites, Short List 20, 64, 72, 96, 112, 120, 125, 128, 152, 651, 732
Parkinson’s 6000
Prostate Gland 9.4, 20, 404, 664, 727, 1000, 2000, 2008, 2128, 2720, 5000 
Prostatitis, BPH (Must use 10+ min each) 666, 690, 920, 2128, 2050, 2250
Rheumatoid arthritis 727, 787, 880, 10000 
Tetanus 20, 120, 400, 727, 787, 880, 700,000 (5469) 
Thrombosis, Blood Clot 20, 800
Tinnitus 20, 727, 784, 787, 880
Tuberculosis 20, 800, 1550, 583000 (2277 or 9109)
Tuberculosis rod 216, 666, 690, 740, 799, 802, 803, 804, 1840 
Tuberculosis virus 1500-1600, 1500, 1552, 1600 
Warts 787
Warts, Plantar 915, 918 (Long Runs)


Silver as an Antimicrobial Agent


The antimicrobial properties of silver have been known to cultures all around the world for many centuries. The Phonecians stored water and other liquids in silver coated bottles to discourage contamination by microbes (Wikipedia: Silver). Silver dollars used to be put into milk bottles to keep milk fresh, and water tanks of ships and airplanes that are „silvered“ are able to render water potable for months (Saltlakemetals.com). In 1884 it became a common practice to administer drops of aqueous silver nitrate to newborn’s eyes to prevent the transmission of Neisseria gonorrhoeae from infected mothers to children during childbirth (Silvestry-Rodriguez et al., 2007).

In 1893, the antibacterial effectiveness of various metals were noted and this property was named the oligodynamic effect. It was later found that out of all the metals with antimicrobial properties, silver has the most effective antibacterial action and the least toxicity to animal cells (Guggenbichler et al., 1999). Silver became commonly used in medical treatments, such as those of wounded soldiers in World War I, to deter microbial growth (Saltlakemetals.com).

Once antibiotics were discovered, the use of silver as a bactericidal agent decreased. However, with the discovery of antibiotics came the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains such as CA-MRSA and HA-MRSA, the flesh-eating bacteria. Due to increasing antibiotic resistance, there has recently been a renewed interest in using silver as an antibacterial agent. The availability of new laboratory technologies such as radioactive isotopes and electron microscopy has greatly enabled us to investigate the antibacterial mechanism of silver in recent years (Fox and Modak, 1974; Feng et al., 2000).

Mechanism of action

Figure 2. Protein expression is downregulated when bacteria are exposed to Ag+. Shown are 2-D polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis protein patterns obtained from suspensions of E. coli after reactions with 0 ppb and 900 ppb Ag+ solutions for 3 h. Some spots indicate decreased amounts of protein expression after reaction with a 900 ppb solution, compared to results after reaction with a 0 ppb solution. Four spots with a decrease to less than one-third of the original amount are marked with open circles. The circled spots were cut out from the gel and analyzed with MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. The probable identity of the proteins represented by the circled spots were determined by the NCBI and Swiss-Prot databases. Fructose-bisphosphate adolase was identified as another possible downregulated protein through this same process (not shown on this gel). The identity of the protein marked „Hypothetical protein“ could not be determined through protein databases (Yamanaka et al., 2005).

Figure 3. Treatment of cells with Ag+ results in DNA condensation, cell wall damage, and silver granule formation. (A) E. coli and (B) S. aureus cells with and without Ag+ treatment were observed with transmission electron microscopy (Feng et al., 2000).

Figure 4. Treatment with silver leads to dehydration of microbial cells. A) Staphylococcus aureus without silver treatment as found on a catheter. B) Staphylococcus aureus on a silver-containing material with microdispersed silver particles throughout the matrix. Both images were captured using scanning electron microscopy. Notice the shrunken appearance of the cells (Guggenbichler et al., 1999).

Figure 5. Structure of silver sulfadiazine.

Figure 6. Percent completion of reactions of various silver compounds with human serum. Human serum was incubated with 10 ”mol of each silver salt. At the intervals designated, portions were removed and centrifuged, and the clear supernatants were analyzed to determine the amount of unreacted silver compound. The amount of compound used was taken on 100% (Fox and Modak, 1974).

Protein inactivation

Although the antimicrobial properties of silver have been known for centuries, we have only recently begun to understand the mechanisms by which silver inhibits bacterial growth. It is thought that silver atoms bind to thiol groups (-SH) in enzymes and subsequently cause the deactivation of enzymes. Silver forms stable S-Ag bonds with thiol-containing compounds in the cell membrane that are involved in transmembrane energy generation and ion transport (Klueh et al., 2000). It is also believed that silver can take part in catalytic oxidation reactions that result in the formation of disulfide bonds (R-S-S-R). Silver does this by catalyzing the reaction between oxygen molecules in the cell and hydrogen atoms of thiol groups: water is released as a product and two thiol groups become covalently bonded to one another through a disulfide bond (Davies and Etris, 1997). The silver-catalyzed formation of disulfide bonds could possibly change the shape of cellular enzymes and subsequently affect their function.

The silver-catalyzed formation of disulfide bonds can lead to changes in protein structure and the inactivation of key enzymes, such as those needed for cellular respiration (Davies and Etris, 1997). 30S ribosomal subunit protein, succinyl coenzyme A synthetase, maltose transporter (MalK), and fructose bisphosphate adolase were identified with high probability as proteins with decreased expression once cells are treated with a 900 ppb Ag+ solution (Yamanaka et al., 2005; Figure 2). It is hypothesized that silver ions bind to the 30S ribosomal subunit, deactivating the ribosome complex and preventing translation of proteins (Yamanaka et al., 2005). The proteins that were found to be downregulated upon treatment with Ag+ serve important functions to the cell: succinyl-coenzyme A synthetase, an enzyme involved in the TCA cycle, catalyzes the conversion of succinyl-CoA to succinate while phosphorylating ADP to produce ATP (Slonczewski and Foster, 2009); fructose bisphosphate adolase is an enzyme involved in glycolysis that catalyzes the breakdown of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate into glyceraldehydes 3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate (Slonczewski and Foster, 2009); MalK is a cytoplasmic membrane-associated protein involved in the transport of maltose (Bavoil et al., 1980). In one way or another, all of these proteins play a role in energy and ATP production for the cell, so the decreased expression of any one of these proteins could lead to cell death (Yamanaka et al., 2005).

DNA association

Another one of the suggested mechanisms of the antimicrobial activity of silver was proposed by Klueh et al., (2000). It was proposed that Ag+ enters the cell and intercalates between the purine and pyrimidine base pairs disrupting the hydrogen bonding between the two anti-parallel strands and denaturing the DNA molecule (Klueh et al., 2000). Although this has yet to be proved, it has been shown that silver ions do associate with DNA once they enter the cell (Fox and Modak, 1974).

Entering the cell

Most of the proposed mechanisms involve silver entering the cell in order to cause damage. How would a metal like silver, or its ionized form Ag+, get across the hydrophobic cellular membrane to access the cytoplasm? From the perspective of a transmembrane protein, the silver ion simply appears to be a particle of certain size with a +1 charge. It is possible that silver ions get access to the interior of cells through transmembrane proteins that normally function to transport ions other than silver ions. Transmembrane proteins such as CopB-ATPase from Enterococcus hirae have been shown to be able to transport silver ions although its putative function is a copper transporter (Solioz and Odermatt, 1995). This proves that there are ways for silver to be transported across the cell membrane even though specific silver transporters may not exist.

Ionized silver

In order for silver to have any antimicrobial properties, it must be in its ionized form (Lok et al., 2007; Rai et al., 2009). Silver in its non-ionized form is inert (Guggenbichler et al., 1999), but contact with moisture leads to the release of silver ions (Radheshkumar and Munstedt, 2005). Thus, all forms of silver or silver containing compounds with observed antimicrobial properties are in one way or another sources of silver ions (Ag+); these silver ions may be incorporated into the substance and released slowly with time as with silver sulfadiazine, or the silver ions can come from ionizing the surface of a solid piece of silver as with silver nanoparticles.

Observed effects of silver exposure

Feng et al. (2000) conducted a study to observe the effects of silver ions on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, namely Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. They treated cells with AgNO3, which is a source of Ag+ in aqueous environments, and looked at the structural and morphological effects of these silver ions on the cells. The cells were exposed to AgNO3 for 4-12 hours before being prepared for microscopy. The cell were then fixed and sliced with an ultramicrotome to produce ultrathin sections for transmission electron microscopy (TEM). They observed that cells exposed to the Ag+ ions seemed to have activated a stress response that led to the condensation of DNA in the center of the cell. They also observed cell membrane detachment from the cell wall, cell wall damage, and electron dense granules outside and, in some instances, inside the cell (Figure 3). It was proposed that condensation of DNA occurred as a protective measure in order to protect the genetic information of the cell (Feng et al., 2000), however condensation of DNA could also prevent cell replication by preventing the DNA from being accessed by transcriptional enzymes such as DNA polymerase. The electron dense granules that formed inside and outside the cell were extracted and subjected to X-ray microanalysis to determine their composition. It was discovered that the granules were in part composed of silver and sulfur. This finding supports the idea that silver inactivates proteins by binding to sulfur-containing compounds (Klueh et al., 2000). It was also observed that when treated with Ag+, E. coli, a gram-negative bacterium, sustained more structural damages than the gram-positive S. aureus (Feng et al., 2000).

It has also been shown that treating cells with silver leads to cell shrinkage and dehydration (Figure 4) (Guggenbichler et al., 1999). The TEM images from Feng et al. (2000) (Figure 4) show that cells that sustained extensive damage eventually ended up with cell wall and cell membrane damage. Damage to the cell membrane could lead to the leaking of cytoplasm from the cell, which would result in dehydrated and shrunken cells as shown by the SEM images from Guggenbichler et al. (1999).

Attack on Gram-positive vs. Gram-negative

There are two explanations as to why gram-positive bacteria are less susceptible to Ag+ than gram-negative bacteria. The first involves the charge of peptidoglycan molecules in the bacterial cell wall. Gram-positive bacteria have more peptidoglycan than gram-negative bacteria because of their thicker cell walls, and because peptidoglycan is negatively charged and silver ions are positively charged, more silver may get trapped by peptidoglycan in gram-positive bacteria than in gram-negative bacteria (Kawahara et al., 2000). The decreased susceptibility of gram-positive bacteria can also simply be explained by the fact that the cell wall of gram-positive bacteria is thicker than that of gram-negative bacteria.

Silver sulfadiazine

Fox and Modak (1974) explored the mechanism of prevention of burn wound infections by silver sulfadiazine. At the time of publication, it had been known for quite a while that silver sulfadiazine (Figure 5) delivered in the form of a topical cream was effective at preventing infections in burn wounds, however it was not known if the antimicrobial activity was due entirely to the silver ions or if the sulfadiazine anion also contributed to the bactericidal effect. Tests from the study showed that sulfadiazine from silver sulfadiazine does not get transported into cells as much as silver. Silver isotopes (110Ag+) were also used to show that silver ions that enter cells complex with DNA. Additionally, the rate at which certain silver containing compounds release silver ions into solution was measured by adding silver compounds to human serum and measuring the amount of unreacted silver compound with increasing time (Figure 6). Notice in Figure 6 how silver sulfadiazine (Ag sulfadiazine) gradually releases the majority of its silver ions into solution over an extended period of time whereas silver nitrate immediately released all of its silver ions into solution (Fox and Modak, 1974). Therefore, silver sulfadiazine’s effectiveness as an antimicrobial agent for preventing burn wound infections is due to its tendency to dissociate in solution: silver sulfadiazine provides a steady supply of silver ions over a long period of time where as other silver salts such as silver nitrate release a large amount of silver ions all at once. If silver is employed as the primary antimicrobial agent in burn wound creams, the burn wound needs a steady supply of silver ions over a long period of time to kill off any microbes that could possibly infect the wound until it heals. Compounds that release silver ions all at once would need to be applied very frequently in order to kill off invading bacteria and prevent infection, and sometimes highly frequent application isn’t always practical or possible for individuals, so compounds that constantly release a bactericidal amount of silver ions, such as silver sulfadiazine, are the most effective at preventing burn wound infections.

It has also been shown that when silver treatment is combined with other antimicrobial methods such as UV light, copper ions, or oxidizers, a synergistic effect is observed, that is bacterial growth is inhibited more by treatment with silver and an additional antimicrobial method than would be expected if the inhibition effects of silver and that additional antimicrobial method were summed (Silvestry-Rodriguez et al., 2007). Because silver can inflict a fair amount of damage to the cell only once it gains access to the cytoplasm, it is believed that if some other antimicrobial method can give silver ions access to the cytoplasm sooner than if silver ions were working alone, a synergistic effect of the two methods would be observed (Silvestry-Rodriguez et al., 2007).

Different forms effective at microbial inhibition

Silver salts

Silver can be administered to cells in a various number of ways. Silver salts such as silver nitrate (AgNO3) are effective at providing a large quantity of silver ions all at once. Because silver binds to thiol groups, it has been proposed that although one of the antimicrobial mechanisms of Ag+ is binding to sulfur-containing compounds, thiol-containing compounds such as proteins with cysteine residues can also serve to absorb the silver ions and neutralize their antibacterial activity by preventing the silver ions from attacking DNA (Liau et al., 1997). For this reason, prolonged antimicrobial activity from silver is best achieved by continuously releasing a moderate amount of silver ions.

Figure 7. Structure of zeolite. The porous structure is well suited to accommodate ions such as Ag+. (Wikipedia: zeolite)

Silver zeolite

Silver zeolite is also a commonly used form of antibacterial silver. Zeolite (Figure 7) is a porous matrix of sodium aluminosilicate that can bind a large amount of silver ions in its micropores (Monteiro et al., 2009). Silver ions are released from the zeolite matrix by exchange with other cations in solution and the amount released is proportional to the concentration of other cations in the solution (Breck, 1974 as cited in Kawahara et al., 2000). Kawahara et al., (2000) ran experiments to test the antimicrobial properties of silver zeolite in anaerobic conditions. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) assays were performed using silver zeolite, and it was found that depending on the species tested, the minimum inhibitory concentrations of silver zeolite ranged from 256 to 2048 ”g/ml, which corresponded to a range of 4.8 to 38.4 ”g/ml of Ag+. Because zeolite is already used in some toothpastes as a polishing material and the lack of silver toxicity to humans at concentrations such as those found in the MIC assays, the authors believed that silver zeolite would be a good compound to incorporate into dental materials, even those used in anaerobic conditions such as in periodontal pockets (Kawahara et al., 2000).

Silver nanoparticles

Figure 9. Different sizes of silver nanoparticles. 7-nm (a), 29-nm (b), and 89-nm (c) diameter nanoparticles were able to be synthesized using silver nitrate and gallic acid and by varying pH or UV light exposure. Images were captured using transmission electron microscopy (Martinez-Castanon et al., 2008).

Silver nanoparticles have been heavily studied as antimicrobial materials. Their simple synthesis (Figure 8) and highly effective observed antibacterial activity make them a very attractive form of silver administration.

Nanoparticle size

Martinez-Castanon et al. (2008) studied the effect of nanoparticle size on antibacterial effectiveness. To begin, nanoparticles with 7-nm, 29-nm, and 89-nm diameters were synthesized. The syntheses of the three different sized nanoparticles all used silver nitrate as a supply of silver ions and gallic acid as a reducing and stabilizing agent. The different sizes were produced by simply either altering the pH or irradiating the solutions with UV light. Transmission electron microscopy was used in the characterization of the nanoparticles to determine their average sizes (Figure 9).

Once the sizes of the nanoparticles were confirmed, MIC assays were performed on E. coli and S. aureus using the synthesized nanoparticles. The results of the MIC assays showed that smaller nanoparticles have more of an inhibitory effect than larger nanoparticles and that S. aureus is more resistant to silver nanoparticles than E. coli. The result that S. aureus is more resistant than E. coli to silver agrees with findings obtained by Kawahara et al. (2000).

Figure 8. Schematic illustration of the production of silver nanoparticles by reducing silver nitrate with citrate (Monteiro et al., 2009).

Gallic acid was used as a control in the MIC assays (Figure 10); the silver nanoparticles were added to cell cultures in the MIC assays in the same solution in which they were produced, so it needed to be tested whether or not the gallic acid produced as a byproduct of the nanoparticle synthesis would have an effect on cell growth. For the MIC assay using E. coli, the difference between the minimum inhibitory concentration of the 29-nm nanoparticles and that of the 89-nm nanoparticles was statistically insignificant (Figure 10).

The increased antimicrobial activity of the smaller nanoparticles could be due to the fact that smaller particles have an easier time getting through the cell membrane and cell wall and that relative to larger nanoparticles, smaller particles have a greater surface area to volume ratio (Martinez-Castanon et al., 2008). The greater surface area to volume ratio of smaller nanoparticles means that per unit mass of silver, the smaller nanoparticles have more silver atoms in contact with the solution than do larger nanoparticles. For smaller nanoparticles, this means that more of the silver atoms contained in the nanoparticle are able to take part in cell destruction processes. If only the outer layer of silver atoms of a silver nanoparticle are able to be ionized to silver ions, then a few large nanoparticles should produce less silver ions than a lot of small nanoparticles. Because silver ions are what impart antibacterial properties to a given silver-containing material, it makes sense that smaller silver nanoparticles have more antimicrobial effectiveness than larger silver nanoparticles.

Nanoparticle shape

Figure 10. Minimum inhibitory concentrations of Ag nanoparticles. Smaller nanoparticles have greater antibacterial activity. The concentration difference between 29-nm and 89-nm nanoparticles for E. coli was not significant (Martinez-Castanon et al., 2008).

In addition to size, nanoparticle shape also plays a role in antibacterial activity. Pal et al. (2007) synthesized spherical, rod-shaped, and triangular silver nanoparticles and tested each of them for antimicrobial activity using E. coli. E. coli was streaked onto agar plates, and 1 ”g, 12.5 ”g, 50 ”g, or 100 ”g of each of the three types of synthesized silver nanoparticles as well as AgNO3 were added to the streaked plates. The number of colonies that formed for each of the conditions was counted and graphs relating the number of formed colonies and silver concentration for each of the four types of silver tested were constructed (Figure 11). It was determined that the order of most antibacterial to least antibacterial of the four silver-containing compounds was triangular, spherical, rod-shaped, and AgNO3. This order of antibacterial activity is explained by the different types of facets on the nanoparticles. The triangular nanoparticles had more active facets (electron dense facets) than did the spherical nanoparticles. The spherical nanoparticles, which weren’t perfectly spherical, had more active facets than the rod-shaped nanoparticles (Pal et al., 2007). Thus, shape does have an effect on antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles and nanoparticles with more active facets have more antibacterial activity.

Figure 11. Antibacterial ability of silver nanoparticles is related to nanoparticle shape. A) Agar plates were streaked with 107 colony forming units/ml of E. coli and incubated with silver in different forms (either Ag+ (AgNO3), silver rod nanoparticles, spherical nanoparticles, or triangular nanoparticles). Each type of silver was administered in four quantities, 1 ”g (a), 12.5 ”g (b), 50 ”g (c), and 100 ”g (d). B) log(1 + # of colonies formed) was plotted against concentration of silver (”g) for each of the types of silver administered. R2 values indicate the fit of the plot to a first-order exponential decay curve (Pal et al., 2007).

Figure 12. Colloidal silver, commonly sold as a health supplement, can cause argyria, an irreversible condition where the skin discolors to a bluish-gray tone (www.drugstore.com).


The only known side effect of high exposure to or ingestion of silver is argyria, a permanent condition where silver collects in the skin and other body tissues (Wikipedia: Argyria). Long-term ingestion of gram quantities silver, most times in the form of colloidal silver (Figure 12), is thought to be the cause of argyria (Silvestry-Rodriguez et al., 2007). Based on human case reports and animal experiments, 10 g of silver is thought to be the lifetime NOAEL (No Observable Adverse Effect Level) (World Health Organization 1996). Although argyria causes a blue-gray discoloration of the skin, it is not thought to be a health risk otherwise (ATSDR: Silver). Depending on the degree of seriousness, argyria could be socially debilitating for some individuals (Wikipedia: Argyria).

The EPA has established a secondary maximum contaminant level for silver of 0.1 mg/L (EPA: Secondary standards). These secondary maximum contaminant levels are unenforced and are merely provided as suggestions for the management of public water systems (EPA: Secondary standards). The reason for the non-enforcement of these secondary standards is that the contaminants for which these standards have been set all have been found to only cause aesthetic effects, which change the smell or taste of drinking water, cosmetic effects, which, as in the case of silver, are unwanted but not harmful to health, and technical effects, which may cause damage to water equipment (EPA: Secondary standards).

Current uses

Wound dressings

Novel wound dressings have been developed that use silver to help prevent wound infections. Silver nanoparticles are incorporated into the wound dressing, and the silver-enhanced wound dressings were found in vitro to consistently kill Pseudomonas aeruginosa cultures entirely and kill Staphylococcus aureus cultures with >99.99% efficiency (Ong et al., 2008). In mice, the silver-enhanced wound dressings were also found to reduce mortality from Pseudomonas aeruginosa wound infections from 90% to 14.3% (Ong et al., 2008).

Endotracheal tubes

Among hospital patients that require ventilator-assisted breating, ventilator-associated pneumonia is the most common illness (Olson et al., 2002). Endotracheal tubes are used by patients needing ventilator-assisted breathing. Silver coatings on the inside of endotracheal tubes have been shown to delay the appearance of bacteria on the insides of these tubes, and subjects that used the silver-coated tubes also showed decreased lung colonization by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Olson et al., 2002). Kollef et al. (2008) showed that silver-coated endotracheal tubes actually do reduce the incidence or increase the onset time of ventilator-associated pneumonia in patients using a ventilator.

Surgical masks

Figure 13. Scanning electron micrograph showing silver nanoparticles on cotton fibers and table showing antimicrobial efficacy of silver-implemented cotton after repeated laundering cycles. 54 ppm silver nanoparticle solutions were applied to cotton fibers and a binder was then applied to the cotton to help retain silver nanoparticles on the material (El-Rafie et al., 2010).

Studies have examined the antibacterial properties of surgical masks coated with silver nanoparticles (Li et al., 2006). Nanoparticle coated masks were capable of a 100% reduction in viable E. coli and S. aureus cells after incubation. Additionally, the study reported no signs of skin irritation in any of the persons wearing the masks (Li et al., 2006).

Cotton fibers

Silver nanoparticles have been used to impart antimicrobial activity to cotton fibers. Cotton samples were immersed in silver nanoparticle solutions and then subjected to a curing process to allow the nanoparticles to adhere to the cotton (El-Rafie et al., 2010). A chemical binder was then applied to the fabric to help maintain nanoparticle-cotton binding. Cotton samples prepared in this manner were able to reduce S. aureus and E. coli cell counts by 97% and 91% respectively. Even after subjecting the fabric to 20 laundry cycles, the cotton samples were still able to reduce S. aureus and E. coli cell counts by 94% and 85% respectively (Figure 13). Cotton prepared in this manner could be used by individuals working in the medical field or those who often work with microbes to prevent the spread of infectious bacteria (El-Rafie et al., 2010).

Drinking water

Although chlorine has long been used as the primary drinking water disinfectant, it has been shown that the chlorination of water can lead to the formation of many hazardous compounds (Moudgal et al., 2000). Based on its low known toxicity to humans, silver has been suggested as a possible disinfectant of drinking water (Silvestry-Rodriguez et al., 2007). Water recycling systems on the Mir space station and NASA shuttles have used silver as an effective water disinfectant, and in the United States, faucet-mounted and pitcher home water purification units contain carbon filters that are supplemented with silver (Silvestry-Rodriguez et al., 2007).


AGC Flat Glass Europe has developed a glass with antimicrobial properties (AGC: Antibacterial glass). Silver ions incorporated into the glass are responsible for the antimicrobial activity. The company reports that 99.9% of bacteria that come in contact with the surface of the glass are killed. The glass was produced to help prevent the spread of pathogens in a hospital setting. It could also be used to maintain the integrity of sterile workspaces.

Food packaging

Various types of food packaging have been supplemented with silver-containing compounds to deter microbial growth and extend product shelf life. Some of these packaging types include bulk food storage containers, paperboard cartons, plastic or paper food wraps, and milk containers (Appendini and Hotchkiss, 2002). Silver zeolite is the silver-containing compound used in food packaging (Appendini and Hotchkiss, 2002). Although few silver-containing compounds are approved by the FDA for direct food contact, silver-incorporated food packaging is quite widespread in Japan (Appendini and Hotchkiss, 2002).


Recent studies have revealed that the antimicrobial properties of silver are due to its ionized form, Ag+, and its ability to cause damage to cells by interacting with thiol-containing proteins and DNA. These effects have been visualized (Feng et al., 2000) as well as quantified through many experiments. Silver nanoparticles are a form of silver of particular interest because of their easy production, high antimicrobial activity, and ability to be incorporated into a diverse range of products. With the ever increasing number of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria and silver’s low toxicity to humans, the use of silver as an antimicrobial agent is an exciting topic with a great deal of relevance to many fields of study and industry.


„AGC Flat Glass Europe launches world’s first antibacterial glass.“ AGC Glass Europe, 9 April 2007. http://www.agc-flatglass.eu/AGC+Flat+Glass+Europe/English/Homepage/News/Press+room/Press-Detail-Page/page.aspx/979?pressitemid=1031.

Appendini, P. and Hotchkiss, J.H. „Review of antimicrobial food packaging.“ Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2002. Volume 3, issue 2. p. 113-126.

„Argyria.“ Wikipedia, 19 March 2010. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argyria.

Bavoil, P., Hofnung, M., Nikaido, H. „Identification of a Cytoplasmic Membrane-associated Component of the Maltose Transport System of Escherichia coli.“ The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1980. Volume 255, No. 18. p. 8366-8369.

Breck D.W. Ion exchange reactions in zeolites, zeolite molecular sieves, structure, chemistry and use, New York: Wiley, 1974. p. 529.

Davies, R.L. and Etris S.F. „The Development and Functions of Silver in Water Purification and Disease Control.“ Catalysis Today. 1997. Volume 36. p. 107–114.

El-Rafie, M.H., Mohamed, A.A., Shaheen, T.I., Hebeish, A. „Antimicrobial effect of silver nanoparticles produced by fungal process on cotton fabrics.“ Carbohydrate Polymers. 2010. Volume 80, issue 3. p. 779-782.

Feng, Q.L., Wu, J., Chen, G.Q., Cui, F.Z., Kim, T.N., Kim, J.O. „A mechanistic study of the antibacterial effect of silver ions on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.“ Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A. 2000. Volume 52, issue 4. p. 662-668.

Fox, C.L. and Modak, S.M. „Mechanism of Silver Sulfadiazine Action on Burn Wound Infections.“ Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 1974. Volume 5, No. 6. p. 582-588.

Guggenbichler, J.P., Boswald, M., Lugauer, S., Krall, T. „A New Technology of Microdispersed Silver in Polyurethane Induces Antimicrobial Activity in Central Venous Catheters.“ Infection. 1999. Volume 27. p. 16-23.

Kawahara, K., Tsuruda, K., Morishita, M., Uchida, M. „Antibacterial effect of silver-zeolite on oral bacteria under anaerobic conditions.“ Dental Materials. 2000. Volume 16, issue 6. p. 452-455.

Klueh, U., Wagner, V., Kelly, S., Johnson, A., Bryers, J.D. “ Efficacy of Silver-Coated Fabric to Prevent Bacterial Colonization and Subsequent Device-Based Biofilm Formation.“ Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials. 2000. Volume 53. p. 621-631.

Kollef. M.H, Afessa, B., Anzueto, A., Veremakis, C., Kerr, K.M., Margolis, B.D., Craven, D.E., Roberts, P.R., Arroliga, A.C., Hubmayr, R.D., Restrepo, M.I., Auger, W.R., Schinner, R. „Silver-Coated Endotracheal Tubes and Incidence of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia.“ The Journal of the American Medical Association. 2008. Volume 300, No. 7. p. 805-813.

Li, Y., Leung, P., Yao, L., Song, Q.W., Newton, E. „Antimicrobial effect of surgical masks coated with nanoparticles.“ Journal of Hospital Infection. 2006. Volume 62, issue 1. p. 58-63.

Liau, S.Y., Read, D.C., Pugh, W.J., Furr, J.R., Russell, A.D. „Interaction of silver nitrate with readily identifiable groups : relationship to the antibacterial action of silver ions.“ Letters in Applied Microbiology. 1997. Volume 25, issue 4. p. 279-283.

Lok, C., Ho, C., Chen, R., He, Q., Yu, W., Sun, H., Tam, P.K., Chiu, J., Che, C. „Silver nanoparticles: partial oxidation and antibacterial activities.“ Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 2007. Volume 12, No. 4. p. 527-534.

Martinez-Castanon, G.A., Nino-Martinez, N., Martines-Gutierrez, F., Martinez-Mendoza, J.R., Ruiz, F. „Synthesis and antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles with different sizes.“ Synthesis and antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles with different sizes. 2008. Volume 10, No. 8. p. 1343-1348.

Monteiro, D.R., Gorup, L.F., Takamiya, A.S., Ruvollo-Filho, A.C., de Camargo, E.R., Barbosa, D.B. „The growing importance of materials that prevent microbial adhesion: antimicrobial effect of medical devices containing silver.“ International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. 2009. Volume 34, issue 2. p. 103-110.

Moudgal, C.J., Lipscomb, J.C., Bruce, R.M. „Potential health effects of drinking water disinfection by-products using quantitative structure toxicity relationship.“ Toxicology. 2000. Volume 147, issue 2. p. 109-131.

Olson, M.E., Harmon, B.G., Kollef, M.H. „Silver-Coated Endotracheal Tubes Associated With Reduced Bacterial Burden in the Lungs of Mechanically Ventilated Dogs.“ Chest. 2002. Volume 121. p. 863-870.

Ong, S., Wu, J., Moochhala, S.M., Tan, M., Lu, J. „Development of a chitosan-based wound dressing with improved hemostatic and antimicrobial properties.“ Biomaterials. 2008. Volume 29, issue 32. p. 4323-4332.

Pal, S., Tak, Y.K., Song, J.M. „Does the Antibacterial Activity of Silver Nanoparticles Depend on the Shape of the Nanoparticle? A Study of the Gram-Negative Bacterium Escherichia coli.“ Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2007. Volume 73, No. 6. p. 1712-1720.

Radheshkumar, C. and Munstedt, H. „Antimicrobial polymers from polypropylene/silver composites—Ag+ release measured by anode stripping voltammetry.“ Reactive & Functional Polymers. 2006. Volume 66. p. 780-788.

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„The antibacterial effects of silver and its compounds.“ Salt Lake Metals, November 2008. http://www.saltlakemetals.com/Silver_Antibacterial.htm.

„ToxFAQs for Silver.“ Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, July 1999. http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts146.html.

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Death by Doctoring


Cancer: the good, the bad and the ugly
Steven Ransom Credence Publications

Every year in the UK, 200,000 people are diagnosed with cancer and 152,500 people die. [1] In the US, the annual death rate for this disease is approximately 547,000.[2] These deaths are recorded as cancer deaths, but how many of these deaths are really attributable to the disease itself? How many deaths should in fact be recorded as ‚death by doctoring‘? When we consider that conventional treatment consists almost entirely of radiation, chemotherapy and the long-term application of toxic pharmaceuticals, treatments which are all well known for their life-threatening side-effects, then the question becomes all the more legitimate. On chemotherapy for instance, note the following:

„Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade, yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors.“ Allen Levin, MD UCSF The Healing of Cancer, Marcus Books, 1990

The extraordinary evidence to substantiate Levin’s observations plus many other damning statements on conventional cancer treatments are presented for the reader in the following pages. We examine the much-publicised story of UK media personality, the late John Diamond, who opted for conventional treatment. What does his story tell us? John was known for his critical attitude towards many of the more popular alternative therapies. We look at some aspects of the alternative approach and ask if his criticisms were entirely undeserved. We hear from those within the cancer establishment itself who cite the conventional cut, burn and dissolve techniques as ugly and inhumane and from those who seriously question the amounts of money being invested in conventional cancer today given the depressingly low recovery rate. In the UK alone, ÂŁ2.8billion a year is spent in the conventional cancer emporium. That’s roughly ÂŁ6,800,000 a day. US spending on cancer is ten times higher.

We also hear from those who defied conventional wisdom and opted for non-toxic, non-conventional cancer treatments, with remarkable results. And no, we are not talking dolphin or pyramid therapy. From the known range of anti-cancer treatments available, this story focuses on the naturally occurring Vitamin B17, Vitamin C and the supporting role of nutrition. Vitamin B17 in particular has been attracting a great deal of attention recently, despite the concerted efforts of the world-wide cancer establishment to suppress or distort all the positive reporting on this vitamin.

Some may baulk at this accusation. We must realise however, that with global spending on conventional cancer running into the hundreds of billions of pounds and dollars annually, any news of a successful anti-cancer treatment extracted from the simple apricot kernel could do some serious damage to the wealth of the mighty Cancer Inc. In the following pages, we read the testimonies and evidence in support of this charge.

But first, by way of introduction to the subject of ‚death by doctoring‘, we travel back a few hundred years, to the bedside of King Charles II, where fourteen of the highest physicians in the land are earnestly ‚reviving‘ the king from a stroke.

King Charles II, 1685

Curiously, his strength seemed to wane

„The king was bled to the extent of a pint from a vein in his right arm. Next, his shoulder was cut into and the incised area was sucked of an additional 8oz of blood. An emetic and a purgative were administered followed by a second purgative followed by an enema containing antimone, sacred bitters, rock salt, mallow leaves, violets, beetroot, camomile flowers, fennel seeds, linseed, cinnamon, cardamom seed, saffron, cochineal and aloes. The king’s scalp was shaved and a blister raised. A sneezing powder of hellebore was administered. A plaster of burgundy pitch and pigeon dung was applied to the feet. Medicaments included melon seeds, manna, slippery-elm, black cherry water, lime flowers, lily of the valley, peony, lavender, and dissolved pearls. As he grew worse, forty drops of extract of human skull were administered, followed by a rallying dose of Raleigh’s antidote. Finally Bezoar Stone was given. Curiously, his Majesty’s strength seemed to wane after all these interventions and as the end of his life seemed imminent, his doctors tried a last ditch attempt by forcing more Raleigh’s mixture, pearl julep and ammonia down the dying King’s throat. Further treatment was rendered more difficult by the king’s death.“  [3]

We can be sure that the physicians gathered around the King’s bed were all leaders in their particular field – royalty and presidents do not settle for anything less. But as Proust observed, with hindsight, we can now see the hideous error of their therapeutics. Today, the skull-drops, the ammonia and the pigeon dung have long since disappeared from the conventional arsenal, but what will we say in a few years‘ time when we look back on the ‚highly respected‘ cancer therapeutics of 2002? Will we dare to venture that there is nothing new under the sun?

John Diamond, 2001

Have we really progressed much further?

„He’s been poisoned, blasted, had bits lopped off him, been in remission, felt lumps grow again, been given shreds of hope, had hope removed.“ Nicci Gerrard, Sunday Observer, 14.5.2001

Many thousands of people were touched by John Diamond’s regular Times newspaper column, giving stark and brutal insight into living with throat cancer. In a witty and very down-to-earth manner, John’s remarkable column explored numerous life-with-cancer issues, including the ups and considerably more downs in body and mind during radiation treatment, the effects of his illness upon the wider family, the rediscovery of everyday wonders previously taken for granted and his distaste for numerous cancer clichĂ©s such as ‚brave John‘ and ’staying positive‘, replying, „I am not brave. I did not choose cancer. I am just me, dealing with it.“  and „Whenever somebody told me how good a positive attitude would be for me, what they really meant was how much easier a positive attitude would make it for them.“ He was also well-known for his castigation of almost all non-orthodox treatments and for his willingness to submit to all that the medical orthodoxy had to offer –  a service that even he, a conventional advocate, had variously described as ‚pay-as-you-bleed‘  and  ’surgical muggings‘.

For me, the most memorable images of John were captured in the BBC’s Inside Story – a television programme that followed John during a year of treatment, showing him clearly suffering. An operation on John’s throat caused him to lose his voice, which as a popular broadcaster was a serious blow. Later, through surgery and radiation treatment, he would lose most of his tongue and with it, all sense of taste and the ability to eat properly – a double whammy, given that he was married to TV super-cook Nigella Lawson.

In his extraordinary book ‚C: Because Cowards get Cancer Too‘  (which I could not put down) he wrote:  „He who didn’t realize what a boon an unimpaired voice was, who ate his food without stopping to think about its remarkable flavour, who was criminally profligate with words, who took his wife and children and friends for granted – in short, he who didn’t know he was living.“ [4]

John died in March 2001, aged 47,  after having suffered dreadfully for four years, In his death, he joined sports presenter Helen Rollason, Bill ‚Compo‘ Owen, Ian Dury, Roy Castle, Cardinal Basil Hume, Linda McCartney and, most recently, ex-Beatle George Harrison, plus 152,500 others in the UK who succumb annually to the cancer ordeal. Kate Law of the Cancer Research Campaign said that John’s story helped to bring cancer out of the closet in Britain. John’s writings certainly brought home the ugliness of conventional treatment. But the more informed in the cancer debate who have read John’s columns and book will have recognised that John’s writings, brilliant though they were, did not bring out the full story of cancer at all.

Fraught with risks and side-effects

Consider the following statement from cancer specialist, Professor Charles Mathe, who declared: „If I contracted cancer, I would never go to a standard cancer treatment centre. Cancer victims who live far from such centres have a chance.“ [5]

Walter Last, writing in The Ecologist, reported recently: „After analysing cancer survival statistics for several decades, Dr Hardin Jones, Professor at the University of California, concluded „…patients are as well, or better off untreated. Jones‘ disturbing assessment has never been refuted.“ [6]

Or what about this?

„Many medical oncologists recommend chemotherapy for virtually any tumor, with a hopefulness undiscouraged by almost invariable failure.“- Albert Braverman MD 1991 Lancet 1991 337 p901 „Medical Oncology in the 90s

Or this?

„Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade, yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors.“Allen Levin, MD UCSF The Healing of Cancer

or even this?

„Despite widespread use of chemotherapies, breast cancer mortality has not changed in the last 70 years„- Thomas Dao, MD NEJM Mar 1975 292 p 707

Chemotherapy is an invasive and toxic treatment able supposedly to eliminate cancer cells. Unfortunately though, its ferocious chemistry is not able to differentiate between the cancerous cell or the healthy cell and surrounding healthy tissue. Put simply, chemotherapy is an intravenously administered poison that kills all living matter. Repeated chemotherapy and repeated radiation treatments kill the whole body by degrees. The immune system is hit particularly hard by chemotherapy and often does not recuperate enough to adequately protect from common illnesses, which can then lead to death. Some 67% of people who die during cancer treatment do so through opportunistic infections arising as a direct result of the immune system failing because of the aggressive and toxic nature of the drugs. [7] What is this if it is not death by doctoring?

Death on legs

The side effects from both chemotherapy  and radiation itself are extensive. They can include dizziness, skin discolouration, sensory loss, audio-visual impairment, nausea, diarrhoea, loss of hair, loss of appetite, leading to malnutrition, loss of sex drive, loss of white blood cells, permanent organ damage, organ failure, internal bleeding, tissue loss, cardio-vascular leakage (artery deterioration) to name but a few. Vincristin is a commonly applied chemotherapy agent. It’s side-effects include rapid heart-beat, wheezing or difficulty breathing, skin rash or swelling fever or chills, infection unusual bleeding or bruising abdominal or stomach cramps loss of movement or coordination muscle spasms fits, seizures or convulsions. The full list can be viewed at http://healthanswers.telstra.com/drugdata/appco/00070129.asp Another common drug is Actinomycin – D.  The side-effects again are horrendous and can be viewed at http://www.tirgan.com/actinomy.htm They include hair-loss, anemia, low white platelet count, nausea, sickness, diarrhea and liver failure.

Two years ago, Hazel was diagnosed with breast cancer. She described her chemotherapy as the worst experience of her life. This highly toxic fluid was being injected into my veins. The nurse administering it was wearing protective gloves because it  would burn her skin if just a tiny drip came into contact with it.  I couldn’t help asking myself „If such precautions are needed to be taken on the outside, what is it doing to me on the inside?“ From 7 pm that evening, I vomited solidly for two and a half days. During my treatment, I lost my hair by the handful, I lost my appetite, my skin colour, my zest for life.  I was death on legs.“

For a graphic visual account of the dangers posed by chemotherapy when making contact with bare skin, visit chemo spill This page is not for the faint-hearted.

We shall be hearing more from Hazel later, although under very different circumstances! It seems though that with chemotherapy, we have once again been visited by King Charles‘ ammonia treatment, and again being administered by the highest, most learned physicians in the land. Similarly, on the toxicity of radiation ‚therapy‘, John Diamond noted that it was only when he began his radiation treatment that he began to feel really ill.

Senior cancer physician Dr. Charles Moertal of the Mayo Clinic in the US stated: Our most effective regimens are fraught with risks and side-effects and practical problems; and after this price is paid by all the patients we have treated, only a small fraction are rewarded with a transient period of usually incomplete tumour regressions….“  [8]

Dr Ralph Moss is the author of ‚The Cancer Industry‘ – a shocking expose of the world of conventional cancer politics and practice. Interviewed live on the Laurie Lee show in 1994, Moss stated: „In the end, there is no proof that chemotherapy actually extends life in the vast majority of cases , and this is the great lie about chemotherapy, that somehow there is a correlation between shrinking a tumour and extending the life of a patient.“ [9]

Scientists based at McGill Cancer Centre sent a questionnaire to 118 lung cancer doctors to determine what degree of faith these practicing cancer physicians placed in the therapies they administered. They were asked to imagine that they had cancer and were asked which of six current trials they would choose. 79 doctors responded of which 64 (81%) would not consent to be in any trial containing Cisplatin – one of the common chemotherapy drugs they were trialling, (currently achieving worldwide sales of about $110,000,000 a year) and 58 of the 79 (73%) found that all the trials in question were unacceptable due to the ineffectiveness of chemotherapy and its unacceptably high degree of toxicity. [10]

Chemotherapy – A scientific wasteland

The following extract is taken from Dr Tim O’Shea at The Doctor Within:

A German epidemiologist from the Heidelberg/Mannheim Tumor Clinic, Dr. Ulrich Abel has done a comprehensive review and analysis of every major study and clinical trial of chemotherapy ever done. His conclusions should be read by anyone who is about to embark on the Chemo Express. To make sure he had reviewed everything ever published on chemotherapy, Abel sent letters to over 350 medical centers around the world asking them to send him anything they had published on the subject. Abel researched thousands of articles: it is unlikely that anyone in the world knows more about chemotherapy than he.

The analysis took him several years, but the results are astounding: Abel found that the overall worldwide success rate of chemotherapy was „appalling“ because there was simply no scientific evidence available anywhere that chemotherapy can „extend in any appreciable way the lives of patients suffering from the most common organic cancers.“ Abel emphasizes that chemotherapy rarely can improve the quality of life. He describes chemotherapy as „a scientific wasteland“ and states that at least 80 percent of chemotherapy administered throughout the world is worthless, and is akin to the „emperor’s new clothes“ – neither doctor nor patient is willing to give up on chemotherapy even though there is no scientific evidence that it works! – Lancet 10 Aug 91 No mainstream media even mentioned this comprehensive study: it was totally buried.  [10a]

„Success of most chemotherapies is appalling.There is no scientific evidence for its ability to extend in any appreciable way the lives of patients suffering from the most common organic cancer. Chemotherapy for malignancies too advanced for surgery, which accounts for 80% of all cancers, is a scientific wasteland“ Dr Uhlrich Abel, Stuttgart, 1990

Chemotherapy can cause cancer

An amazing admission is made on a web page supported by the US National Cancer Institute. Giving the reader information on the treatment of Wilm’s Tumour ( a children’s cancer which affects the kidney) the site goes on to state:

When very high doses of chemotherapy are used to kill cancer cells, these high doses can destroy the blood-forming tissue in the bones (the bone marrow). If very high doses of chemotherapy are needed to treat the cancer, bone marrow may be taken from the bones before therapy and frozen until it is needed. Following chemotherapy, the bone marrow is given back through a needle in a vein. This is called autologous bone marrow reinfusion.

Radiation therapy uses x-rays or other high-energy rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Radiation for Wilms‘ tumor usually comes from a machine outside the body (external radiation therapy). Radiation may be used before or after surgery and/or chemotherapy.

After several years, some patients develop another form of cancer as a result of their treatment with chemotherapy and radiation. Clinical trials are ongoing to determine if lower doses of chemotherapy and radiation can be used.“

The site can be accessed at http://www.cancerlinksusa.com/kidney/wilm/treatment.htm
Separating the wheat from the chaff

Whilst in the main dismissing the alternativist treatments as he called them, and writing in a generally confident manner about his trust in the conventional medical paradigm, John Diamond would sometimes waver:

„What if those denying alternativists were right? What if the truth was that no life had ever been saved by radiotherapy and that there was every chance that my cancer would be made worse by it being irradiated? What if the truth as pronounced by a couple of books was that the main effect of cancer surgery was to release stray cancer cells into the body, allowing them to set up home elsewhere?.I turned to the medical books for solace and got none.“ [11]

Talk with cancer patients and one soon discovers that many of them report that, although they have an uncomfortable gut feeling that there must somehow be a better way forward, they still find themselves returning to their oncologist for more of the same ‚uncomfortable‘ treatment. Why is this, when there are proven, non-conventional and non-harmful treatments readily available?

Surely, one significant factor is our hereditary submissive attitude to the medical orthodoxy and its archetypal symbolism – the white coat, the stethoscope, the years of knowledge represented in those framed diplomas. Every artefact speaks of us being in the hands of experts. And then, there is the added pressure that can be exerted upon the patient at the point of diagnosis by the cancer physician. In his essay entitled The $200 Billion Scam, Jeff Kamen reports on how a cancer diagnosis was delivered to Kathy Keeton, the late wife of PentHouse Magazine magnate, Bob Guiccione:

„I‘m sorry,“  she remembers her doctor saying. „It’s a very rare form of the disease. It’s the nature of this kind of cancer that it takes off at a gallop, and metastasizes quickly so we need to act quickly and get you started on chemotherapy at once. We have some of the best people in the world in this field. I urge you to let me get you into their expert care. There is no time to waste. This form of cancer is often fatal, and quickly so. Untreated, you have six weeks to live. We really must move aggressively with the chemo.“ [11a]

Hazel recalls a similar experience:

„Basically, I was in shock from the diagnosis. I was sitting there, with the doctor saying that this treatment was the best available and that it was actually a matter of life or death that I received it. My husband was sitting next to me, telling me that I needed to go along with it. I kind of went into a trance and although something didn’t feel quite right, I found myself nodding to chemotherapy.“

Most definitely, the power imbalance that exists in all doctor-patient relationships, (whence the term ’shrink‘ in psychiatry) is a key agent in determining the direction of treatment. But there is another factor and a contentious one at that…

Confusing and conflicting information

Aside from the very powerful influence exerted by the in-built doctor/patient mechanism, a mass exodus away from conventional cancer treatment towards proven, non-conventional treatments is also being severely hampered by the vast sea of the confusing, conflicting and often bizarre information posing as ‚helpful‘, alternative cancer advice. Take the  Internet for instance. A first-time patient, or someone just plain interested in researching alternative  cancer advice can soon become thoroughly disheartened. Some four thousand links come up under „alternative cancer treatment“ alone!

An anxious patient, with no time to separate the wheat from the chaff, is then faced with having to make a series of calculations, based solely on his own somewhat overwhelming Internet search and  a sort of blind, desperate faith that somehow, the well-qualified oncologist has got to be right.  „.. and didn’t he warn us that there were a lot of internet ‚kooks‘ out there?“  The patient then finds himself right back at square one and by default, the chemotherapy suggested earlier seems overall to be the ’safest‘ bet. In the view of health reporter Phillip Day, author of ‚Cancer: Why We’re Still Dying to Know The Truth‘, „Many people just gulp, enter the cancer tunnel and hope they come out the other end.“

Genuine treatments do exist!

But despite the fact that an Internet search can very easily generate confusion, there is actually a wealth of well-documented, credible information available on the web on natural, efficacious treatments for a variety of serious illnesses, including cancer – information that in some instances, has been in existence for many years. But information on such treatments is not widely available in the public domain. Perhaps because genuine medicine has had to fight tremendously hard to be clearly heard. And there are particular reasons why this has been so. Often, it is not so much where to look for genuine treatment and advice, as how to look for it. Before discussing specific natural cancer treatments in more depth, it is important that we briefly examine the reasons for the current levels of confusion surrounding genuine natural medicine as a whole. Wilful distortion, negative propaganda campaigns, unwitting stupidity – you name it. Conventional and alternative, it’s taking place on both sides of the fence. We must learn to read between the lines.

Fork-tongued drug merchants

In its long, hard battle for proper recognition, genuine natural treatments for  serious illnesses has always had to fight on two fronts. Firstly, they have had to do battle with those calculating opportunists the fork-tongued drug merchants who use every trick in the book to undermine any genuine treatments not under their own jurisdiction. And they will employ all means possible to disseminate their damaging disinformation as far and wide as possible in order to protect their own lucrative market. No department, private or public, is beyond the reach of their all-consuming influence. Thriller writer John Le Carre spent many years working in the British Foreign Office and knows the politics of big business very well. His most recent book The Constant Gardener, focuses on the corrupt nature of the pharmaceutical industry. In an interview on the subject, Le Carre stated recently:

„Big Pharma is engaged in the deliberate seduction of the medical profession, country by country, worldwide. It is spending a fortune on influencing, hiring and purchasing academic judgment to a point where, in a few years‘ time, if Big Pharma continues unchecked on its present happy path, unbought medical opinion will be hard to find.“ [12]

In opposition to the incessant drive by big business to dominate our health choices, Dr Matthias Rath (below left) provides a concise summary of the primary ethics of the merchant’s house:

„Throughout the 20th century, the pharmaceutical industry has been constructed by investors, the goal being  to replace effective but non-patentable natural remedies with mostly ineffective but patentable and highly profitable pharmaceutical drugs.  The very nature of the pharmaceutical industry is to make money from ongoing diseases. Like other industries, the pharmaceutical industry tries to expand their market – that is to maintain ongoing diseases and  to find new diseases for their drugs. Prevention and cure of diseases damages the  pharmaceutical business and the eradication of common diseases threatens its very existence.

Therefore, the pharmaceutical industry fights the eradication of any disease at all costs. The pharmaceutical industry itself is the main obstacle, why today’s most widespread diseases are further expanding including heart attacks, strokes, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis, and many others. Pharmaceutical drugs are not intended to cure diseases. According to health insurers, over 24,000 pharmaceutical drugs are currently marketed and prescribed without any proven therapeutic value (AOKMagazine 4/98). According to medical doctors associations, the known dangerous side-effects of pharmaceutical drugs have become the fourth leading cause of death after heart  attacks, cancer and strokes (Journal of the American Medical Association, JAMA April 15, 1998 )

Millions of people and patients around the world are defrauded twice: A major portion of their income is used up to finance the exploding profits of the pharmaceutical industry. In return, they are offered a medicine that does not even cure.“  

A number of organisations are currently spearheading the fight against the pharmaceutical industries as they seek to legislate against our free use of vitamins and minerals. If this legislation is passed, it will directly affect YOU in many ways. A  web site address is included at the end of this article which enables you to quickly and easily register your protest.

Writing in the UK Guardian on Thursday, 7th February, 2002, senior health editor Sarah Bosely reports that:

„Scientists are accepting large sums of money from drug companies to put their names to articles endorsing new medicines that they have not written – a growing practice that some fear is putting scientific integrity in jeopardy.“ [12a]

These supposed guardians of our health are being paid what to say. Said one physician in the article, What day is it today? I’m just working out what drug I’m supporting today. From top to bottom, the delivery system of 21st century conventional healthcare is being bought out and taught to think of treatment and prevention of disease in pharmaceutical terms only.

Aside from the politicking and the big business string-pulling taking place behind the scenes, our minds are also being washed with the constant froth of emotive, unfounded, pro-establishment, populist headlines such as Another breakthrough at UCLA! . (yes.but with mice.)  It’s in the genes! (another ÂŁ5 million NOW will help us to isolate the gene in 2010..perhaps.) Excitement at latest oncology findings! (Buoyant opening paragraph, descending into the usual mixture of hope extinguished by caution and the obligatory appeal to the pocket.) Cancer vaccine close! (Yes, and close since 1975 actually. But please, continue to give generously, because next time, it could be you!)

And so it goes on. And all the while, the mortality statistics worsen. Yet still, the money –  our money –  just keeps on rolling in. On that note, The Campaign Against Fraudulent Medical Research states: „The next time you are asked to donate to a cancer organisation, bear in mind that your money will be used to sustain an industry which has been deemed by many eminent scientists as a qualified failure and by others, as a complete fraud.“ [13]


Thank you to Dr Tim O’Shea for highlighting the following very important information on the practice of mammography:

„This is one topic where the line between advertising and scientific proof has become very blurred. As far back as 1976, the American Cancer Society itself and its government colleague the National Cancer Institute terminated the routine use of mammography for women under the age of 50 because of its „detrimental“ (carcinogenic) effects. More recently, a large study done in Canada on found that women who had routine mammograms before the age of 50 also had increased death rates from breast cancer by 36%. (Miller) Lorraine Day notes the same findings in her video presentation „Cancer Doesn’t Scare Me Any More.“ The reader is directed to these sources and should perhaps consider the opinion of other sources than those selling the procedure, before making a decision.

John McDougall MD has made a thorough review of pertinent literature on mammograms. He points out that the $5-13 billion per year generated by mammograms controls the information that women get. Fear and incomplete data are the tools commonly used to persuade women to get routine mammograms. What is clear is that mammography cannot prevent breast cancer or even the spread of breast cancer. By the time a tumor is large enough to be detected by mammography, it has been there as long as 12 years! It is therefore ridiculous to advertise mammography as „early detection.“ (McDougall p 114)

The other unsupportable illusion is that mammograms prevent breast cancer, which they don’t. On the contrary, the painful compression of breast tissue during the procedure itself can increase the possibility of metastasis by as much as 80%! Dr. McDougall notes that a between 10 and 17% of the time, breast cancer is a self-limiting non-life-threatening type called ductal carcinoma in situ. This harmless cancer can be made active by the compressive force of routine mammography. (McDougall, p105)

Most extensive studies show no increased survival rate from routine screening mammograms. After reviewing all available literature in the world on the subject, noted researchers Drs. Wright and Mueller of the University of British Columbia recommended the withdrawal of public funding for mammography screening, because the „benefit achieved is marginal, and the harm caused is substantial.“ (Lancet, 1 Jul 1995) The harm they’re referring to includes the constant worrying and emotional distress, as well as the tendency for unnecessary procedures and testing to be done based on results which have a false positive rate as high as 50%.“ (New York Times, 14 Dec 1997) [13a]


Whilst the remit of this article does not extend to a full exploration of the physical harm being exacted by some diagnostic methods and drug treatments, or the corrupting influence that money is exerting over medicine and medical practice, let the reader be assured that conventional medicine has more than its fair share of attendant commercial pressures, and especially so in the world of cancer, as we shall later discover.

Non-conventional health care

Aside from the wiles of the merchant, genuine medicine also has always had to do battle with the well-intentioned para-healer, [14] who unwittingly has the capacity to prove equally as threatening to the cause, but for very different reasons.  The non-conventional medical market place seems to be dominated by those who are able to deliver an admirably coherent deconstruction of the conventional paradigm, but who choose not to apply the same level of intelligent critique to their own often wacky nostrums. As such, we are subject to an equally misguided barrage of pronouncements such as, „Submit not to the ravages of chemo. Let White Eagle purge you of those negative energies.“  Visit a pyramid, a shaman, „My sickness is a shamanic gift and calling.“ [14a] a cancer ‚guide‘, „OK group. Eyes closed. Your cancer is receding. The lump is disintegrating. Envisage the all-consuming fire!“ A coat of mud, of seaweed or both, some psycho-surgery, some radionics, this therapy, that therapy and of course, a thousand and one folk remedies, Grandma’s trusted ‚brain tumour elixir‘ perhaps, a walnut kernel, perfectly preserved in rainwater, seven drops three times a day.

Celebrities with the more serious illnesses receive these well-intentioned ‚tips and tricks‘ by the sack load. John Diamond was no exception.

„I’ve had anecdotal evidence from those who believe in voodoo, the power of the fairy people – yes, really – drinking my own p**s and any number of other remedies. I should put my faith in the Bessarabian radish, the desiccated root of which has been used for centuries by Tartar nomads to cure athlete’s foot, tennis elbow and cancer, as detailed in their book Why Your Doctor Hates You And Wants You To Die, review copy enclosed.„[15]

Notwithstanding the genuine treatments available in the natural cabinet, which we shall discuss very shortly, a huge number of remedies being sold as ‚medicine‘ today contain no sensible methodology, yet amazingly, they are selling very well. No better is this phenomenon illustrated than in the lucrative minor ailments market, where on a daily basis across the world, untold ÂŁmillions is being spent on pharmacologically inert mixtures and ‚essences‘, producing truly marvellous results with illnesses from which we were going to get better anyway.[16]

The dangers of uncritical thinking

In truth, were the general public to be given clear information on the nature of self-limiting illness and on the wondrous ability of a properly nourished immune system to overcome and repel almost all ills unaided, [a phenomenon rarely discussed in many of the alternative medical texts ] the bottom would fall out of the minor ailments market tomorrow, conventional medicine included. To illustrate that point, the Feb 7th 1991 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine tells us  „90% of patients who visit doctors have conditions that will either improve on their own or are out of reach of modern medicine’s ability to solve.“ Some non-conventional/alternative therapies claim that their particular remedy helps kick-start the immune system into action. These claims hold no more ground than those fraudulent claims made by the vaccine industry. As if the wondrously intricate immune system needed the finer tinkerings of man to improve upon it! (unless that therapy happens to be sound nutrition, of course.)

Unfortunately though, most of the more awkward questions arising from such a discussion are usually defended, not by answering the actual question itself, but by the therapist appealing to the worthiness of his wider philanthropic goals and to ‚the much greater threat to the global populace‘ posed by the merchant’s house with all its toxic wares, etc., etc. And such is the wholesome, wishful appeal of the literature supporting the therapist’s wares, and so honourable are his aims, that all intellectual and therapeutic weaknesses are overlooked in the ensuing fog of bonhomie and he is allowed to continue his practice, unhindered by such tiresome obstacles as intellectual consistency or demands that his practice be made open to fair scrutiny. So often, all objectivity is sacrificed in this manner. Donald Gould, author of The Black and White Medicine Show, warns of the dangers we invite by adopting such laissez-faire reasoning:

„Why not make the most of what the non-conformists have to offer and to hell with uncharitable logic?  There is, I suggest, a powerful reason for rejecting this superficially attractive option.  Truth is a fundamental value. If we accept uncritical thinking in one area of our lives for the sake of convenience or because of the popular appeal of a seductive myth and the short-term comfort to be gained by believing in the unbelievable, or because the false answer lets us pretend we are competently coping with a painful problem we haven’t truly tackled, then we are all the more likely to adopt the same strategy in other situations, from dealing with the family, to managing the national economy, and from chairing the parish council to handling arsenals of nuclear weapons.  The result is likely to be unhappy and stands a decent chance of proving a disaster. Irrational beliefs are always dangerously corrupting, even when they only relate to the cause and cure of piles.“ [17]

Reputation is everything

But what relevance does all this have to the debate on treatments for cancer, you might ask? Where is all of this headed? This has been a necessary diversion firstly, that we might begin to understand some of the frustrations many reasoned thinkers have with the issues raised: and secondly, that we might begin to consider the impact  that such weakened thinking has on genuine natural treatments for disease.  For instance, what damage is secondarily being wrought upon the reputation of the genuine treatments in the cabinet, the ones that can actually heal? Sadly, there is no clear division between the reputation of much of the unregulated alternative health industry and that of the many sensible non-conventional treatments available today. It has all become a horrible blur and is a point of major concern even to the non-orthodox regulatory bodies overseeing the alternative/complementary health movement. The whole arena is fraught with as much vested interests and misunderstandings as conventional health, but commentaries drawing such conclusions even from those concerned bodies sympathetic to the natural approach are viewed as almost heretical and somehow betraying the brotherhood of the alternative heirachy.

Critical debate should commence as soon as possible with regard to those ‚helping‘ therapies that only temporarily distract the seriously ill. In need only of sensible advice and sensible treatment, these people can very quickly end up worse off in body, mind and spirit; and last but not least, in pocket, leading very quickly to derision and a carte blanche dismissal of all the good that genuine natural treatments have to offer. John Diamond stated that there was as much chance of him going down the alternative treatment route as there was of the Pope getting drunk on the communion wine and getting off with a couple of nuns. [18]

Whilst we can perhaps understand some of John Diamond’s frustrations, his comparisons don’t exactly aid the cause. Because the truth is that the alternativist’s cabinet is not all ‚mumbo-jumbo‘ by any means.  Genuine medicine can be found in there. Perhaps a name change is in order. Are we alternative? Are we complementary? But complementary to what? To chemotherapy perhaps? But then what medicine could possibly complement chemotherapy? Shouldn’t there just be medicine and non-medicine, full stop? Be that as it may, many people are wrongly assuming that the non-orthodox medical cabinet is barren and not worthy of closer inspection. The hazy and often crazy information being disseminated on numerous non-conventional treatments coupled with our innate and naĂŻve trust in the orthodoxy is the reason why thousands of people like John Diamond are staying with, and relying upon conventional treatments for serious illnesses, including cancer. As a result, thousands of people like John Diamond are dying, and often in a horrible fashion.

Vitamin B17   „..cancer cells were dying like flies.“

In his UK Observer article entitled Quacks on the Rack, John Diamond summarily dismissed what is arguably the most famous of the natural and proven anti-cancer treatments known to man, the natural extract of the apricot kernel, otherwise known as Vitamin B17.

„Supporters of Laetrile (vitamin B17) and Essiac, in particular, made so much noise about their miracle cures that both have been through the research mill on numerous occasions and found to be useless.“ [19]

„When we add laetrile to a cancer culture under the microscope,“ said Burk, „providing the enzyme glucosidase  also is present, we can see the cancer cells dying off like flies.“ [20] (glucosidase being the enzyme heavily present in cancerous cells which triggers the unique cancer-destroying mechanism found in Vitamin B17. An excellent clinical analysis of this mechanism is found in ‚B17 Metabolic Therapy – In The Prevention And Control Of Cancer – a concise history of the research into this vitamin, including many clinical assessments. More details on this book can be found at the end of this article.) [21]   Dr Burk also stated that evidence for Laetrile’s efficacy had been noted in at least five independent institutions in three widely separated countries of the world. [22]

So who do we trust in this matter? Diamond or Burk? Now we can ask ourselves whether it was perhaps the fault of some kindly but misguided soul who posted John Diamond an essay on the benefits of Vitamin B17 mixed with walnut water that caused him to dismiss B17 so emphatically. Or it could be that John actually trusted the conventional research reports he had accrued on this vitamin. By examining the sources from where John Diamond might have got his B17 research ‚information‘, the ugly features of conventional cancer research move more sharply into focus.
Because of the money

Cancer is big business and knowledge claims on any treatments that earn money and, conversely, on any treatments that do not earn money for the drug companies, are never neutral.  Dr Ralph Moss served as the Assistant Director of Public Affairs at America’s most famous cancer research institution, Memorial Sloan Kettering, in Manhattan. He knows the cancer industry inside out. Hear what he has to say and judge for yourself the quality of the evidence against the effectiveness of Vitamin B17:

Moss:  Shortly after I went to work [at the Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute], I visited the elderly Japanese scientist, Kanematsu Sugiura, who astonished me when he told me he was working on Laetrile (B17). At the time it was the most controversial thing in cancer, reputed to be a cure for cancer. We in Public Affairs were giving out statements that laetrile was worthless, it was quackery, and that people should not abandon proven therapies. I was astonished that our most distinguished scientist would be bothering with something like this, and I said, „Why are you doing this if it doesn’t work?“ He took down his lab books and showed me that in fact Laetrile was dramatically effective in stopping the spread of cancer.

Lee:  So this is verified, that laetrile can have this positive effect?

Moss:  We were finding this and yet we in Public Affairs were told to issue statements to the exact opposite of what we were finding scientifically.“ [23]

Unable to sit on this information, Moss later called a press conference of his own and, before a battery of reporters and cameramen, charged that Sloan-Kettering officials had engineered a massive cover-up. He provided all the supporting documents and named all the names necessary to validate his case. The following day he was fired for ‚failing to carry out his most basic job responsibilities‘. [24]

Similarly, in his book ‚World Without Cancer‘, cancer industry researcher Edward Griffin noted

„Every Laetrile study had been tarnished with the same kind of scientific ineptitude, bias and outright deception. Some of these studies openly admitted evidence of anti-cancer effect but hastened to attribute this effect to other causes. Some were toxicity studies only, which means that they weren’t trying to see if Laetrile was effective, but merely to determine how much of it was required to kill the patient.“ [24a]

The ‚evidence‘ supporting John Diamond’s claim that Vitamin B17 is useless and even dangerous is available in abundance in all of the major cancer institutions today. Well of course it is! We’re in the merchant’s house, don’t forget. As Pat Rattigan, author of ‚The Cancer Business‘ reports:

The threat to the cancer business from effective therapies was taken very seriously from the beginning. By the 1940’s the Syndicate had 300,000 names on its ‚quack‘ files. Vitamin B17, being a unique threat due to its simplicity, attracted more concentrated attacks than all the other treatments put together: fraudulent test reports; hired, banner-carrying pickets outside clinics; rigged juries; newspaper character assassinations; dismissal of heretic employees, etc. The FDA, orchestrating the onslaught, sent out 10,000 posters and hundreds of thousands of leaflets warning about the dangers of the toxicity of the non-toxic substance. Earlier, a Congressional Accounting Office had found that 350 FDA employees had shares in, or had refused to declare an interest in, the pharmaceutical industry.“

The American Food and Drug Administration issued  one such story about the death of an eleven month old girl, supposedly from cyanide poisoning due to her apparently swallowing her father’s Vitamin B17 tablets. Cancer specialist and B17 advocate Dr Harold Manner takes up the story:

‚.I was lecturing in Buffalo, New York and…after I had made some strong statements – a man stood up and said „Dr. Manner, how in the world can you make statements like that when the FDA is making these other statements?“ I reiterated that the FDA statements were lies. ‚He said, „Look at this little girl in upstate New York, she took her father’s Laetrile tablets and died of cyanide poisoning.“ Just then a little lady stood up: „Dr. Manner let me answer that question. I think I am entitled to because I am that little baby’s mother. That baby never touched her father’s Laetrile tablets. The doctor, knowing the father was on Laetrile, marked down „possible cyanide poisoning“. At the hospital they used a cyanide antidote and it was the antidote that killed the child. And yet that statement will continue to appear even though they know it is a lie.“ [24b]

The scare stories always focus on the minute amounts of naturally occurring cyanide found in VitaminB17. But no mention is made in any of these stories of the wondrous mechanism governing the release of this cyanide. No harm is done to the person eating this vitamin ( if that were the case, we have consumed enough apricots, apples, peaches and cherries etc containing B17 to have finished us off long ago.) The cyanide is released only when cancerous cells are recognised by their high glucosidase content. B17 cyanide attacks cancer cells specifically. No large amounts of glucosidase detected means no cyanide release. Rest assured, there is no evidence that vitamin B17 can kill, unless of course, one is accidentally crushed under a pallet of the stuff!

A further embarrasment for the cancer orthodoxy must surely be the research being carried out at the Imperial College in London, where researchers are looking at ways of using naturally-occurring plant cyanide to specifically attack human bowel tumours. The idea came about after studying the pattern of specific cyanide release in the almond and cassava fruit which protects them from insect attack. Another one of those natural wonders just crying out to be heard is at last being listened to by the orthodoxy perhaps? [24c]

Very sadly, in assessing the deservedness of the ’shady‘ reputation bestowed upon Vitamin B17 metabolic therapy,  we realise it is entirely unwarranted and that instead, there has been a sustained attack by the conventional cancer industry on this treatment, an attack that has carried on in one form or another for the last forty years. As mentioned earlier, with global spending on conventional cancer running into the hundreds of billions annually, a naturally-occurring cancer cure of any description is an unwanted intruder. Dr Moss again, on the money involved in conventional cancer:

Moss:  „About 630,000 people die every year of cancer in the US, and it really is an epidemic disease. We have got a tremendous industry. Every one of those people who is getting cancer and dying of it is going to be treated, and these treatments are extremely expensive.  Chemo is tens of thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars. A bone marrow transplant, which is basically another way of giving chemotherapy, or radiation, can run to about $150,000 per person, and is almost never effective.  It kills about 25% of the patients.“

Lee:  „Why carry on doing it?“

Moss: Because of the money, which is tremendous.“ [25]

When we understand the amounts of money involved, we can begin to understand the in-house desire to sustain a ‚fact-creating‘ process in support of conventional treatment. Conventional cancer treatment and research is a licence to print money.  Most definitely, conventional interested parties and institutions have colluded in a shameful anti-Vitamin B17 ‚fact-creating‘ process, which in turn has surely led to the early and even unnecessary deaths of thousands upon thousands of people.  As for John Diamond’s dismissal of Vitamin B17, he didn’t write his comments on B17 as an intentional slur. He wasn’t the forked tongue in this chain of events. He desperately wanted to live. His single paragraph read by thousands was just another example of the damaging knock-on effect of merchant-speak. Merchant-speak on Vitamin B17 metabolic therapy has exacted a grave injustice upon this treatment and subsequently, upon all who have been persuaded to think likewise. Let’s now hear some testimonies from those who have not been persuaded by the negative propaganda.


Phillip is 64. In April 2001, he was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. The oncologist showed him the x-rays that confirmed the dreaded ’shadows‘. He was told to go home, enjoy his life as best he could and put his affairs in order. A week later, in a chance conversation at work, Phillip was told about Vitamin B17. Phillip immediately began taking a combination of Vitamin B17 and Vitamin C. Four months later, Phillip returned to hospital for a check-up, where a new set of x-rays were taken. The shadows had completely disappeared. Says Phillip, „I know what I saw and the doctor couldn’t explain it. I’m continuing with my Vitamin B17 regime and eating about 10 kernels a day.“ Phillip now pays great attention to his diet and believes that what we put into our bodies can have a dramatic effect medicinally.

The importance of nutrition

John Diamond again, this time on some nutter with a magical diet:

Now if this cancer ’nutter‘ was just an isolated case of recovery through diet, his recovery would not of course constitute proof. But with Vitamin B17 metabolic therapy, we are seeing tremendous results time after time. Continuing on in the name of fair dealing.


What are we eating?

It is interesting to note that there are cultures today who remain almost entirely cancer-free. The Abkhasians, the Azerbaijanis, the Hunzas, the Eskimaux and the Karakorum all live on foodstuffs rich in nitriloside or vitamin B17. Their food consists variously of buckwheat, peas, broad beans, lucerne, turnips, lettuce, sprouting pulse or gram, apricots with their seeds and berries of various kinds. Their diet can provide them with as much as 250-3,000mg of nitriloside a day. The founding father of Vitamin B17 research, Ernst T Krebs Jr., studied the dietary habits of these tribes. Krebs stated:

„Upon investigating the diet of these people, we found that the seed of the apricot was prized as a delicacy and that every part of the apricot was utilized.“ [27]

The average western diet with its refined, fibreless foods offers less than 2mg of nitriloside a day.  It has also been noted that natives from these tribes, who move into ‚civilised‘ areas and change their diets accordingly, are prone to cancers at the regular western incidence. [28] An important point to note with B17 content in the apricot fruit is that the more bitter the taste of the apricot kernal, the richer is the content of B17. If the kernel does not taste bitter, the B17 content will be quite low. The necessary advice on this subject is included in detail in the books available on the following page.

The right materials

Dr Andrew Saul recognises the importance of sound nutrition in maintaining good health.

I have seen the foolishness of conventional disease care wisdom.  I have seen hospitals feed white bread to patients with bowel cancer and hospitals feed „Jello“ to leukemia patients.  I have seen schools feed bright red „Slush Puppies“ to 7 year olds for lunch and I have seen children vomit up a desk-top full of red crud afterwards.  And, I have seen those same children later line up at the school nurse for hyperactivity drugs. 

I have seen hospital patients allowed to go two weeks without a bowel movement.  I have seen patients told that they have six months to live when they might live sixty months.  I have seen people recover from serious illness, only to have their physician berate them for having used natural healing methods to do so.  I have seen infants spit up formula while their mothers were advised not to breast feed. I’ve seen better ingredients in dog food than in the average school or hospital lunch.

And I have seen enough.[28a]

In his book, ‚Preface to Cancer: Nature, Cause and Cure‘, Dr Alexander Berglas has this to say about cancer incidence: „Civilization is, in terms of cancer, a juggernaut that cannot be stopped… It is the nature and essence of industrial civilization to be toxic in every sense… We are faced with the grim prospect that the advance of cancer and of civilization parallel each other.“ [29]

The human body has an amazing capacity to recover, if we look after it properly and if we supply it with the proper materials for repair. Working with non-toxic, physio-friendly treatments can only work in our favour. Just look at the side-effects of Vitamin B17 as described by Edward G Griffin in World Without Cancer:

„B17 side-effects include increased appetite, weight gain, lowered blood pressure, increased hemoglobin and red-blood cell count, elimination or sharp reduction of pain without narcotics, builds up body’s resistance to other diseases, is a natural substance found in foods and is compatible with human biological experience, destroys cancer cells while nourishing non-cancer cells.“ [30]

Compare the above with the side effects from chemotherapy and radiation, the dizziness, skin discolouration, nausea, diarrhoea, loss of hair, loss of appetite, organ failure, internal bleeding etc., etc. How long will it be before we find ourselves looking back on these treatments in the same way as we now look back on the blood letting and the ammonia infusions exacted upon Charles II? Notwithstanding the often life-saving surgical removal of cancerous tissue, could there possibly be a more inhumane treatment in the 21st century than conventional cancer therapy?


Flora was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer in 1999.

„Before the operation, they gave me chemotherapy which was devastating. By the end of the course, I could hardly stand. They then removed the tumour from my bowel. I was told the cancer had spread to the liver. I was offered further chemotherapy but declined. I attended Middlesex hospital and had five sessions of laser treatment to try and contain the liver cancer followed by more chemotherapy. After the fifth time of trying to contain the cancer, they said that it  was beginning to grow yet again. So I began an organic diet and attended the Dove Clinic for intensive Vitamin C treatment, with other supplements. It was there that I was told about Vitamin B17. I added that to my regime. Over a period of time, the cancer completely disappeared from my liver. It is now February 2002 and I have been one year clear of cancer.  I am maintaining my organic diet and  eating about 50 apricot kernels a day. I’m 64, I’ve returned to work and I feel fine. Treatments such as these should at least be made known to patients by the NHS.“

There are literally thousands of people who can attest to the pharmacological, life-saving power of Vitamin B17 and its supporting nutritional regime. And the same can also be said of Vitamin C.

Vitamin C

The all-round benefits of Vitamin C to the human physiology have been known and utilised for centuries. In terms of its benefits in cancer treatment and prevention, we read the following from Phillip Day:

„Dr Linus Pauling, often known as the ‚Father of Vitamin C‘ and twice awarded the Nobel Prize, declared that daily intakes of up to 10g of the vitamin aids anti-cancer activity within the body. Pauling was largely derided for making these declarations, but today, large doses of Vitamin C are used by many practitioners for cancer patients in nutritional therapy, who believe Pauling was right and that the popular nutrient is indispensable to the body in its fight to regain health from cancer.“ [31]

Vitamin C can also protect against breast cancer.

After reviewing 90 studies on the relationship between Vitamin C and cancer, Gladys Block, Ph.D. at the University of California at Berkeley concluded,

„There is overwhelming evidence of the protective effect of vitamin C and other antioxidants against cancer of the breast.“ [32]

And Geoffrey R. Howe of the National Cancer Institute of Canada reviewed 12 case-controlled studies of diet and breast cancer and noted that Vitamin C had the most consistent statistically significant relationship to the reduction of breast cancer risk. [32a] And on the subject of the importance of mineral and vitamin supplements, a recent New York Times front-page article quoted Dr. Geoffrey P. Oakley, Jr., at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta as saying:

„We, the physicians, were mistaken not to recommend vitamin supplements to our patients for so long.  We need just to admit that on this one, we were wrong.“ [33]


Hazel had been given a virtual death sentence by her cancer doctor, telling her that although there was an 86% recovery from her type of breast cancer, she was unfortunately in the smaller category. As previously noted, Hazel’s chemotherapy was only making her feel terrible, and she decided that if she was going to die, then she would do so without further conventional treatment. Hazel began a regime of intravenously administered Vitamin C and supplements including Vitamin B17 and paid great attention to her diet. She soon began to feel a great deal better. She regained her weight and her hair and her appetite. About nine months following the diagnosis, she was troubled with lower back pain and visited her doctor. He suggested a further scan based on Hazel’s lower back pain, which the doctor believed was possibly the result of her cancer having spread to the base of her spine.  Hazel said there was no way she was going for more chemotherapy or scans which she believes in themselves can trigger carcinogenic activity. Instead, Hazel supplemented her Vitamin C regime with a course of Vitamin B17 kernels, as well as maintaining a sensible diet and staying away from her conventional cancer physician. The blood count taken by her GP before Christmas read as normal. She feels very healthy and is in the process of writing a book on her experiences. She feels passionately that people need to know that there are alternative cancer treatments available and speaks to groups on this subject.

Let the reader be assured that the recent scare tactics surrounding Vitamin C and its supposed links to cancer are just another one of those smear campaigns orchestrated by the merchants. Quite simply, any good news on Vitamin C represents yet another threat to the pharmaceutical industries‘ considerable income from conventional cancer treatments. The full story on the vested interests supporting the author of the much-publicised vitamin C/cancer story can be found at www.whatareweswallowing.freeserve.co.uk/vitc.htm

And finally, we hear from Dr Nicola Hembry of the Dove Clinic, specialising in the non-conventional approach to cancer care and treatment:

Nutritional treatments such as high dose vitamin C and B17 (laetrile) have been known about for years, and there are many success stories from patients lucky enough to have received and benefited from them. Research shows that levels of 400mg/dl Vitamin C in the blood can kill cancer cells by a pro-oxidative mechanism, and there is a great deal of data showing that B17 is preferentially toxic to cancer cells. The trouble is that there is little in the way of well-designed random control trial data for the use of these substances, and therefore mainstream medicine rejects them out of hand without even considering the evidence available or even asking why these trials haven’t been carried out. It has to be said that one of the reasons is a lack of financial incentive because these substances cannot be patented. Sadly it is the cancer sufferers who lose out. To not even have the choice of these safer, more natural treatments even when a cancer is deemed incurable and only palliative chemotherapy or radiotherapy is offered is in my view totally unacceptable. I have seen many patients experience an improved duration and quality of life with an integrated approach, and some go on to achieve complete remission of their disease even when dismissed as incurable by their oncologists.

Treating cancer is not just about getting hold of Vitamin B17 as quickly as possible. We need to be educated in a whole range of issues.  ‚Cancer: Why We’re Still Dying To Know The Truth‘ has been written  in an easily readable and easily understood manner, specifically to inform the general public on all of the key issues pertaining to natural treatment for cancer. It makes for necessary and fascinating reading!

For those interested in finding out more on the issues raised in this article, just click on the following titles available from Credence Publications.

Cancer: Why We’re Still Dying To Know The Truth A concise account of the cancer industry and of the good news on  vitamin B17 metabolic therapy.

Vitamin B17 Metabolic Therapy – A Clinical Guide A clinical account of vitamin B17, detailing the landmark research on this most vital of vitamins in the fight against cancer.

Food For Thought Delicious recipes designed to promote health. A vital contribution to cancer prevention and recovery. All these titles and more available at www.credence.org

And finally…

Throughout the writing of this article, I have been acutely aware of three things.

Firstly, of my own slender mortality and that it is only by the grace of God that I have not had to face a cancer diagnosis of my own. The motivating factor behind the writing of ‚Death by Doctoring‘ was to inject realism as well as a sense of hope. And  as far as one is able to write about a subject without having personally walked that particular walk, I hope also that this article has been written with the deserved sensitivity.

Secondly, Vitamin B17 metabolic therapy and Vitamin C form only part of a much wider regime of treatments that have proven successful in the treatment of cancer. These and other treatments are explained in more detail in the above Credence titles.

Thirdly, this site does not accuse all doctors of working towards some vast medical conspiracy to kill everyone! A  doctor wrote to this site recently, under the impression that Death by Doctoring is propagating this belief.  

I have yet to see single shred of evidence the supports the conspiracy theories that abound on the web. It doesn’t matter whether it’s cancer treatment, aspartame, or even soybeans. Consider this: would any company seek to sell products that kill the customer? It doesn’t make any sense. The scientist who discovered cisplatin [the drug that 81% of cancer doctors would not administer to themselves] was a professor of mine in university. I knew his mind and his heart. He wanted to find a cure because it had devastated someone in his family. While all chemotherapies are poisons, by extension of your logic, he was creating a product that he knew would kill his family members. Does that even make sense to you?“

Of course I am not saying that medical professors are intentionally designing something that would kill. With chemotherapy, what started off as a supposed saviour, quickly turned into a huge money-spinner, but with devastating consequences. A lucrative ball had gained too much momentum.  And once the profitability of a drug is recognised, the business decisions at corporate level are often at complete odds with those lower down at manufacturing and distribution level.  As for those within  the industry’s ‚circle of knowledge‘ regarding the dangers of today’s pharmaceuticals, very definitely there are key personnel within drug companies who know exactly the dangers that relate to their products, but who choose to say nothing in order to preserve income and to protect from litigation.  To deny this takes place would be naive in the extreme. Nicholas Murray Butler was chief spokesman for US giant JP Morgan and Co.  On the subject of ‚circles of knowledge‘, Butler once stated:

Applying this principle to the pharmaceutical industry, further on down the chain of command, a number of dangerous products are being manufactured  and prescribed today, by a great multitude who are innocently proud to be associated with these supposedly ‚life-saving‘ medicines. Conventional doctors especially can so easily fall into the category of ‚Butler’s ‚great multitude‘. Working under extreme pressures, doctors and nurses just do not have room in their day to step off the conventional treadmill to conduct contrary research. It is far simpler and far more expedient to dismiss all non-pharmaceutical information as fringe lunacy.

Having said all this, there are many, many dedicated people involved in conventional health care who are practicing elements of conventional medicine and who are saving and enhancing lives every day, not least in some methods of diagnosis, pre-emptive surgery and in acute and emergency medicine. Accident and Emergency units especially, perform a tremendous job. As with all medicine, may the good continue and may the bad be open to complete reappraisal.

Finally, I do so wish I’d been given the opportunity to meet John Diamond. Because I reckon we’d have got on like a house on fire. And who knows what might have happened as a result?

printer-friendly version available here

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01825 765588 or mobile 07947 496488

A letters page is being added to this site. Your comments on the issues raised are most welcome. The views of those readers with medical qualifications are especially welcome. Please write to steve1@onetel.net.uk

 star letter

Thank you for reading.

Steven Ransom,

Research Director,

Credence Publications

Please visit http://www.laleva.cc/indexeng.html right now and sign the petition against the restriction of vitamin and mineral sales. It will only take thirty seconds to complete and it is so important.


Mr Ransom, I share your thoughts and I applaud you for your courage for bringing us ‚Death by Doctoring‘. The most dangerous place on planet earth is the hospital – next is the doctor’s office – followed closely by the dentist’s office.“  Frank D Wiewel, Former Chairman, Pharmacological and Biological Treatments Committee, Office of Alternative Medicine (OAM) US National Institutes of Health (NIH) 


„Dear Steve, I’m writing from Georgia. I’m an 12 yr. old. I was hoping to find some information for a school project. But when I came to this site I found more than what I needed. Thanks to your site I made a 100 on the project. Since I hope to be a journalist your site helped me grab a better understanding of how people can have the same opinions and how they have different opinions. Thanks for creating this site Steve.“ Alex.


„Dear Steve, I must blame you for a sleepless night as I had just been sent your site and found your articles to be just brilliant! I have been immersing myself in all of this information for a while now but never have I found it written so well online…so thank you! You certainly gave myself and my family members something to think about. Keep up the brilliant work. Take care, and bless ya heaps!!“  Ledonna James


Dear Steve, Thank God you wrote this article! The senseless deaths of our past for the sake of a buck is so sinful I cannot express the grief I feel knowing all of this. No one in my family has this dreadful conflicksion and I hope they never do. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.   Eddie Matthews 


„Dear Steve, I’m amazed you slipped by me! I’ve just discovered your excellent web site, and I’m very impressed! Congratulations on a truly awesome site packed with information. I’ll be adding you to my links section of my site later today. Once again great job, I’ll be checking back regularly for updates.“   Gareth Davies Webmaster Mindsetcentral.com


„This site provides a practical and useful archive of information for what is really going on behind the scenes in Government and Big Business today.  Easily navigable, and particularly accurate and unlike many political or watchdog sites of today, this website seeks to provide the truth to key issues in today’s politics, without playing the sensationalist card. It is the best political site I’ve ever seen, and certainly on a par with www.disinformation.org, if not much better!“  Grahame Warby, LL.m International Law, Freelance Journalist.


„This informative and empowering essay shows that the main beneficiaries of cancer treatment are the medical and pharmaceutical interests, while most cancer patients continue to suffer and die of this spreading disease – and not only despite conventional treatment, but often because of it! Death by Doctoring should be required reading for anyone who values his or her health.“ John J. Moelaert – author of  The Cancer Conspiracy  at http://members.shaw.ca/jmoelaert


„An excellent, well-researched site, congratulations! You have presented the position exceptionally clearly as it is regarding mainstream and ‚alternative. It is of growing concern that the rising popularity of unregulated alternative medicine is beginning in some areas to go down the same greedy and dishonest path as big pharma. There is too much good to have this happen. The consequences will be government closedown of non-mainstream medicine orchestrated by the dangerous Codex . I practise almost exclusively natural medicine and much of my time is spent in assisting patients through the complex, bewildering maze of which option, which nutrient and which of the thousands of ‚cancer cures‘. I will be certainly directing all my cancer patients to your site. Our clinic already uses, amongst other immune supportive therapies, IV Vit C and B17 intravenously as well as orally. Keep up the research Steve, we appreciate it.“ Bill Reeder, Registered Medical Practitioner MB.ChB Member of ACNEM, AIMA, NZIMA, NZNMA. (Nutritional and Natural Medicines Associations of Australia and NZ)


„As someone who was diagnosed with enormous cancer 4 years ago — and who was lucky enough to have had some truth put in front of me BEFORE the axe fell — I am SO happy to be doing as much as I can to help spread the truth. It is so sad that I know supposedly „educated“ people who just close their eyes and will not look at what CAN in fact save their lives – seemingly, they prefer to die. YET — they DO NOT WANT TO DIE. How brainwashed are we? Keep it up.“ Jane May, Wagga Wagga, Australia


„Hi Steve! I am a Naturopath in Liverpool, Sydney. I want to encourage you to keep up your great work & mission to get the truth out. I am so glad that my heavenly Father led me out of the nursing profession, where I worked as a trained nurse & midwife for 10 years. I have been practising as a Nature Cure Naturopath for 20 years, specialising in parents‘ & children’s health, & guiding parents to prepare their bodies to have healthy children & then to raise them naturally in vibrant health, not vaccinated or medicated with any drugs. May God bless you abundantly in all that you do. Yours in vibrant health & joy.“  Marilyn


„Hi Steven,  I just wanted to THANK YOU for your brilliant „Death By Doctoring“ article! It makes for a most insightful and fascinating read. I have passed it on to a lot of people and will keep spreading the word. You guys are awsome. Keep up the great work! Bestest.“   Ora James
Veröffentlicht in Krebs



Copyright 1998 Robert C. Beck, D.Sc. January 14, 1998

(The complete process is described here in detail to allow anyone to successfully achieve recoveries and insure that the currently proven methods will never again be „lost“ or suppressed.)



  1. Apply salt-water moistened electrodes over Ulnar and Radial arteries on opposite insides of same wrist. A Velcro(R) and elastic strap holds electrodes in place. You must electrify blood for one to two hours every day for three weeks. This should not interfere with other activities. As your blood circulates normally, enough will be flowing along this path in forearm until most blood in your body is eventually treated by the 50 to 100 microampere current flowing internally. About 3 to 5 milliamperes is necessary at the skin to overcome resistive losses through tissue before current reaches blood.
  2. Drink 8 to 16 OZ of 3 to 5 ppm self-made Silver Colloid daily. Costing under 1 cent per gallon, colloids are shown to easily control opportunistic infections. This gives you a second intact immune system. Colloids can be generated in the same water while ozonizing.
  3. Apply your magnetic pulse generator for about 20 minutes daily by positioning and pulsing coil over lymph nodes and internal organs. Pulse each time it recharges at several second intervals. Pulses of high intensity time-varying magnetic flux generate a measurable back e.m.f. in adjacent tissue thus neutralizing any residual germinating and incubating pathogens. Without this step, sufferers have been known to sometimes reinfect themselves. Conventional permanent magnets positively will not work.
  4. Drink as much ozonated water as you can comfortably ingest daily. You must generate fresh ozone yourself each time and drink immediately since ozone has a half-life of only a few minutes. All known pathogens and cancers are anaerobic. Ozone aids their elimination by oxidation and speeds your detoxification and recovery with no discomfort. Consuming ozone water flushes neutralized pathogens, wastes and toxins from your system.


If you are not technically oriented, you may skip the following.


  1. The blood electrifier and silver colloid maker are usually combined in one small plastic box, typically 3-3/4″ X 2-1/4″ X 1″ (cigarette pack size) containing one outlet for wrist electrodes and a second outlet for colloid making. A single 9 volt transistor radio battery drives a voltage tripler, and a single-IC-chip switches the 27 volts from negative to positive 3.92 times each second. A biphasic square wave with sharp rise time output is fed to a 3.5 mm jack connecting to two 3/32″ stainless steel electrodes 1″ long each covered with two layers of 100% cotton flannel saturated with dilute salt water. A potentiometer allows users to adjust output until comfortable. Red and green LED’s show polarity reversal (essential for safe blood electrification) and overall system functioning. A grain-of-wheat lamp indicates current flow when making ionic colloid. Precise electrode locations are determined by carefully feeling arterial pulse points on opposite insides of same wrist and positioning saturated electrodes precisely along the paths where arteries come closest to surface. Locations are critical, since objective is to supply maximal current into blood and not waste it in surrounding flesh. Typical impedance measured from electrode-to-electrode may be as low as 2000 ohms. Adjust output for strongest comfortable level. Schematics, parts lists and detailed instructions appear in [elsewhere in these lecture notes]. Anyone can build his own system: you need buy nothing except replacement batteries. However commercially available systems are inexpensive, reliable, and are usable immediately.
  2. Ionic Silver Colloids of excellent quality and freshness are easily user-made as follows – Pure silver (99.9%) 14 gauge electrodes, providing anode and cathode about 6″ long, are immersed in an 8 OZ glass of room-temperature water (tap or distilled) and the 27 volt DC output is applied for about 3 minutes in tap water and 20 minutes in distilled water or until water appears milky. Stir and drink immediately two or three times daily. I ozonate the water while making colloid and drink the combination immediately. Some prefer „golden“ colloids, easily made by using only heated (150 degrees F) distilled water in Pyrex containers with electrodes activated for ~20 minutes. Store silver colloid in dark brown bottles. Keep out of light and do not refrigerate.
  3. MAGNETIC PULSER: This extremely useful tool neutralizes active, hibernating or incubating pathogens being normally processed in lymph, spleen, liver, skin, kidney, stomach muscles and other tissue. It is easily made by purchasing or winding a ~2.5 millihenry coil and driving it with a 35 to 70 Watt-Second (Joules) electronic flash or „strobe“. (A Joule is (1/2 CV^2) where C is in microfarads and V is in Kilovolts.) A self-wound inductance coil of ~130 turns of 14 or 16 gauge, plain enameled magnet wire works well. A 2.5 mH audio speaker cross-over coil is prettier. The coil is simply wired between one electrode of the strobe flash lamp and its capacitor. The device, if self-made, costs about $27 and is vasty more powerful than $5000 to $7O00 commercial devices of far less measurable power. The coil kicks a steel washer several feet into the air when pulsed thus showing the „occult“ (invisible) energy going into your body during use. A typical finished device (Sota Instruments, Vancouver, B.C. Canada, 1-(800)-224-0242) tests 600 mfd, 330-350V, 36 WS, 21,429 Gauss, 105 Amperes peak, 17,850 Ampere Turns pulse rise time ~1.8 microseconds, pulse duration ~2.6 milliseconds, penetration ~8″ in tissue. It and its AC power supply fit in a box 1-1/2″ X 2-5/8″ X 4-1/2″ with an external applicator coil 2-3/4″ diameter X 1-3/8″ thick on a 4′ cord. (These details are offered for professionals only.)
  4. OZONIZED DRINKING WATER: Before adding this final step to the „magic four“, we had some very uncomfortable full-blown AIDS patients while they were detoxifying. All are now completely well and symptom free. By simply drinking ozone-charged water, most of the benefits of ozone use such as insufflation (ozone enemas), autohemotherapy, ozone injections and blood bubbling, Oxygen Bars and Hyperbaric Oxygen chambers were easily surpassed and made simple and inexpensive. Tanks of „medical oxygen“ (identical to welding oxygen) require medical prescriptions. Ozonized water is made from oxygen in ambient air and costs nothing. MAKING YOUR OWN: You can purchase ozone generators legally in tropical fish (aquarium) stores. Preferred is the 200 ML Sander (brand) ozonizer used with an aquarium aerator pump. Air pumped through a bubble-making „stone“ is passed through chilled water. Depending on the strength ozone maker you buy, water becomes „saturated“ in a few minutes and must be drunk immediately. You can see an increase in % blood oxygen saturation which often reaches 100% within minutes. Do NOT use ultra-violet (cheapest but almost useless) generators. Use ONLY cold-corona high voltage ozonizers. Construction and use is fully explained in my main paper.

Mitschrift des Video-Vortrags von Dr. Robert Beck

Video-Titel: „Der verschwiegene Durchbruch der Medizin“

1 Vorstellung durch den Moderator

Ist es einfach ausgedrĂŒckt möglich, mit Niederspannungsstrom eine Krankheit zu zappen (resp. zu neutralisieren) und ihren Verlauf einfach umzudrehen? Dieser Meinung ist Dr. Robert Beck und er ist damit bei weitem nicht allein.

Anfangs der 90er Jahre wurden in der Albert-Einstein-School of Medicine in New York Ă€hnliche Forschungen betrieben, von 2 Wissenschaftlern Dr. William Lymen und Dr. Steven Kaali. Damals las man in den Schlagzeilen: „Wissenschaftler sagen: Elektrischer Strom könnte helfen, Aids zu bekĂ€mpfen.“

Heute abend wird RB, der von vielen Physikern und Forschern hoch angesehen ist, zu diesem Thema einen Vortrag halten.

RB ist bekannt fĂŒr seine Entwicklungen elektrischer StimulationsgerĂ€te und der Erforschung der Tesla EM-Felder,

Er ist Berater der Scientific Corporation und Forscher am Urbing Research Institute,

Berater der US Marine fĂŒr die Erkennung von EM-Feldern als Offizier fĂŒr OberflĂ€chenwaffen. Er hat fĂŒr die US Marine sehr sensible Magnetometer entworfen und gebaut.

RB ist GrĂŒnder und PrĂ€sident der Monitor Electric Research Corporation und der Alpha Metric Company.

RB ist Hersteller ethischer Biofeedback GerÀte.

RB besitzt grundlegende Patente fĂŒr mikro(volt)elektronische Blitze und andere elektro-optische Systeme.

Heute erforscht er psycho-physiologische und elektro-medizinische ModalitÀten.

Dies wird ein interessanter Vortrag werden. Heißen Sie mit mir RB willkommen zu seinem Vortrag.

2 Vortrag

Wenn mir jemand vor 5 Jahren gesagt hĂ€tte, daß ich vor einer Gruppe stehen und ĂŒber eine medizinische Entdeckung berichten wĂŒrde, die vielleicht in diesem Jahrhundert die wichtigste ist, dann hĂ€tte ich das als kompletten Unsinn abgetan. Aber wĂ€hrend der letzten 5 Jahre habe ich mit meinen eigenen Mitteln (ca. 85.000 $) ohne UnterstĂŒtzung von einer Regierung oder einer UniversitĂ€t etwas erforscht, das sich als das beste herausgestellt hat, was mir je begegnet ist zur BekĂ€mpfung von Krankheiten; und ich bin schon seit 40 Jahren auf diesem Gebiet tĂ€tig.

Sind hier Ärzte anwesend? Oder Chripraktoren? oder Therapeuten? Der Grund ist, warum ich das frage, ich halte hier einen Stapel von Papieren (Laborberichte) aus wichtigen U.S.-SpitĂ€lern in den HĂ€nden (F1). Bevor diese veröffentlicht worden sind (werden), darf ich sie keinem außer Ärzten zeigen. Dies hat mit dem Vertrauens-verhĂ€ltnis von Arzt und Patient zu tun (Confidentiality Agreement).

2.1 AIDS ist heilbar

Wie viele haben von euch gelesen, dass es fĂŒr AIDS keine Heilung gibt. Das haben wir doch alle. Das ist eine absolute LĂŒge. Es gibt eine einfach einzusetzende 95% wirksame Heilmethode fĂŒr HIV, und Krebs, und Herpes, und Hepatitis, und Epstein-Barr und etwa ein Dutzend weiterer „unheilbarer“ Krankheiten, die am 11. MĂ€rz 1990 an der Albert-Einstein-School of Medicine in New York von Dr. William Lyman und Dr. Steven Kaali gefunden wurde. Und was geschah mit diesem Durchbruch, der viel wichtiger ist als das Penicillin, Antibiotika oder was auch immer! Er wurde unterdrĂŒckt! Warum wurde Ihnen diese Info vorenthalten, die Sie selbst leicht nachprĂŒfen können. Sie mĂŒssen nicht mein Wort dafĂŒr nehmen!

Ich habe kĂŒrzlich entdeckt, dass die Mafia ca. 51 % der großen Pharma-Konzerne besitzt, dabei arbeiten sie auch auf der anderen Seite, mit den illegalen Drogen aus SĂŒd- und Zentralamerika und China. Die Medizin-Kartelle in diesem Land, den USA, belasten Ihnen 50.000 200.000 $, wenn Sie „unheilbar“ an Krebs erkrankt sind. Das sind fĂŒr OP, Chemotherapie, Bestrahlungen und Spitalkosten.

2.2 Heilung kostet 1 $ 32 Cent

Ich habe jetzt etwas mitgebracht, das ich jetzt brauchen möchte. Aha, das hat wohl jemand mitgehen lassen. Also normalerweise halte ich hier ein PĂ€ckchen Wrigley Spearmint Gum also Kaugummi hoch. Als ich ein Junge war, kostete das 10 Cent! Jetzt eben am Flughafen in Chicago musste ich 1$ 32 Cent dafĂŒr bezahlen. Und das ist der Preis, genauso viel,

was es Sie kosten wĂŒrde, die meisten „unheilbaren“ Erkrankungen hier in Amerika zu heilen!

Und „heilen“ dĂŒrfte ich gar nicht sagen, das darf nur ein Arzt. Also schĂ€me ich mich dafĂŒr ein bißchen. Und warum haben Sie davon nichts gehört? Weil General Electrics und Westinghaus und andere Firmen Millionen von Dollar investiert haben, um Röntgen-GerĂ€te, CT, Cat-Scan, usw. zu entwickeln. Aber fĂŒr 1$ 32 Cent können Sie sich jetzt selbst heilen, ohne Ärzte, ohne Medikamente, ohne Pharmazeutika, sicher ohne OP, sicher ohne Chemotherapie, ohne KrĂ€uter, ohne Homöopathie, ohne Nosoden. Sie können es fĂŒr sich selbst tun, und es wurde auch schon gemacht.

Das letzte Mal, als ich das Spital besuchte, welches diese Studien macht

Könnten Sie vielleicht hier mal nach vorne kommen, wenn Sie so gut sein möchten (dieser Therapeut).

2.3 AIDS-Behandlungen mit dem Blutreiniger

Die Leute fragen sich, warum sie noch nichts davon gehört hĂ€tten, wo die Studien wĂ€ren aus SpitĂ€lern, davon existieren Hunderte. Sie erkennen möglicherweise den Namen dieses Labors (auf LaborblĂ€ttern, die Beck auf dem Pult hat) und sollen ihn nicht laut sagen (zu der Person, die neben ihm zur Kontrolle der ÜberprĂŒfung der Richtigkeit steht). Dies hier sind PCR-Tests (Polymerase-Ketten-Reaktion: Polymerase Chain Reaction). DafĂŒr hat Dr. Kelly Mollis 1993 den Nobelpreis erhalten.

Wir begannen mit etwa 24 AIDS-Patienten 1995. Dieser hier hat (1.):

1. PCR Wert: 30.8.95 537982 (Zahl der HIV-Partikel)

2. PCR Wert 30.8.95 418000 (Zahl der HIV-Partikel) usw.

3. PCR Wert 11.8.95 3063 (Zahl der HIV-Partikel) PCR Wert 3.11.95 < 100*

Die Nr. 3. wĂŒrde die Nennung des Namens wohl erlauben.

* PCR Werte < 100 werden als Null gewertet (untere Nachweisgrenze).

Wir haben 50 cm hohe PapierstĂ¶ĂŸe von solchen Berichten. Jeder Einzelne dieser Patienten hatte ausgebrochenes AIDS, war an lebenserhaltenden Systemen angeschlossen und brauchte Hilfe, um zur Toilette zu gehen. Alle sind sie aber ohne Symptome (nach Anwendung des Blutreinigers). Sie können arbeiten, keiner zeigt AIDS-Symptome. (RB stellt einzelne FĂ€lle aus seinen Laborberichten vor (unter der Sichtkontrolle eines Arztes, um die AuthentizitĂ€t des Gesagten zu gewĂ€hrleisten. RB hat selbst die SpitĂ€ler besucht, in denen die Studien gemacht worden sind.) Der Name des Labors, der dort auf den Studienunterlagen angegeben ist, darf aus VertraulichkeitsgrĂŒnden nicht genannt werden.

Und wenn Sie jetzt in der Zeitung lesen, daß der Erlös des Basketball-Spieles vom letzten Wochenende der AIDS-Forschung zugute kommt. Das ist eine absolute LĂŒge!

Es gab und es gibt ein Heilverfahren fĂŒr alle Formen von AIDS (100%), 95 % Krebs, 100% Epstein-Barr, Hepatitis, Lupus, und fĂŒr etwa 50% von Herpes. Das habe ich alles aus meiner eigenen Tasche finanziert. Ich habe absolut nichts zu verkaufen. Gott ist sehr gut zu mir gewesen. Ich glaube, ich setze hier die Arbeit meines Vaters fort, ich finanziere sie und ĂŒbergebe sie der Welt. (Beifall) Vielen Dank. Ich sehe viele Freunde hier im Publikum, Leute aus der Zeit, als ich noch Mitvorsitzender der Psychotronischen Gesellschaft war RutengĂ€nger und andere komische Vögel.

Nun zurĂŒck zu diesem Papier (hĂ€lt eine Publikation hoch), das können sie hinten bei Jane erwerben. Dabei verlange ich nur die Kopierkosten zurĂŒck. Nichts von den 85.000 $, die ich darein gesteckt habe. Schauen Sie sich den Titel an: „Take back your Power (Nehmt Eure Macht zurĂŒck)“. Also nochmals: Take back your Power“. Ihr braucht keine Ärzte, Krankenschwestern, Chiropraktoren, KrĂ€uter, Arzneimittel, OP. Ihr braucht diese Dinge nur, wenn Ihr mit dem politisch korrekten Lösungen gehen wollt, auf die sich Eure Nachbarn seit Generationen verlassen haben.

2.4 Blutelektrifizierung und ImmunitÀt (Eine Publikation von R. Beck?)

Der Artikel heißt „Blutelektrifizierung und ImmunitĂ€t Eine erwiesene, erstaunliche und gĂŒnstige Entdeckung zur RĂŒckbildung von unheilbaren ZustĂ€nden“ (Also die Wiederherstellung der ImmunitĂ€t durch Mikroströme). Wir haben festgestellt, dass diese Info unterdrĂŒckt worden ist.

1990 haben die Ärzte, die dies entdeckten, 2 Platinelektroden in eine Petrischale gelegt, die hochinfektiöses menschliches Blut enthielt. Die Infektion hier war eine sehr starke HIV-Dosis, was ja angeblich die Ursache von AIDS sein soll. Sie fanden nun heraus, dass, wenn sie durch dieses Blut elektrischen Strom leiteten, das HIV an keine Rezeptoren mehr andocken konnte, die im Blut vorhanden waren, d.h. die CD4, die T-Zellen und die Helferzellen konnten nicht mehr durch das HIV-Virus infiziert werden. Die einzige ErwĂ€hnung dieser unglaublichen Entdeckung war in Science News am 30.3.91 auf Seite 207. Sie finden das in ihrem Papier (Publikation von Beck?) und werdet bloß nicht alt, sonst braucht ihr diese auch (weist auf seine Brille). „Schockbehandlung fĂŒr AIDS“, darin wird davon gesprochen, daß William D. Lyman und seine Kollegen am Albert-Einstein-College of Medicine in New York am 1. Symposium fĂŒr Kombinationstherapie in Washington eine Papier prĂ€sentiert haben. Ihre darin beschriebene Experimente zeigten, dass die schockierten Viren die FĂ€higkeit verloren haben, ein Enzym zu bilden, dass fĂŒr ihre Reproduktion wichtig ist, und sie konnten auch die weißen Blutzellen nicht mehr zum Zusammenklumpen bringen. Das sind 2 wichtige Zeichen einer Virus Infektion. Die einzigen Hinweise darauf in der amerikanischen Presse, die ich finden konnte, waren diese Artikel in Science News und einer in Longevity im Dez. 1992 (Seite 14), betitelt: „Viren durch Stromschlag töten“. Dr. Kaali sagt in diesem Artikel, dass es noch ca. 15 Jahre dauern wĂŒrde, bis man diese Methode am Menschen anwenden könne. Wir haben es jedoch innerhalb von 5 Jahren mit Erlaubnis der Patienten im geheimen durchgefĂŒhrt, und wir haben die Testresultate, die beweisen, dass es wirkt.

2.5 Krebs-Heilung eines Rechtsanwaltes

Jedesmal, wenn ich vortrage, kamen hinterher Leute zu mir nach vorn, um mir ihre Erfahrung mitzuteilen. Letzthin hatten wir ĂŒber 800 Leute in einem Raum, und da war auch dieser 80jĂ€hrige Anwalt, der zu mir sagte:

„Bob, es sah aus, als ob ich sterben mĂŒĂŸte, mein Krebs hatte im ganzen Lymphsystem Metastasen gebildet. Man hat mir gesagt, ich solle nach Hause gehen und mein Testament machen, denn ich hĂ€tte höchstens noch 2 3 Wochen zu leben. Ich ging also nach Hause, verfasste meinen letzten Willen, da sah ich ihren Artikel in einem Magazin, ich denke, dass muß 1973(?) gewesen sein. Er ist seither mehrere Male neu publiziert worden. Ich habe dann die Methode angewandt und jetzt sind meine Biopsien und mein CT ohne Befund. Ich bin wieder zurĂŒck zur Arbeit und als Anwalt musste ich 16 Stunden pro Tag arbeiten, um die Arbeit aufzuholen, die ich nicht tun konnte, als ich auf der Intensivstation lag. Ich jogge jeden Tag 3 Meilen.“ Und dabei liefen ihm TrĂ€nen ĂŒber das Gesicht.

2.6 Heilung von Lupus

Dann waren da einige Damen, die seit etwa 10 Jahren an Lupus litten, sie konnten sich kaum von der Couch vom Fernseher zum Bett und zur Toilette hin bewegen. Diese Damen sind jetzt wieder in den Einkaufszentren und geben das Geld ihrer MĂ€nner aus und verrichten wieder ganztĂ€gig ihre Arbeit. Linda Wright, die manchmal zu unseren Treffen kommt, kam eines Tages mit einem ganz perfekten Bluttest (wahrscheinlich Dunkelfeldmikroskopie-Bild) an und sagte, mein Arzt hat ihn (den Bluttest) zu 2 (verschiedenen) Labors schicken mĂŒssen, weil, er hat noch nie jemanden gesehen, der ein so perfektes Blutbild hat, nachdem er Lupus hatte!

Wir kennen Dutzende solcher FĂ€lle, und die meisten dieser Menschen gingen auch nicht zum Arzt, um dort geheilt zu werden, außer 1 Gruppe, die an einer medizinischen Studie in New Port Beach, Kalifornien, mitmachte. Die Sache ist die, dass ich einfach jetzt weiß, dass es stimmt !

Alle med.-technischen „therapeutischen HeilgerĂ€te“ schon ausprobiert – Keines funktionierte bisher

Ich habe schon 500 verschiedenen Sachen ausprobiert, z.B. die Maschine von Wilhelm Reich funktioniert nicht, die Maschine von Hulda Clark funktioniert nicht. Viele dieser GerĂ€te hatten nur eine geringfĂŒgige Wirkung und ich dachte schon, ich wĂŒrde schon wieder auf etwas hereinfallen. Wie Sie wissen, habe ich Lukhowski Multi-wellen Oszillatoren GerĂ€te gebaut. Ich habe fast jede Art von elektro-medizinischen GerĂ€ten gebaut, die man sich vorstellen kann, seit ich hier in Kalifornien lebe, und das heißt seit Anbeginn des 2. Weltkrieges. Im besten Fall wiesen solche GerĂ€te eine geringfĂŒgige Wirkung auf. Aber das GerĂ€t, das Sie selbst sich bauen können, ohne dass es sie irgendetwas kostet, denn das Schaltdiagramm und die Anleitung zum Bau sind alle in ihrem Papier enthalten. Dieses GerĂ€t habe ich 1991 entworfen, um damit eine experimentelle Studie durchzufĂŒhren. Ich habe mir dazu von einem Elektronik-GeschĂ€ft eine Liste zusammenstellen lassen. Sie finden sie auch in ihrem Papier. Ich selbst habe keinen Nutzen davon, von den Tausenden von $, die sie damit umgesetzt haben. Und selbst, wenn Sie nicht wissen, was ein Transistor oder Kondensator ist, dann gehen Sie einfach ins GeschĂ€ft und legen diese Liste hin und lassen sich die Sachen geben, und das kostet dann so ungefĂ€hr knapp 50$. Und dieses GerĂ€t stellt nicht nur Kolloide her eines der stĂ€rksten Heilmittel, das die Menschheit kennt deshalb wurden sie auch von der FDA (Gesundheitsbehörde in den USA) kĂŒrzlich aus dem Verkehr gezogen. Es sendet auch einen elektrischen Strom in ihr Blut, das neutralisiert .

Und dieses Wort gebrauche ich sehr ungern: ich habe meinen Dr. Titel der Physik 1955 erhalten, meinen Ing. Grad 1948 erreicht. Ich werde Ihnen gleich etwas vorlesen, dass Sie nicht glauben werden, bis Sie es selbst mit Ihren eigenen Augen gesehen haben.

2.7 Blutreiniger (Blutzapper)

Dieses kleine GerĂ€t ich habe dies nicht selbst gebaut ist von SOTA Instruments (free toll phone no. 1-800-224-0242: es kostet Sie nichts, wenn Sie mit dieser Nr. in Amerika telefonieren). Ich selbst verdiene nicht an den UmsĂ€tzen dieser Firma. Nun, warum stellt diese Firma diese GerĂ€te her? Der Besitzer hat in einer kanadischen Publikation meinen Artikel gelesen. Die Publikation erschien im PACE (Planetary Association for Clean Energy: Planetare Gesellschaft fĂŒr saubere Energie). Er hat also ein solches GerĂ€t gebaut, da seine Frau an chronischem MĂŒdigkeitssyndrom (CFS) litt. Sie war so schwer an Epstein-Barr erkrankt, dass sie nicht mehr funktionieren konnte.

Und wenn jemand von Ihnen am letzten Wochenende bei der Zusammenkunft der Nat. Health Fed. war, haben Sie diese Dame gesehen am Stand mit ihrem Mann. Sie ist wieder voll leistungsfĂ€hig und zeigt keine Spuren ihrer Krankheit mehr, nachdem sie zuvor alle Ärzte in Amerika und Kanada aufgesucht hatte, die sie sich leisten konnte. Sie hat mir das mit TrĂ€nen in den Augen gesagt. Und all das nur, weil ihr Mann das kleine GerĂ€t gebaut hat fĂŒr ungefĂ€hr 15$. Man befestigt das GerĂ€t am Arm, so funktioniert das nĂ€mlich, und die 2 Elektroden verbindet man mit den Pulsstellen am Arm (Arteria ulnaris, A. radialis), also auf den beiden Arterien (unterhalb des Handgelenkes innen, d.h. auf der Seite der HandinnenflĂ€chen), wo man den Puls fĂŒhlt. Wenn das GerĂ€t eingeschaltet ist und die kleinen Lichter (rot und grĂŒn) aufblinken, die anzeigen, dass die PolaritĂ€t wechselt, damit Ihnen auch gar nichts geschehen kann, wenn das Blut elektrifiziert wird und diese elektrische Ladung (die wĂ€hrend des Mikrostromes fließt) : so besagen es 14 amerikanische Patente entfernen alle Pathogene! , nicht 99,9% sondern alle (krankmachende Substanzen) aus dem Blut, das sind z.B. Parasiten, Viren, Mikroben, Pilze, also alles, was sich im Blut befindet und da nicht hingehört, was nicht da war, als sie geboren wurden. Sie alle werden in nur 2 3 Wochen aus dem Körper entfernt ĂŒber die Milz, falls das Lymphsystem betroffen ist, ĂŒber die Leber und ĂŒber die Nieren. Das alles ist sehr aufregend!

Der Teil ĂŒber die Patente fehlt! Sollte nach nachgeliefert werden (WW).

2.8 Parasiten im Blut

Es sind die Fremdlinge im Blut, die die Lebenserwartung auf 70 80 Jahre beschrĂ€nken. Denn wie in der heiligen Schrift steht, lebte man vor vielen Generationen mehrere 100 Jahre: Salomon, David, Methusalem usw. Wir haben eine Unmenge medizinischer TextbĂŒcher durchforscht, um die exakten Stellen anzugeben, wo sie auf das Lymphsystem Einfluss nehmen können, um die Pathogene (Parasiten), die sich dort aufhalten (latent) auszuschalten. WĂ€hrend sie dort in der Latenzphase sitzen, gelten Sie als absolut gesund! Und Sie werden in 3-5 Jahren von diesen Pathogenen erneut infiziert. Und mit diesen Informationen, mit diesen Diagrammen und Instruktionen haben wir im wörtlichen Sinne Sie sich wieder selbst zurĂŒckgegeben. Und ich werde nicht von hier weggehen, bis ich Ihnen alles ganz genau gezeigt habe. Es ist nicht meine Meinung, es ist ein absolutes Faktum und wir können uns darauf verlassen. DafĂŒr haben wir genĂŒgend Beweise.

Wenn Sie zu faul, zu dumm oder elektronisch unbegabt sind oder einfach Angst davor haben, ihr eigenes GerĂ€t zu bauen, es sind ĂŒber 40 Firmen bekannt, und vielleicht gibt es noch einige mehr, von denen ich nichts weiß, dass sie diese GerĂ€te herstellen, und wenn ich diese Leute treffe, kriege ich immer sehr gute Berichte von Ihnen (ĂŒber die Wirksamkeit dieser GerĂ€te?), aber Geld kriege ich von keiner dieser Firmen. Und alle diese Infos sind in Ihrem Papier enthalten.

Worauf mĂŒssen wir sonst noch achten? Bis jetzt ist noch niemand gestorben an AIDS, wissen Sie das. Die Patienten sterben an opportunistischen Infektionen, wie LungenentzĂŒndung, Kaposi-Sarkom usw. Die Pathogene attackieren den Körper, wenn das Immunsystem mit ihnen nicht mehr klar kommt. So kommen auch die Namen zustande: HIV Human Immun Deficiency Virus; AIDS: Acquired Immun Deficiency Syndrome. Dies ist die einzige Methode, die ich kenne, die funktioniert.

2.9 AZT-Cocktail zur AIDS-ChemoTherapie

Ich weiß, es gibt Leute, die haben BĂŒcher geschrieben, ĂŒber OZON-Therapie, KrĂ€uter-Therapie usw. – ich werde ihre Namen nicht nennen. Ich habe mit Leuten gesprochen, die mit Dr. David Hoe? zusammengearbeitet haben. Er war vor kurzem im Time Magazine Wissenschaftler des Jahres. Er hat herausgefunden, dass, wenn man verschiedene Chemotherapien zusammenmixt, ein Cocktail entsteht, das dann die Anzahl der Viren im Blut dramatisch sinkt. Was er aber nicht sagt, und das lese ich Ihnen jetzt vor (das war am 10.12.96 in der Los Angeles Times zu lesen): Drogen Kombination vermindert HIV, aber es löst es nicht auf.

Hier geschah etwas seltsames mit den Patienten: Sie hatten also diese Patienten, die auf der Kombi-(Cocktail)-ChemoTherapie waren (Kosten 20 60 Tsd $/Jahr) und sobald die Patienten aufhörten, diesen Cocktail (von AZT usw) zu nehmen, stiegen ihre HIV-Partikel-Zahlen extrem an, und zwar in Millionen und Trilliarden (Milliarden?)höhe. Die chemotherapeutischen Substanzen im Cocktail hatten also die Virenzahl im Blut heruntergehalten, so lange der Cocktail eingenommen wurde. Sobald die Patienten aber aufhörten, den Cocktail zu nehmen, stiegen ihre Werte wieder, einige stiegen sogar kritisch an und die Patienten mußten sofort wieder diesen Cocktail weiternehmen. Wenn man einmal mit dem Cocktail anfĂ€ngt, muß man ihn bis zum Ende seines Lebens weiternehmen. Und wie auf der AIDS-Konferenz in Okinawa (Japan) letztes Jahr festgestellt wurde, hat AZT z.B. das Leben keines einzigen der AIDS-Patienten auch nur um einen Tag verlĂ€ngert! Und ich sehe, das viele von Ihnen diese Papiere auch gelesen haben.

(Fazit) Diese Therapien (Chemotherapien?) sind ein bloßes Versprechen. Sie sind dazu da, Geld zu machen, indem sie den AIDS-Patienten Hoffnung verleihen.

2.10 Körperliche Gewaltanwendung auf Beck durch Gruppe „AIDS Act up“

Letzten Februar wurde ich von Mitgliedern der Gruppe „AIDS Act up“ blutig geschlagen, sodaß Blut ĂŒber mein Gesicht runterlief. Die 2 Hotels in N.Y., wo das Treffen feststand, wurden von der Gruppe „AIDS Act up“ angerufen und es wurde Ihnen gedroht, die Hotels niederzubrennen, falls diese Veranstaltung stattfinden wĂŒrde.

Also stellte man mir „Body Guards“ zur Seite. Die waren natĂŒrlich nicht immer zur Stelle, und man hat mir gesagt, ich solle ja nicht zum Haupteingang hinausgehen, sondern den Dienst- oder Seiteneingang benĂŒtzen, und am allerletzten Tag mußte ich mich beeilen, den Bus zum Flughafen zu bekommen, um nach Hause zu fahren. Da ging ich also vorne raus. Auf der gegenĂŒberliegenden Straßenseite war ein Typ mit einer Videokamera und ein anderer schlug mich ĂŒber den Kopf. Ich konnte ihn nicht verfolgen, weil meine Knie nicht mehr so gut sind, ich habe dort keine Knorpel mehr drin.

2.11 Drastische Gewichtsreduktion ohne Parasiten

Wann hast du mich das letzte Mal gesehen, Iven, 3-4 Jahre ist es her, oder? 4 Jahre! Siehst du (bei mir) irgend einen Unterschied. IVEN: „Ja, es sieht aus, als hĂ€ttest du ca. 20 kg verloren!“

Beck: Ich habe etwa 130 Pfund verloren! etwa 60 kg. Ich habe Bilder, die es beweisen. Ich wog damals etwa 135 kg, ich hatte fast kein Haar mehr auf dem Kopf, nur rundherum noch ein bisschen (Jetzt hat er volles schwarzes Haar auf dem Kopf, es ist jedoch nicht auszumachen, ob es ein Toupet ist). Sobald ich den Feind, also diese Fremdlinge im Blut losgeworden bin, hat mein Immunsystem wieder das Kommando ĂŒbernommen, und nachdem ich die 220 g Parasiten, die jeder Mann, jede Frau, jedes Kind in den USA, das Ă€lter ist als 4 Tage, in sich tragen, losgeworden bin. Ein Neugeborenes hat in 4 Stunden genĂŒgend Luft eingeatmet, um mit Candida albicans (Pilz) infiziert zu sein.

2.12 Parasiten und Körpergewicht

Wenn Sie in Amerika leben, es gibt hier ungefĂ€hr 140 bekannte Parasiten, die in uns leben. Das kann Ihnen jeder medizinische Parasitologe bestĂ€tigen. Und in Afrika sind es etwa 500 bekannte Parasiten. Dazu kommen noch 250 unbekannte (Parasiten). Als ich diese Parasiten also aus meinem Körper entfernt hatte, indem ich dieses kleine GerĂ€t trug, ergab sich etwas sehr erstaunliches. Ich habe wie verrĂŒckt an Gewicht verloren. Ich dachte schon, ich hĂ€tte vielleicht Magen-Krebs oder sonst etwas, was mich auszehrt. Aber nein, ich fĂŒhlte mich viel besser als zuvor. Die Parasiten im Menschen, also vom 5m langen Bandwurm bis zum mikroskopisch kleinen, fĂŒr die man zur Stuhlanalyse ein Mikroskop braucht, die bestimmen den Appetit des Menschen, und nun passen Sie auf: Es ist nicht was oder wieviel man ißt, welches das Gewicht bestimmt, es ist wieviel von dem was man ißt, als Fett eingelagert wird, denn die Parasiten verĂ€ndern das P51, die Leptone und einige bekannte Neuro-transmitter aus dem Hypothalamus, um Sie morgen als ihre Nahrung zu gebrauchen.

Viel dieser Parasiten haben mit SĂ€ugetieren wie Affen, Elefanten usw seit 20 Millionen Jahren koexistiert (in Koexistenz zusammen gelebt). Und auch die Anthroposophen finden sie immer wieder, (z.B.) wenn sie eine Leiche im Eis eingefroren finden. Solange man denkt, dass der Mensch auf dieser Erde lebt, waren die Parasiten bei (in) ihm.

Diese Parasiten haben gelernt, sie als ihr Mahl zu gebrauchen, ohne sie dabei umzubringen, denn dann wĂŒrden sie auch sterben, wie Ebola z.B. Das ist in etwa 2 Wochen vorbei (wenn sie den Blutreiniger ordnungsgemĂ€ĂŸ einsetzen). Viele Viren wussten das. Die Parasiten bringen sie jedoch beinahe um, um sie als Mahl zu gebrauchen. Es ist wie wenn wir das Vieh zuerst mĂ€sten, bevor wir es zu Markte treiben. Und nachdem diese Parasiten meinen Körper verlassen haben – das kann man beweisen mit Dunkelfeldmikroskopie: jeder Arzt, der diese Art Test macht, kann das beweisen, sie mĂŒssen es mir nicht glauben habe ich all mein (Über)gewicht verloren. Und zuvor hatte ich jedem 10.000 $ Cash geboten, der dieses Gewicht von mir wegnehmen könnte. Ich habe Dutzende von DiĂ€ten ausprobiert. Ich habe Jenny-Craig-BĂŒchsenmahlzeiten zu mir genommen, mir wurde der Urin von schwangeren Stuten injiziert, Gonadotropin, ich weiß, viele von Ihnen sind auch dadurch gegangen. Ich nahm legale Amphetamine, um mein Appetit zu kontrollieren, bei einer Kur mussten wir Leim trinken, um die Muskeln wieder aufzubauen, nachdem das Fett weg war. Also ich habe alles probiert, bis ich fast umgekommen bin. Und bis ich den wahren Grund gefunden hatte und ich glaube, das gilt fĂŒr etwa 30% der Übergewichtigen, und ich gehörte ganz bestimmt dazu. Ich habe mich immer sehr geschĂ€mt, wenn die Stewardess mit dieser SitzgurtverlĂ€ngerung daherkam, denn der normale Sitzgurt reichte nicht um mich herum. Und in den Restaurants konnte ich nie auf einer Bank sitzen, ich musste einen Stuhl haben, etc, etc.

2.13 Heilung von Krebs

Die Dame hinten im Raum, als ich sie traf, hatte nicht mehr operablen Krebs (SpĂ€ter berichtet sie persönlich (Fragen), daß sie eine „surgery“ hatte?). Steh nochmals auf, meine Liebe. (Klatschen) Und sie sagte, sie wolle es mit diesem Blutreiniger machen und nicht mit Chemotherapie und Bestrahlung. Ohne diese Methoden, so sagten die Ärzte, wĂŒrde sie bestimmt sterben. Ihre Tochter hat sich daĂŒber furchtbar aufgeregt. Kathy und ihre Mutter hatten einen Riesenstreit, weil sie (die Mutter) keine Chemotherapie wollte, die Haare verlieren, den Magen …, ja sie kennen das ja. Heute ist sie (nach Anwendung des Blutreinigers) wieder 100% wohlauf. Gerade ihre letzten Untersuchungen, sowohl Biopsie als auch Cat Scan: keine Spur von irgendwelchem Krebs irgendwo in ihrem Körper wurde mehr aufgezeigt.

Das war ebenso der Fall bei Dutzenden (..dozens and dozens..) von Krebs-Patienten. Bei jedem meiner VortrÀge haben wir einige dabei. Ist irgend jemand hier, der dieses GerÀt gebraucht hat und der jetzt keinen Krebs mehr hat oder keinen Herpes? Okay (man hat den Eindruck, dass niemand aufgezeigt hat).

Sie werden in der Zukunft schon noch davon hören!

2.14 Roi Tagman

Meine RechtsanwĂ€lte haben mir gesagt, ich solle von allen Talkshows wegbleiben, außer denen im Untergrund. Hat mich jemand bei Roi Tagman gehört? (12 melden sich). Roi Tagman lĂ€sst es mich so sagen, wie es wirklich ist. Gott segne ihn. Er hat mein Leben bereichert, indem er mir Details gegeben hat ĂŒber kĂŒnstlich hergestellte Viren, ĂŒber die Neue Weltordnung. Ich hĂ€tte von alledem nichts gewusst, wenn Roi in mir nicht das Interesse geweckt hĂ€tte. Auch wenn er Ihnen etwas liberal erscheint, er macht eine sehr gute Arbeit, in dem er die Leute sich selbst zurĂŒckgibt.

2.15 Wie funktionieren Krebsheilungen mit dem Blutreiniger

Nun, warum funktioniert das bei Krebs? Wir hatten zuerst mit den Krankheiten von Viren, Mikroben oder Parasiten gearbeitet. Als Onkologen im Osten (der USA) sehr sehr viele Heilungen bei Krebs berichteten, mussten wir eine Telefon-Konferenz zwischen 4 oder 5 von uns (Beck und Onkologen im Osten?) machen. Was geschah denn hier? Ich glaube ja nie etwas, ohne das ich den medizinischen Beweis sehe.

Vielleicht wissen Sie, dass im „Explorer Magazine“ vor etwa 3 Monaten ein Artikel erschien mit dem Titel: „Totale Remission von Krebs durch Blutelektrifizierung und kolloidales Silber“. Dieser 2-seitige Artikel ist vollstĂ€ndig in Ihrem Papier enthalten, dass Sie sich nach Hause mitnehmen sollten, denn vielleicht brauchen Sie es noch in Ihrem Arzneischrank, wenn die vielen kĂŒnstlich hergestellten Viren der Neuen Weltordnung auf uns losgelassen werden.

2.16 Lennart Horowitz

Und vielleicht haben Sie das GlĂŒck gehabt, Lennart Horowitz zu hören. Dieser Mann tut eine sehr wichtige Arbeit. Sein Buch heißt „Emerging Viruses“ (Die neu auftauchenden Viren), und ich habe ihn kennengelernt und mit ihm gesprochen, bei der Nat. Health Federation, erst letztes Wochenende. Er ist ein Gentleman und ein Wissenschaftler. Und er hat Recht (schlĂ€gt mit der Faust auf den Tisch)!

Social Security

Machen wir es doch einfach. Die Social Security (SS) will nicht, daß Sie weiterleben, wenn Sie erst mal 65 Jahre geworden sind. Und ich bin jetzt weit darĂŒber (ca. 73 Jahre?). Ich kapiere vielleicht nicht entsprechend, aber ich bin wirklich darĂŒber hinaus. Ich bin jetzt in meinen 70ern. Der Direktor der SS ich werde den Namen nicht nennen denn, wenn ich nach Washington gehe, holt er mich beim Flughafen ab und fĂ€hrt mich dahin, wo ich hin muß. Ich wohne auch in seinem Haus.

Er sagte: Bob, wir wollen, dass alle ĂŒber 65 Jahre in einem Altenheim wie Brennholz abgelagert werden, dass sie Bewußtseins-kontrollierende Drogen wie Barium (Valium?) bekommen und schnell sterben, denn die SS ist schon heute bankrott, sie wird nicht in 5 Jahren bankrott sein, sondern sie ist es jetzt schon. Wenn Sie diese Leute nun wieder gesund machen, mit einem kleinen GerĂ€t, das sie in ihrer Hemdentasche tragen können, wird der Arbeitsmarkt die Leute, die aus der Schule kommen, nicht mehr absorbieren können. Selbst wenn McDonalds jetzt smarte Kassierer hat, die kaum zusammenzĂ€hlen können oder einen kohĂ€renten Abschnitt schreiben können und sie wollen diese Leute mit Erfahrung wieder auf die ArbeitsmĂ€rkte loslassen? Beck: „NatĂŒrlich will ich das!“ Ich war 65 Jahre vor beinahe 10 Jahren ein anderes Problem. Dies tritt allen finanziell Beteiligten auf die FĂŒĂŸe. Die wollen ja 100.000 $ machen mit ihrer Hilfe. Dazu gehören die Versicherungen, SpitĂ€ler usw. Wenn Sie ein Boot kaufen wollen, ist das im Budget des Bootbauers schon eingerechnet, dort in San Pedro. Er wird sehen (erreichen wollen), dass sie herein kommen und sehr viel Geld ausgeben.

Es wird geschehen! Ihr werdet wieder gesund!

2.17 Unsterbliches Blut

Wir sind 17 (die unsterbliches Blut haben?). Davon kenne ich 16 persönlich, die heute schon unsterbliches Blut haben. Das ist eine sehr dramatische Behauptung. Ich erzÀhle Ihnen jetzt, was das bedeutet :

Gegen Ende des letzten Jahres (1997?) hat ein Dunkelfeldmikroskopie(DF)-Anwender sie kennen ihn, er ist weltberĂŒhmt, er unterrichtet weltweit Ärzte, die diese DF-Technik lernen wollen jemand zu sich eingeladen, der schon 6 Monate einen Blutreiniger benutzt (bei sich eingesetzt) hat. Also hat er ihn in den Finger gestochen, hat das Blut auf einen ObjekttrĂ€ger (OT) gebracht und hat es angeschaut. Er sagte: „Sie haben nichts im Hintergrund Ihres Blutes, das stört“. NatĂŒrlich konnten sie keine Viren sehen, das war ein Lichtmikroskop (VergrĂ¶ĂŸerung ca. 3000-fach mit Hintergrundbeleuchtung).

Er sagte „einen Moment mal, ich muß da etwas falsch gemacht haben“. Also stach er noch in einen anderen Finger. Dann stach er noch ins OhrlĂ€ppchen und machte davon einen ObjekttrĂ€ger. Dann sagte er: „Was haben Sie bloß getan? Bei allen, die in den letzten 13 Jahren zu mir kamen, Mann, Frau, Kind, habe ich Parasiten im Blut herumschwimmen sehen. Bei Ihnen gibt es gar keine!“ Antwort des Patienten: „Ja, ich habe den Blutreiniger benutzt.“ Also sagte der Arzt: So verschaffe mir doch einige! Ich möchte sie bei meinen eigenen Patienten ausprobieren. Dir glaub ich so nicht.“

Das hat er gemacht und das hat (bei seinen Patienten) funktioniert.

In Colorado wird Blut als SondermĂŒll angesehen. Es muß speziell entsorgt und verbrannt werden, und zwar von speziell registrierten Spezialisten. Nun, er hatte diese 3 – 4 ObjekttrĂ€ger in eine Kiste unter seinen Labortisch hinter sein Haus geworfen. Etwa 27 Tage, nachdem er das Blut entnommen hatte, schaute er diese OT wieder an, hat sie noch mal unters Mikroskop gelegt und das Blut war immer noch lebendig! Das „Halbleben“ (Halbwerts-zeit, nach der die HĂ€lfte noch leben?) von menschlichen Blut in einem nicht versiegelten OT betrĂ€gt ca. 2 4 Tage Maximum. Nun waren 27 Tage vergangen, aber die roten Blutzellen schwammen noch so im Plasma herum, wie in dem Moment, als er das Blut zuvor entnommen hatte; es ist nicht geronnen. Am Rand ist etwas FlĂŒssigkeit verdampft. Aber nun zum springenden Punkt. 1 Monat danach, also 57 Tage nach der Entnahme des Blutes, da war das Blut noch immer nicht eingesammelt worden, und er legte die OT noch mal unters Mikroskop. Da war sehr viel FlĂŒssigkeit verdampft, aber (ca.) Âœ mm Blut war noch in der Mitte. Der OT war ja nicht versiegelt gewesen. Mittlerweile versiegelt er alle OT. Auf jeden Fall benutzt er heute in seiner Praxis die BlutreinigungsgerĂ€te. Unsterbliches Blut zu haben, was bedeutet das?

Wenn der Feind in uns drin ist, ist er ja vielleicht kein Mann mit einem roten Schwanz und Hörnern und der Nr. 666. Genau wie der Heilige Geist in diesem Tempel ist, so ist auch der Feind drin, d.h. zumindest die Fremden, die sich ĂŒber Monate in uns entwickelt haben, und man kann sie sehen, wenn man durch ein Dunkelfeldmikro-skop (DF) schaut. Wenn man sie los wird, wer weiß was dann geschieht, und was ist denn mit mir geschehen?

Es gibt Bilder, wo da oben (Haarbereich) alles noch glĂ€nzt. Iven kennt mich seit Jahren und Vain kannte mich seit ewig. Weißt du noch, als ich so schwer war, es ist nicht lustig gewesen, ich habe damit leben mĂŒssen, fĂŒr eine lange lange Zeit. Ich hĂ€tte alles gegeben, um dieses Gewicht loszuwerden.

2.18 Beck war körperlich am Ende

Ich war sogar im Rollstuhl; ich war schon als tot aufgegeben worden, von Ärzten, die mich besuchen kamen. Freunde, die Ärzte sind, die seit 30 Jahren aus Beverly Hills keine Hausbesuche mehr machen, sie kamen mich besuchen in Costa Mesa. Bob, sagten sie, du kannst alles loswerden, was du hast, du wirst nie mehr gehen können. An mir wurden so viele Tests gemacht. Ich habe Dr. Alexander Evert aus Washington einfliegen lassen, ich habe seine Reise bezahlt, er hat an mir gearbeitet und dann hat er gesagt: „Bob, jetzt geh ich nach Hause, fĂŒr dich kann niemand mehr etwas tun.“ Ja, damals war ich in einem Rollstuhl, und ich brauche ihn auch heute noch als elektrischen Wagen zum Einkaufen (Beck steht wĂ€hrend des gesamten Vortrages und geht hin und her. Die Bewegungen sind ein bisschen hölzern, insgesamt bewegt er sich, nachdem er im Rollstuhl war, großartig), denn in meinem Kniegelenk habe ich keine Knorpel mehr. Jedenfalls bin ich ganz bestimmt nicht tot. Und ĂŒber meine Libido mĂŒssen Sie sich keine Sorgen machen, es funktioniert wieder alles ganz prĂ€chtig.

– Ich segne Dich, mein Kind, gehe hin und sĂŒndige so wenig wie möglich. –

Ich möchte diese Info mit Ihnen teilen, ich selbst verkaufe nichts. Es gibt Leute, die Sachen verkaufen, ich gehöre nicht zu Ihnen. Teil davon ist, daß ich glaube, daß Gottes Werke frei gegeben werden mĂŒssen. Ich hoffe, meine Belohnung woanders zu bekommen, und ich muß nicht mehr auf diesen Planeten des schmerzvollen BemĂŒhens – darĂŒber habe ich einige Theorien. Auch ist die FDA zu mir nach Hause gekommen, mit gezogenen Pistolen um 3°° Uhr morgens frĂŒh. Ich bin zusammengeschlagen worden, von Leuten, die die Pharmafirmen unterstĂŒtzten: die wollten keine Kur fĂŒr AIDS fĂŒr 2 DM. Ich hatte viele Abenteuer und ich werde noch eines mit Ihnen teilen, und dann werde ich Fragen beantworten.

2.19 Der allgemeine Patient wertschĂ€tzt den Zapper nicht“

Wir haben einige grundlegende Probleme. Eines davon habe ich Ihnen heute erklĂ€rt und das ist absolut unglaub-lich! Als ich versuchte, vor 5 Jahren Leute zu ĂŒberzeugen, und Ihnen die Apparate (kostenlos) geben wollte, ich sagte, ich hĂ€tte einige davon schon gebaut, ihr könnt sie gratis haben, nehmt sie mit, probiert sie aus. (Sie antworteten): „O nein, wenn sie irgend etwas wert wĂ€ren, hĂ€tten die Doktoren, unsere Priester, uns davon erzĂ€hlt.“ Und, denken Sie nicht, daß sie nicht wissen, daß ein geheilter Patient ein verlorener Kunde ist! – Und sagen wir es noch einmal: „Ein geheilter Patient ist ein verlorener Kunde“. Und wenn Sie Ihre Macht wiedererlangen, die Macht ĂŒber alle Krankheiten, und dies hier zeigt Ihnen, wie es geht, dann sind Sie Ihrem Zugriff entschlĂŒpft, dem Zugriff der Computer usw.

2.20 Einprogrammierter Todeswunsch

Das andere Problem ist der Todeswunsch. Dies ist nicht meine Idee, das ist die der besten Psychiater und Psychologen der USA. Sie sind mit Carl und Stefanie Simonton einig. Sie hatten ja vor vielen Jahren entdeckt, daß der Wille zu leben, in der Heilung von Krebs ein sehr wichtiger Faktor ist. Er war Röntgenologe gewesen in Fort Worth in Texas, ist dann hierher gekommen und interessierte sich fĂŒr die Metaphysik der Krankheiten. Und dies verĂ€nderte sein Leben vollstĂ€ndig. 85 % der Bevölkerung haben einen Todeswunsch! Dieser Todeswunsch wurde Ihnen eingepflanzt, bevor Sie 4,5 Jahre alt waren. – Und dies geht etwa so:

Mein Sohn, der Lehrer hat mir gesagt, daß die Menschen ursprĂŒnglich mit Gott zusammengearbeitet haben im Garten EDEN und Eva aß vom Baum der Erkenntnis, von Gut und Böse. Es war ja ganz bestimmt kein Apfel – da nun wurden sie aus dem Himmel ausgestoßen und mußten im Schweiße Ihres Angesichtes ihr Brot verdienen, sie mußten Schmerzen erleiden. Von da ab sind alle Menschen mit der ErbsĂŒnde geboren. Wir mĂŒssen leiden, bevor wir in den Himmel kommen, wo wir unsere Belohnung bekommen.

Desto mehr bekommen Sie Sterne auf Ihren „glutaeus maximus“. Sie haben diese Version gehört, und es geht immer weiter.

Sie erinnern sich vielleicht an die „Königin fĂŒr einen Tag-Show“, wo die Frau mit 10 kranken Kindern und einem Mann, der das Bein gebrochen hat, die Waschmaschine gewonnen hat. Die Frau mit 8 kranken Kindern und einem Mann, der sich kaum noch zur Arbeit schleppen konnte, bekam nichts. Wir werden belohnt: die Partie, MĂ€rtyrertum, Leiden, dort kommt am meisten Fett hin. Diese RĂ€der quietschen am lautesten.

2.21 „Besiege den Heiler“ -Syndrom

1963 habe ich etwas ĂŒber ein GerĂ€t publiziert, den Lukhowski Multiwellen-Oszillator. Dieser hat bei einigen Patienten (mit Krebs) gut gewirkt. Ein sehr berĂŒhmter Krebs-Patient hatte damals seine eigene Fernsehshow, um Mitternacht bog er bei der Normandie-Straße in die verkehrte Richtung auf den Hollywood-Free-Way, und er brachte 4 Menschen um, indem er mit einem entgegenkommenden Auto zusammenstieß. Das hatte mein Gewissen belastet, denn ich hatte nicht realisiert, daß, wenn wir ihm einmal die KrĂŒcke (Krebs?) weggenommen haben, er dann Selbstmord begehen mußte.

Hier ist noch ein anderer Mann, ein hypothetischer, der im Bett liegt und bestens gepflegt wird. Seine Versicherung lĂ€uft aus. „George, was fĂŒr einen Vorteil hast du davon, daß du Krebs hast?“ „Oh, Ich nicht“.

„Und was ist mit deinem Nachbarn, der vor 6 Jahren gestorben ist?“. „Ach der, der war ja schon fast 60 (Jahre), seine Firma wollte ihn entlassen.“ „Ja, und wenn er wieder zurĂŒckgegangen wĂ€re zur Arbeit, hĂ€tte er sich sicher gegen alle jungen Ingenieure von der Schule behaupten mĂŒssen?“ Nun ja, seine Frau bringt ihm HĂŒhnersuppe, seine Kinder sind höflich und schreien kaum. Mit anderen Worten: sein sekundĂ€rer Gewinn erschafft ein PhĂ€nomen, daß man „Besiege den Heiler“ nennt. Wir haben Leute bei unseren Studien – ich habe einen Akten-Koffer voll von FĂ€llen von geheilten Krebs- und AIDS-Patienten, denen ist ihr GerĂ€t aus Zufall in die Waschmaschine aus der Hemdentasche gefallen, oder der Hund hat es angeknabbert, die Kinder haben damit gespielt. Das sind Freud’sche subjektive Wege, um den Heiler zu besiegen. Andere sind dem Protokoll nicht gefolgt. Das bedeutet, daß du tĂ€glich das GerĂ€t 2 Stunden an deinem Handgelenk (eingeschaltet!) trĂ€gst, und das fĂŒr etwa 3 Wochen! nachdem du deinen Körper (ausreichend!) entgiftet hast. Dann geh‘ zum Arzt und der wird erstaunt sein, sag’ ihm aber ja nicht, was du gemacht hast, denn ich will nicht ins GefĂ€ngnis.

2.22 BV Buch 21 § 807.65 Abt. D – Ausnahmen §D und §F:

Die FDA wird dieses GerĂ€t nie gut heißen und wenn jemand gerne damit spielen, und sich danach gleich ungleich viel besser fĂŒhlen möchte, fĂŒr die haben wir hier einige Regeln, die unsere Rechtsabteilung Ihnen gern mitgeteilt haben möchte. Es befindet sich schriftlich auf der Seite 4 Ihres Papiers. das ist aus der Bundesverordnung – nicht Stadt, nicht Land, vom BV Buch 21 § 807.65 Abt. D – Ausnahmen §§D und F:

§D: Lizensierte Anwender – eingeschlossen Ärzte, ZahnĂ€rzte und AugenĂ€rzte -, welche GerĂ€te ausschließlich zum Gebrauch in Ihrer Praxis herstellen oder verĂ€ndern. Wenn Sie also einen Draht von der gedruckten Schaltung ablöten und wieder zurĂŒcklöten, was haben Sie gemacht: Sie haben es verĂ€ndert. Nun, wieviel von Ihnen haben im letzten Monat in einem Restaurant das MenĂŒ studiert, um zu entscheiden, was Ihr essen wollt? Na, HĂ€nde hoch! Ich erklĂ€re Sie hiermit zu Forschern! Also, nun hört zu, Ihr Forscher!

Jetzt kommen wir zum § F: Ausgeschlossen sind von diesen Regeln Personen welche solche GerĂ€te zum ausschließlichen Gebrauch in der Forschung, im Lehrbetrieb, oder in der Analyse zusammenstellen, bearbeiten, herstellen, vorbereiten oder propagieren und die diese nicht in die kommerzielle Verteilung einschleusen. Wolltet Ihr nicht erforschen, ob Ihr Haare bekommt auf dem Kopf? Ihr seid Forscher! Dies und die konstitutionelle Redefreiheit sind es, die es mir erlauben, heute vor Ihnen zu stehen und Ihnen diese Info zu geben.

Nach meinem GefĂŒhl die wertvollste Info, die Sie in diesem Leben hören können.

Wenn Sie wollen, daß Ihre Frau ĂŒberlebt, Freunde und Bekannte gesund sind, anstatt krank und schwĂ€chlich, dann sollten Sie dies tun. Es funktioniert! Und es nicht ist nicht meine Meinung! Es ist auch nicht meine Erfindung. Es wurde von einem Arzt am Albert-Einstein-College (of Medicine in New York) erfunden. Ich bin der, die diese Info aus der Versenkung geholt und zu Ihnen gebracht hat. Leute sind in die BĂŒchereien gegangen und haben die entsprechenden Seiten (welche? seine Publikationen oder die von Lyman und Kaali, die sind im Patentamt zu haben, oder aus Science News und Longevity?) herausgeschnitten, mit Rasierklingen. Wir haben 32.000 Seiten durchforscht, auf verschiedenen Netzwerken. Wir haben unter Dutzenden von Begriffen gesucht – und nicht eine Spur von diesem Papier (welches meint er?) mehr gefunden. Wir haben ziemlich viel Geld dafĂŒr ausgegeben, das kann ich Ihnen versichern. In der akzeptierten politisch korrekten Literatur werden Sie nichts mehr darĂŒber finden. Und so geht es endlos weiter. Ich könnte die ganze Nacht hier stehen. Ich könnte Sie lehren, wie man das GerĂ€t einsetzt, aber alles, was Sie wirklich brauchen, steht in diesem Papier (hĂ€lt ein Papier hoch) drin. Wir erzĂ€hlen Ihnen auch ĂŒber die Probleme, den Todeswunsch.

2.23 Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Mitteln (resp. Nebenwirkungen des Blutzappers)


Wir sagen Ihnen auch, daß Sie unter keinen UmstĂ€nden, wĂ€hrend Sie diese Behandlung ĂŒber 3 Wochen machen (Das heißt, es darf an keinem dieser Tage wĂ€hrend der Zapperbehandlung erfolgen, und zusĂ€tzlich wahrscheinlich nicht nur eine vorgeschaltete washout-Phase, sondern auch eine Nachphase von (2 ?) Tagen eingehalten werden muß, in der keine der nachfolgend aufgezĂ€hlten Mittel eingenommen werden dĂŒrfen und ev. noch andere, die man zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht kennt), sollten Sie irgend etwas zu sich nehmen, was Knoblauch enthĂ€lt. Unter absolut keinen UmstĂ€nden Knoblauch! Auch Knoblauchöl, -salz, -butter, auch keine Salatsoße, die Knoblauch enthĂ€lt. Wenn Knoblauch ins Blut gerĂ€t, ist es ein absolut tödliches Gift, wußten Sie das?

Man kann das Gift der Klapperschlange trinken und es tut einem nichts. Aber wenn dieses Gift in eine Wunde gerĂ€t oder in einen Schnitt, dann stirbt man, außer, man gibt ein Antiserum.

Im Knoblauch gibt es eine Substanz, die heißt Sulfonhydroxyl. Dieser Stoff ĂŒberwindet die Bluthirnschranke. Wenn man mit einer Knoblauchzehe die Fußsohle einreibt, riecht man den Knoblauch schon nach 2 min am Handgelenk. Er geht ĂŒber das „Corpus callosum“ (Verbindung beider HirnhĂ€ften) und vergiftet beide HirnhĂ€ften. Ich entdeckte dies in den 70er Jahren, als ich selbst der grĂ¶ĂŸte Hersteller von ethischen EEG-Biofeedback-GerĂ€ten in den USA war. Ärzte, die sich bei uns auf diesen Maschinen ausbilden ließen, waren, als sie zurĂŒckkamen, auf dem EEG-GerĂ€t klinisch tot und wir fanden, daß sie zuvor ein bißchen Knoblauch im Salat gehabt haben. Deshalb wurden Ihre beiden GehirnhĂ€lften total dissoziiert (funktionell voneinander getrennt). Das kann man beweisen, wenn man eine Elektrode hier vorn (zeigt auf die Mitte der Stirn) und eine zweite hinten am Kopf anbringt. Wir haben das in Kalifornien ĂŒberprĂŒfen lassen. Dort wurde entdeckt, daß Knoblauch 1000de von Gehirnzellen abtötet! – Auch eine so kleine Menge, wie sie in der Salatsoße enthalten ist. Aber eigentlich macht das ja nichts, denn man hat Millionen und Milliarden von Gehirnzellen. Und Leute von der GrĂ¶ĂŸe einer Walnuß können mathematische Genies und Musiker oder sonst was sein – wahrscheinlich ist das das politisch inkorrekteste, was ich Ihnen erzĂ€hlen kann.

Knoblauch im Krieg, OleanderblÀtter, Nikotinlösungen

Denn die meisten Leute glauben, Knoblauch sei gesund. das ist es nicht! Viele Leute haben jetzt aufgehört, Knoblauch zu essen, nachdem ich Ihnen erzĂ€hlt hatte, daß die Soldaten im 1. und 2. Weltkrieg ihre Kugeln mit Knoblauch eingestrichen hatten, sie brauchten dann ihren Feind nicht ins Herz zu treffen, sie brauchten ihn nur anzukratzen, dann starb er (an Knoblauch! im Blut).

Als ich von Jim Solomon ein Blasrohr kaufte, nahm er mich mit hinaus und sagte, wenn du jemanden umbringen willst, da brauchst du nur die Spitze eines Projektiles in eine Knoblauchzehe zu stecken, und davon wir er bestimmt sterben.Die CIA wird darin trainiert. Sie wird auch darin trainiert, OleanderblĂ€tter zu verwenden. Die enthalten ein Alkaloid und 6 BlĂ€tter davon bringen einen Menschen um. Auch brauchen sie wĂ€ĂŸrige Nikotin-lösungen als Blutgift. Wir haben eine Liste von Dingen zusammengestellt, die sie nicht nehmen sollten (dĂŒrfen!), dazu gehört auch das Beta–Carotin (Vitamin A), es ist ein tödliches Gift, wenn die Dosierung zu hoch ist. Rhizinus ist ebenso ein Gift(, das man meiden muß).


Ich lese hier aus einem Artikel mit dem Titel „Elektroporation – ein allgemeines PhĂ€nomen fĂŒr die Manipulation von Zellen und Gewebe“. Das wurde kurz vor 1993 von Dr. James C. Weaver entdeckt (Abteilung Harvard Gesundheit, Wissenschaft und Technologie am MIT in Massachusetts, veröffentlicht im Journal fĂŒr zellulĂ€re Biochemie 1993 , Seiten 426-435).

In diesem Artikel wird beschrieben – sie können, wenn Sie wollen, eine Kopie erhalten fĂŒr jene, die das nicht glauben und es mit ihren eigenen Augen sehen mĂŒssen -, daß ich keine Probleme habe, wenn ich ein Aspirin nehme, nehme ich aber 20-30 Aspirin (nicht klar, ob auf einmal, oder ĂŒber die Zeit verteilt?), so bekomme ich Probleme, wenn man ElektrizitĂ€t ins Blut gibt und die PolaritĂ€t sich damit Ă€ndert. Diesen Vorgang nennt man „Elektroporation“. Und dieser Vorgang wird in diesem Papier (was ich Ihnen empfehle mitzunehmen) vollstĂ€ndig beschrieben. Wenn Sie ihn gelesen haben, werden Sie keine Fragen mehr haben. Die 20-30 Aspirin, die ich nehme, muß ich wegen der Elektrifizierung …

2.24 Ein Arzt in Verneus hat 2 Patienten umgebracht (1 Mann und eine 1 Frau),

weil er Ihnen chinesische KrĂ€uter gab, da sie AIDS hatten. Er hatte nicht erkannt, wenn er den Patienten elektrifiziert, daß sie diese chinesischen KrĂ€uter gar nicht mehr benötigen – und daß die KrĂ€uter zu Gift werden können. Dies ist in Ihrem Papier vollstĂ€ndig ausgearbeitet. Benutzen Sie Ihr GerĂ€t auch nicht, wenn Sie einen Herzschrittmacher tragen. Das elektrische Signal, welches durch Ihr Blut fließt, könnte eine Änderung der Frequenz Ihres Schrittmacher verursachen. Normalerweise wird der Schrittmacher von einem sehr schwachen Herzstrom gesteuert, und der Blutzapper, der mit ca. 4 Hz (Anzahl/Sekunde) schwingt, kann Ihr Herzsignal unterbrechen. So könnten Sie Schwierigkeiten bekommen. Also

– wenn Sie einen Schrittmacher tragen, dann bitte nicht,

– wenn Sie Knoblauch essen, dann tun Sie es bitte nicht,

– wenn Sie Medikamente nehmen mĂŒssen, die laut Arzt unerlĂ€ĂŸlich sind, wie solche gegen hohen Blutdruck oder bei Diabetikern, dann tun Sie es nicht.

Warten Sie ab, bis Sie diese Medikamente nicht mehr benötigen, und dann (wenn Sie den Blutzapper ĂŒber 3 Wochen eingesetzt haben) werden Sie sich besser fĂŒhlen, als Sie sich jemals haben vorgestellen können.

Als ich damit anfing, war mein Blutdruck 219 / 190 !! im Durchschnitt. Ich konnte das Sprechzimmer des Arztes nicht verlassen, ohne daß er mir eine Tablette unter die Zunge legte. Er wollte nicht, daß ich ihm auf der Schwelle sterbe. Heute ist mein Blutdruck ca. 130 bis 140 zu 70 bis 75 (mmHg). Als ich mit der Behandlung anfing, war ich an der Grenze zu Diabetes. Ich benötigte kein Insulin, aber einige andere Tabletten schon. Trotz sorgfĂ€ltiger DiĂ€t war mein Blutzucker immer zwischen 425 bis 475. Mein Blutzucker ist jetzt etwa 150, dies wurde damals als normal angesehen, heute wird etwa 100 als normal angesehen. Nachdem ich den Zapper gebraucht hatte, benutze ich mein Blutglukose-MeßgerĂ€t nicht mehr. Ich habe meinen Blutzucker schon 6 Monate nicht mehr gemessen und ich fĂŒhle mich großartig. Meine Haarfollikel sind durch den Gebrauch des Zappers wieder hergestellt worden – Ich behandele mein Haar mit einer SprĂŒhflasche von Silberkolloid, und ich werde Ihnen dann zeigen, wie Sie Ihr eigenes Silberkolloid herstellen können. Und unsere wundervolle FDA hat jetzt die Kolloide wieder verbieten lassen und Anzeige erlassen gegen 27 Personen, weil sie diese „Medizin“ hergestellt hatten, die es schon seit dem alten Rom gibt. (Fazit) Also mĂŒssen wir unser eigenes (Silberkolloid) machen!

2.25 Kolloidales Silber

Ich möchte Ihnen etwas zeigen. (Beck holt von der BĂŒhne ein Glas, gut 3/4 gefĂŒllt mit Wasser) Dies Glas Wasser habe ich aus der KĂŒche (Leitungswasser). Dies ist ein Laserpointer, er kostet 29$. Ich werde aufpassen, daß er Ihnen nicht in die Augen scheint, Sie können ruhig hinschauen.

Hier demonstriert Beck die Herstellung von Silberkolloid in dem Glas Wasser mit einer einfachen Batterie und einem Silberdraht, den er ĂŒber 3 min in das Wasser hĂ€ngt. Vorher war – bis auf ein paar Blasen – das Wasser klar, nach der Kolloidalisierung ist das Wasser silbrig trĂŒb. Beck trinkt es mit Genuss (I love it), das gesamte Glas Wasser (ca. 200 ml).

Auf die Dokumentation des weiteren Teils der Silberkolloidierung wird verzichtet, da der Blutzapper im Vordergrund steht.

2.26 Wir tun 2 Dinge, um Tote wie Lazarus wieder auferstehen zu lassen

– Wir lassen (als erstes) den Feind – die Parasiten im Blut – durch eine milde Elektrifizierung (einen Strom von 50 – 100 mikroAmpere) verschwinden. Die Frequenz ist 3.92 Hz (ca. 4 x /Sekunde), das ist die halbe Schumann-Frequenz. Wir haben gefunden, daß das (diese Wahl der Frequenz) am besten funktioniert und wir machen das seit 5 Jahren. Ich bin heute so gesund, ich kann mich kaum aushalten. Ich habe die medizinischen Daten, um es zu beweisen. Ich habe Fotos von mir, da war ich dicker als die Hölle und beinahe kahl (auf dem Kopf).

– Das kolloidale Silber verhindert SekundĂ€rinfektionen, wĂ€hrenddessen (unter Anwendung des Blutzappers) Sie gesund werden. Das dauert etwa 3 Wochen, mehr (eine lĂ€ngere Zeit?) ist nicht erforderlich.

2.27 Der Magnetpulser

Beck: Das dritte was wir tun, ist die Anwendung eines Magnetpulsers. Ich werde hiermit weitermachen, weil Sie diese Dinge vielleicht noch nicht gesehen haben. (Beck trinkt mit großem Genuß den Rest Wassers mit kolloidalem Silber aus („I like it“) und bringt das leere Glas nach hinten auf die BĂŒhne.

(Seine Körperbewegungen, wĂ€hrend er nach hinten geht, sind ruhig und beeindruckend gut, wenn man bedenkt, daß ihm von Ärzten prophezeit wurde, nie mehr gehen zu können und daß er bereits im Rollstuhl saß. Beck hĂ€lt einen Magnetpulser hoch).

Beck: Auf der Gesundheits-EXPO kostet ein solches GerĂ€t zwischen 2700 und 7000 $. Diese GerĂ€te („brand name“) heißen (z.B.) Magnetotron – es gibt so etwa ein Dutzend so Ă€hnlicher verschiedener GerĂ€te. Und es wird gesagt, daß sie ein zeitvariierendes Magnetfeld in Ihren Körper geben, um ihn zu heilen. Ein anderes GerĂ€t hieß Diapuls. Ich dachte, wie können Leute dieses GerĂ€t selber herstellen? fĂŒr weniger als 25$. Und es ist 500 mal besser als das 7000$ GerĂ€t kostet. Dieses GerĂ€t (was ich in der Hand halte), ist ein Vivitar Fotoblitz, Modell 1900. Ich habe ein Papier ĂŒber die Blitzlampe geklebt, damit Ihre Augen nicht verletzt werden (bei der Blitzauslösung). Diese Spule (hĂ€lt Kupferspule hoch) kostet 2 DM, wenn Sie sie selbst drehen, und wir sagen Ihnen genau, wieviel Windungen sie haben muß, nĂ€mlich n=130, und so steht es auch im Papier, ich habe alles, was ich darĂŒber weiß, hineingeschrieben. Ich gebe Ihnen Ihr Leben zurĂŒck fĂŒr den Preis einer Fotokopie.

Diese Spule ist mit dem Vivitarblitz-GerĂ€t in Serie verbunden. (Nachdem Sie den Auslöseknopf betĂ€tigt haben), lĂ€dt sich der Kondensator auf, es dauert etwa 3-10 sek, je nachdem wie alt die Batterie ist. Du drĂŒckst den (Auslöse)Knopf, und normalerweise entlĂ€dt sich der Kondensator in die Blitzlampe (mit dessen Licht Sie ein Foto machen können). Wenn Sie nun einen Draht der Blitzlampe lösen und die Spule in Serie dazwischen-schalten, dann gehen die ganzen 17,5 bis 35 Watt sec (Leistung) in die Spule. Und was bekommen wir hier: ein okkultes Feld (okkult = versteckt). Ich kann diese Wirkung nicht sehen, nicht hören, nicht riechen, nicht schmecken; was bringt mich also auf die Idee zu glauben, daß das irgend etwas bewirken kann? Gegen Pathogene im Lymphsystem, in den Adenoiden (DrĂŒsen), in den Gonaden (Geschlechtsteilen).

Dieses hier (er hĂ€lt eine Unterlegscheibe (US) hoch) ist eine US (aus Metall). Wir legen sie auf die Spule. Bitte steht auf und laßt uns nun dieses (nachfolgende) experimentelle Wunder anschauen. (Beck legt die Spule auf das leere Glas, Die Spule fĂ€llt herunter), „Good Luck“, also noch mal (here we go): Der Moderator hilft Beck, die Spule auf dem Glas zu fixieren (Das Glas dient nur zur Erhöhung), die US liegt direkt auf der Spule. Dann Beck: „Watch the washer 1-2-3 “ (Beobachte die US). Diese springt etwa 20 cm hoch und fĂ€llt dann wieder auf den Boden. Beck: Das sind Eddy-Ströme, benannt nach dem Physiker Eddy. Der Versuch wird wiederholt : „Watch the washer 1-2-3 !“:

Die elektrische Bewegungskraft, die in der (metallenen) Unterlegscheibe erzeugt worden ist, hat das zeitvariierende Magnetfeld der Spule abgestoßen. Vielleicht fragen Sie sich, ob Permanentmagneten, die an verschiedenen Orten verkauft werden, auch eine (solche) Wirkung haben? Nein. Dieser jedoch tut es schon, wenn man die Flußlinien des Magnetfeldes durchschneidet, z.B. beim Alternator im Auto, wenn man den Motor abgestellt hat, und der Alternator im Magnetfeld sich nicht dreht, kommt kein bißchen Strom aus dem Alternator, aber sobald eine relative Bewegung gegeben ist, wird ElektrizitĂ€t erzeugt. Das ist das Arbeitsprinzip des Generators.

Und nehmen wir mal an, meine ThymusdrĂŒse sei nicht tot, sei nicht mumifiziert und in einem Topf, wie im alten Ägypten, und ich lege die Spule ĂŒber den Thymus und drĂŒcke den (Auslöse)Knopf, dann das gleiche ĂŒber die Lymphknoten am Hals und unter den Armen, ĂŒber der SchilddrĂŒse – das ist alles in Ihrem Papier beschrieben, usw. Nun, was habe ich getan? Jedesmal, wenn ich den Knopf drĂŒckte, habe ich ein 19kiloGauss starkes (zeitvariierendes) Feld erschaffen, mit einer Zeitdauer von ca. 10 – 100 mikrosek (Millionstel Sekunden). Ich habe ein zeitvariierendes Feld (in den Geweben meines Körpers erzeugt, mit BerĂŒcksichtigung der Eindringtiefe). Jede Zelle, jede Faser, jeder Nerv, jeder Knochen, jeder Muskel ist meinem Körper ist ein (elektrischer) Leiter, solange sie Salzwasser enthalten. Ich bin ein Leiter, solange ich lebendig bin und keine Mumie, wenn dieser Leiter nun mit einem zeitvariierenden Feld durchkreuzt wird, generiert man ein elektromagnetisches Feld, genau wie wir das mit der (metallenen) Unterlegscheibe gemacht haben (Salzwasser und Metalle sind Leiter). Man bekommt etwa ein milliAmpere (tausendstel Ampere) an Strom, etwa 10 cm tief (Eindringtiefe) zu allem was lebt in Ihrem Körper. Das ist bei weitem mehr, als man braucht fĂŒr jeden Virus, jede Mikrobe, jeden Pilz, jeden Parasiten, der irgendwo in Ihrem Körper lebt zu neutralisieren.

Wir haben viele AIDS-Patienten geheilt, nur um zu sehen, dass sie nach 5 Jahren wieder krank wurden, weil wir jene Keime nicht erwischt haben, die sich z.B. in den Lymphknoten und Rachenmandeln (und an anderen Gewebestellen) aufhalten (und sie wieder re-infizieren). Es wĂŒrde Hunderte von Einstichen erfordern, wenn man sie mit einer Nadel elektrifizieren wollte, sehr schmerzhaft, warum also nicht von außerhalb des Körpers mit einem zeitvariierenden Magnetfeld (den Körper behandeln und damit alle Pathogene neutralisieren (inaktivieren, so dass sie vom Körper ausgeschieden werden). Wenn Sie dieses GerĂ€t selbst bauen, können Sie dies fĂŒr weniger als 40 DM tun. Wie, ist genau in Ihrem Papier auf Seite 6 beschrieben. Wir schlagen vor, wenn Sie gesund werden wollen und gesund bleiben wollen, und nicht an dem sterben wollen, was Sie jetzt eben plagt, daß Sie sich ein solches GerĂ€t bauen und auch benutzen. Wenn Sie es sich nicht zu trauen, oder zu faul sind, können Sie sich ein GerĂ€t kaufen, die Kosten belaufen sich so um die 250 – 300 DM. Es gibt ca. 30 Firmen, die solche GerĂ€te bauen. Diese Firmen geben sehr acht, daß sie von der FDA nicht erwischt werden, denn es funktioniert. Also noch einmal „Nehmt Euch Eure Macht zurĂŒck!“ Ich habe Euch heute abend die wirksamste Art dazu gezeigt, und ich stehe hier und ich sage, ich verkaufe nichts, ich gebe alles frei weg. Wir haben viele Papiere versandt, und ich habe die (Brief)Marken selbst bezahlt, aber heute abend möchte ich die Kopierkosten zurĂŒck haben.

Beck Video Abschnitt: Fragen :

2.28 Iven, du hast eine Frage. Iven: „Warum gibst Du alles kostenlos ab?“

Beck: „Ich habe Angst vor der FDA. Wenn Sie sehen, daß ich etwas verkaufe, muss ich wahrscheinlich ins GefĂ€ngnis!“ Nun nehmen wir einige Fragen an. Wir könnten auch von den Kindern erzĂ€hlen, die mit AIDS geboren worden sind und denen es heute gut geht. Aber jetzt zu den Fragen.

2.29 Abschnitt Questions(Q) (English)

Moderator The speaker stands right here and answers the questions. Now before we start the questions, I would like Jane to come up here, she has been cured of cancer. She has something to say. „Jane, did you here me?“. „She is on the way!“.

Jane In April 1995 I had cancer surgery and I refused radiation and chemotherapy, and for the following ever since then I have been using the blood cleaner, the magnet pulser (according to the Beck protocol?), colloidal silver and nutrition. I go to Dr. Privater in Govina. Back up from that it was a good idea to have the surgery.

I had a clean cat scan in Jan 96 und a another secondary clean cat scan in Sep 96.

Q1: Dr. Beck, There is something that has really astounded me, what you have said about the actions of garlic (Knoblauch). I knocked out a cold within hours with garlic. I take 25.000 betacarotine a day that has kept my immune system so strong that I hardly would get a cold and I drink „Willard“ water with the „castor oil“. I’ve never been felt better in the last 6 years. Should I stop taking those things?

Beck: … If you are an organic gardener and you want to kill everything in your garden, use DDT (Chlorierter Kohlenwasserstoff). The same you are doing with your body, if you take garlic. It is a deadly poison to everything, parasites, funghi and bugs. They won’t come narred. The human being we offer garlic according Dr. Andreas Marx, a homoepathic physician, no longer had „low grade headaches“, „confusion“, the „fatigue in the afternoon“ … Dr. Wagson. You will find that garlic is a poison. It is known they do not allow garlic in any ashrams and temples of the east (e.g. India). Even the church of scientology forbids to be taken garlic on any of their ships of their organisation. It is totally forbidden, because they know when people take it, the shamans can no longer do psychic work, and the hemispheres are desychronized. They know this for thousands of years. My simple advice: Get off from it for (about) 3 weeks and see, how you feel and than decide. Ok?

Take a garlic clove again, see how you feel and then tell me what you have experienced than again. Ok?

Q2: Do you are aware of a mild silver protein (SP) and what do you think of that?

Beck: I know the paper selling SP. SP is known to be very poisonous for you. SP consists of silver nitrate, silver chloride, et cetera. They can dye your skin. The disease what you get, when you take SP (e.g. silver nitrate) is agroria. This protein gets in your skin never comes out, unless you inject little pieces of sodiumhydrosulfate in it. They can kill you. Years ago it was used to be mandatory that silver nitrate has to be put in babies eyes, in case they had picked up a birth canal infection. Now they don`t used that anymore. And we recommend colloid (colloidal silver: CS). And you can make your own with a high better quality you can buy, because the colloid you can buy contains coloric agents, contain yellow dye, EDTA, contain honey, plain nox jeloton to keep it from settling out of solution, and the colloids we make here has none of that in it, you can drink any amount with no side-effects. You do not have to buy it. Did that answer your question?

Q2a:“Yes. The colloidal silver you can buy is so expensive, is this what you have as good?

Beck: We have a far better CS, and all you have to do is, to give it to a lab; there is a number of labs that check silver from photographic shops before they pour their hypodome in the drain. They electrolytically remove the silver and is it over a certain concentration, it has to be considered as toxic waste. You do not have to buy it.

But yet there are a number of anthropo news who put no silver whatsoever in their products. They set this bottle of water on a plate of a radionic machine, like the SE5, the vega tester. They say: at a certain rate. They transfer these numbers of this rate into the silver. They put the note be flat, you were the skies electrifying and silling? 100 to thousands of $ with no colloids (in their products).

I said: Wayne, If I buy a bottle of colloids, I want to see some silver in there. When I analyze yours and there is no silver colloid, you claim 0.046 ppm. I can find none and will talk to my lab, do you want a bet there is anything in your bottles, you have fueled up, run away.

So that’s what I think of other peoples colloid and I have analyzed dozens of different brans.

And anyone will tell you he is the best. „Ben Ericson“ being hypnotized by upliders and Multilevel Marketing schemes and they have got to tell you their colloid is best, because if they tell you you can make your own, then forget: „a patient cured is a customer lost“.

Q3: You talked about that you should not take garlic, when you use the blood cleanser (Question: Detoxifying process before, during and after application of the beck’s devices), it will act as a poison et cetera. How long you shoud be off garlic before you use the cleanser?

Beck: In the beginning, before we were taking patients in any of our free studies incedently this never cost a patient a penny we gave him two weeks to detoxify, that meant hard drugs, recreational drugs, tobacco, alcohol, aspirine, headache remedies, mostly herbs).

Vit. C is harmless as far as we can tell. But Vit. E and betacarotene are NOT. We can go down in this list (Beck has the list available) for about an hour, but we are not going to do it. Now

(actual recommendation): we are telling you, detoxify for 2 days before you start doing this (Beck zapper). If you must take a pharmaceutical, I can certainly not contradict the doctors telling you, you have to.

We say: Take the drugs immediately after you have stopped doing the electrolysis (better electrification (EL)? due to AC current). If you do the electrolysis (EL) from 12 2 p.m. per day, take your medicine at 2.10, because your electrolysis (EL) stops, that means the little windows in your cells (are regulating and) closes down again and are not transparent to the poisons in your blood plasma. And wait 24 hours, whatever medication you have taken, to get on the exponential (elimination) curve as low as possible.

This is in your paper. That is a very good question. Thank you.

Q4 Now in addition to garlic. Do you have any advice regarding other things such as onions, leaks, other 

Beck: These are forbidden to people who are shamans etc. They observe for centuries they take anything in his families, they are no longer psychic, but they think they are: They think they are channels, they think they can get words from the spirits, but they do not. A day or two after they have eaten these things they can do it again, which is widely forbidden in most practices.

Q4a But how does it affect the actual use of the device?

Beck: We want to keep you alive. We made our protocols (see Beck protocol) to do the least damage to the sickest person, who would like to use it. We say why not kill you? A friend of mine who should handle a picture and mirror on the way home every day, had one glass of beer in north Hollywood. He went to the car and wired up starting early before the football game started. He drove about a block before he was so drunk he couldn`t drive his car pulled off in a relative sparking slot slept 3 hours before he could drive home. That one glass of beer looked like thirty. He could handle one glass, he could not handle 30 glasses of beer. It`s that simple. If you read the paper what you have left with the steamed host, you see why that is.

You can make copies of this kink kose for a nickel of page. And there is your medical reference from Harvard MIT etc. and there is your answer.

Q4b So your basic advice is: Avoid leaks, onion, anything from that?

Beck: I eat them when I know I do not use the blood cleaner. I love the taste but I know what they do to my brain waves and approve that get on any bodies. See at Hewlett Packard and other comp. and look at it for yourself. You will be horrified! But normally you do not know this. You have enough consciousness that you can walk through your sleep walking and you are still able to fly an aeroplane or drive a car.

Q5: What is the effect of this EM-field on beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract?

Beck: This comes up. We used to say, take your acidophilus and many many more (in this direction) to replant these twice a month and some people have been playing with colloids, saying the colloids never get that fare, you don’t get into the intestines. They don’t take kill the friendlies. I particularly prefer the continental bran liquid acidophilus. I prefer this as tablets, capsules, solid forms, and I do it twice a month, whether I need it or not. I think it is a good idea to plant the friendly bacteria too. I know that when you take antibiotics like penicilline or cipro, you have to do this. Otherwise you get diarrhoea, disturbances. A very good question!

Q6: What is about cardiac drugs?

Beck: (We say) if you must take these try doing the blood cleaner for about 10 min. If it makes you terribly sick, don’t use the blood cleaner ever again! Take off your medication! Listen up: It increases the doses up to 20-30 times. And if you take one pill now (equivalent to 20 30 pills!) you are going to disturb you. Don’t do it, STOP! It is forbidden to you! Nobody will sell you one, if he knows, your doctor puts you on these poisons. They all have side-effects and that is essential to safe your life. And this (Beck zapper) does it better!

(WW: if you don’t have in/de-toxifying signs, increase the period of application stepwise and see if you can tolerate it, find out the best application period you can use without having side-effects).

Q7: You said that your blood electrification device was 95 % effective in cancer patients, why not 100 %?

Beck: Because 85 % of the people has a death wish that is going to defeat you.

The reason we decided it does work: If you send your spinal serum or your blood plasma to a teaching hospital (lab) in Northern California to have them run an assay of the neuropeptides (NP) and neurotransmitters (NT) in your blood. Norman Cousins from UCLA said to me, before he died, Bob, there are 2000 known NT, if the immune system is fighting against these invaders, these aliens, these adversaries full time, and this not produce the full compliment. You can take your blood after you have cleaned and you send it to the same lab you will find that two NT – particularly interleukin 1,2,3 (IL) and interferon (IF) – had restored themselves to your blood. IL and IF are considered specifics against cancer cells.

A few years ago, if you had cancer and you wanted to buy human IL and IF you have to pay 50.000 $ a dose because animal IL and IF genetically engineered will not work on the transcriptase of the human being. But you can make your own! You don’t need 50.000 $ a dose (to buy IL and IF). Just get out your bugs from your blood and your immune system will do the work fighting against the cancer.

Q8: (Wayne) In case anyone is wondering I have nothing to do with Wayne Green, who sells colloidal products. Strictly a different Wayne. Bob, tell me about the material that is available from Wayne Green magazines 73’s amateur radio today.

Beck: Ya. How many of you know Wayne Green? He was a publisher of „Byte magazine“, he publishes about 10 different magazines in music and ham radio, 1973. He read my article and says: Bob, you are lying! that was Wayne before 30 years He built a unit and cured some of his friends. I said, Damn, I still listen a publisher and so he did. He then got a chap to design one and uses 4 photodions, you remember that Wayne.

And it did not work very well and he was using an illumenem rapter of the ankles of the electrodes. We put the electrodes precisely over both arteries of one wrist (A. ulnaris, A. radialis). We got about 90% of the energy whichs habits about 45 milliAmpere (mA) into the outside of the skin and by the time the current of 45 mA penetrates the 7 layers between skin and the deepest layer (…). You get 50 – 100 mikroAmpere left in the blood and that is all what is required to eliminate the adversaries.

You have to put in about thousand times more current into the skin before it gets into the blood (with a sufficient current of 50 100 microA). But you do not need to take off the blood from the body like it is shown in the patents (e.g. no. 5.188.738). You can put the electricity (on one side) on your wrist. You only have to put the device + battery on the wrist and I show you later on if it is enough close to them.

Q9: Hi, I have a parasite program right now using herbs and that is the very beginning. I had lot of troubles because my lymphatic system got overloaded from the diodes? I was wondering how you paste the program so that the eliminative organs are not overloaded?

(Herxheimer Syndrome and application of the device at terminal cancer condition)

Beck: The people who are using black walnut whole extract, warm wood, yama, yama, yama, which was originated by Hazelparcels and many women had died recently. The women who do this cure get a thing very similar to premenstrual syndrome. … lot of hormonal balance and what have you.

There is a device on the market that you hold in your palms, made by a women who could not come back to the U.S. because she is in Mexiko due to too many „indidements?“ That (device) does not work, because if you put this 30 kHz onto your palms – with 2.4 Volt: that is what we measure under load if you are used to do it, it does not kill your parasites. Just it does not work. This (Beck’s device) does work.

You can prove it by parapsychologists, have a stool test, blood microscopy test. This device will get you rid of your parasites in your blood. The other things worked to a degree, nor any number of products which might be very very good. I could name them it is a four letter word with two products. But this (Beck’s device) does work!

Well, the thing you have to worry about is the Herxheimer syndrome! The way we have got around this, .. if you have a cancer in terminal condition, we start with 20 min (not 2 hours) to avoid an overload of the eliminated bugs. Drink a tremendous amount of water and liquids to flash your system. If you get a rash on your legs, these are symptoms of too rapid detoxification. You have to stop! (the application of the device). Go back and try 10 min per day and (slowly) build up.

We are opening a clinic offshore because we are tired of the FDA. We anyway have the best parapsychologists and doctors if any can buy. We are going to oversee these peoples detoxing (with detoxifying processes). … We are using a number of things to speed (up) the parting guests, e.g. with lymphatic massage, etc. Many many things that will make the Herxheimer syndrome practically vanish. .. The only thing that works from Royal Rife is the Royal tube. ..

A man we called Vesuvio – after the volcanoe had used the device at home and experienced a detoxifying process which locally had opened (under the scalp) and that runs down the right site of the scalp showing a green liquid / paste. He went screaming to the telephone.

We said „Andy, wouldn’t you rather have this stuff out of your body then inwards, we know it about since 8 years, when you first were diagnosed with AIDS.“

He answered: „I am thankful that it is out of my body and not inside.“

So he ran home and drank faithfully his water and the colloids. He is perfectly fine today, perfectly symptom-free. He had (before applying the device) 435.000 HIV-particles in his blood – we have this report here – according to the PCR-test. Today he has less than 100 (which mens zero). He is considered sero-converted and clean.

Q10: How is your method different from Dr. Bruginskis treatment in Texas ?

Beck: I believe that what he is doing .. I think he has a valid .. I’ve sent him money. I’ve sent him letters of encouragement. This (Bob Beck’s device?) does it electronically. He does it with his own brand of chemicals. This is a vast difference. This method costs 1 $ 32 Cent per cure I do not know what he is charging down there, (per cure), bit I wish him luck. I think the FDA „out to get office back“ the only reason he is persecuted „he is curing patients.“ And that is a sin in our free society.

Q10a Why your process accelerates the efficiency of any thing else you take? e.g. DMSO makes it stronger. Why does it that in your process?

Beck: I suggest you take a copy of my paper. It will take me 4 hours to explain to Doctors. In my paper are the references and our host has a copy itself, so you can see with your own eyes. It was done at MIT.

Q11 I have a quick question about dentistry. I am not a dentist, but doing in the NH of the convention, there were several dentists there saying that one of the unsolved problems of the dentistry are root canals, because roots are dead and the dent tubuli contain bacteria and pathogens, which normal cleansing procedures do not kill, because there is no blood circulation. I was wondering if your magnetic pulser will tend to kill these.

Beck: Yes. I can not specifically answer medical questions, because it is a „fellownew“ in California. They really want to put me in jail. I believe it is true hypothetically. Thank you.

Q12 First of all I want to thank you for your time and your efforts, make God make bless you, too.

The colloidal silver, how long estansibly should one take per day and for maintenance?

Beck: If you take colloidal silver instead SP, we have not found an upper dose. I’ve been drinking about a quarter of this a day for over 3 years. And I FEEL just FINE. But I don’t recommend, if you do anything your intuition does not like. I would say, take a minimum of 4 ounzes of 3 5 ppm of home-made CS without preservation in the water. This will keep you from any secondary infection like cold etc. And this will backup the fact that you’re rid of getting a lot of toxins from your blood. I think all 3 (zapper, megnet pulser, CS) have to work together. The magnetic pulser, the CS, the blood cleaner. It is fully in the paper, and so you do not buy anything from anybody or any store or any multilevel marketing scheme. Thank you.

After these questions I’m going to tell you something that you don’t want to hear.

Q13 If one uses the blood cleaner (your machine) should he still cleanse his colon? Should he also cleanse his liver? You know there is a procedure to cleanse the liver.

Beck: I‘m not following what you are saying, Sir.

Q13a The question is, would you still suggest to cleanse the colon and the liver?

Beck: Sorry, I’m not following 30% of your question. Could you give the phone to the next gentleman.

Q13b Should one use the colon cleansing together with the blood cleanser?

Beck: The colon cleansing will probably speed up the detoxifying process. We have a lot of people who try to combine this with colonic therapy, with lymph massage, with radiation, with heat, with Petrowski muscle stimulation to Popelev. That is not necessary but it does not hurt. That is my opinion.

Q14 What about liver cleansing?

Well, the old homoepathic remedy, „… oil and lemon juice ..“, but there are a number of liver cleansers. I think these are definitely helpful.

Give me a second here (shows on the headline of a paper). This headline was from REScan Reg. Dec. 10th 1996. „Untreatable flu strain hits heart locally“. And you have read that the classic flu strain is a meanable to known antibiotics, but the class B: they are dying right and left, if they are old, infirm or young. The problem, boys and girls, if you have heard Lenn Horrowitz, is that there are dozens of designer viruses they are just waiting to be unleached. Some that you have heard of is EBOLA, Antivirus Marburg, etc. When these things are put out to kill us all guys, the New World Order I’ve told, as to reduce the world population by about 50 to 55%. And that means you, and you, and you .. If you have one of these in the medicine „chick“ kabinet.

No virus known has ever be known to be refractory to colloids (silver colloids?) and the blood electrification by the labs of myself that are doing underground work.

That means that all of these „untreatable“ are „dead sure?“ when there are no antibiotics, no vaccine and they never be.

This to my mind the millenium in medicine started on March, 11th, 1990 at Albert-Einstein-College (of Medicine in New York). I wish I had invented it, but I had not. I just pulled it out from the oblivion, made it practical, made it in-vivo, e.g. made it outside of the body (device lead microcurrents from outside of the body (wrist) into the two blood arteries) instead of in-vitro (like dialysis). I give it to the world and I hope, I don’t have to come back here again.

And it does work and take back your power!

You have been an incredible great audience. Get a paper. I want to thank you very much.

And I want to see you next time.

Moderator: Thank you, Dr. Beck, for this very enlightning presentation.


RB Dr. Robert Beck.

BE Blutelektrifizierung mit dem Blutzapper nach RB.

EM Elektromagnetik

Thema: „Blutreiniger bei „unheilbaren“ Erkrankungen“

In Klammern gesetzte EintrĂ€ge sind Anmerkungen des „SchriftfĂŒhrers“ (SF). Das „Protokoll“ wurde Jahre nach dem Vortrag – ĂŒberwiegend dem deutschen und englischen Wortlaut (Fragenteil) nach gefĂŒhrt – in einigen Passagen jedoch wurde nur sinngemĂ€ĂŸ geschrieben oder unbedeutende Teile (aus Sicht des SF), und auch dort, wo sich fĂŒr den SF akustische VerstĂ€ndnisproblem zeigten, weggelassen. Höre dazu zur korrekten QualitĂ€tssicherung / Kontrolle das Video. Dieses Dokument erhebt nicht den Anspruch, eine korrekte Übersetzung zu sein, es soll nur dem Sinn nach, soweit verstanden, als schriftliches Abbild des Videos (erste NĂ€herung) gelten.

Daraus dĂŒrfen aus Sicht des SchriftfĂŒhrers (juristische Absicherung) keine Behandlungen abgeleitet werden ohne die Begleitung und Empfehlung von zur Behandlung von Erkrankungen oder MisszustĂ€nden bei Patienten berechtigten Personen.

R. Beck starb bei einem Autounfall 2002.

Dies ist eine Vorversion, denn die Texte wurden noch nicht abschließend auf grammatikalische Fehler korrigiert und freigegeben.

Preiswerte Methoden

jede Krankheit lĂ€ĂŸt sich aufhalten.. die Regeneration des Körpers wird den Rest ĂŒbernehmen Baklayan

„Nikola Tesla: An dem Tage, an dem die Wissenschaft beginnen wird, nichtphysikalische Erscheinungen zu untersuchen, wird sie in einem Jahrzehnt grĂ¶ĂŸere Fortschritte machen, als in all den vorhergehenden Jahrhunderten ihres Bestehens“ Tompkins/Bird S.169

„Lakhovsky: Grundlage des Lebens=nichtmaterielle Schwingung.. jedes Lebewesen sendet Strahlungen aus.. Zellen empfangen und senden Hochfrequenzwellen.. hören die Zellen auf zu oszillieren sterben sie..
Krankheit=gestörtes Gleichgewicht der zellularen Schwingung.. kranke Zellen mit entsprechender Frequenz behandeln.. verblĂŒffende Experimente.. Krebs durch VerstĂ€rkung der normalen Schwingungen gesunder Zellen ĂŒberwunden.. Energie von außen abgezweigt, kosmische Strahlung“ Tompkins/Bird S.119f

„auer Sauerstoff ist nichts ĂŒberlebenswichtiger als Wasser..
warum ist dann nicht der Wassergehalt der erste Check vor jeder Diagnose?“ Batmanghelidj

„Tests ergaben ein gefĂ€hrlich niedriges Vorhandensein von AminosĂ€uren im menschlichen Körper..
Bragg S.206f

Aids: das verheerende Ungleichgewicht im AminosÀurevorrat tötet den Patienten
und nicht das HIV-Teilchen“ Batmanghelidj S.132,137

„der wichtigste Milieuparameter pH (Worlitschek, 1996)..
stellt Ionenpotential fĂŒr AziditĂ€t/AlkalinitĂ€t dar.. ist der ‚magnetische Faktor‚ nach Vincent“ hier

„pH des Blutes gegenlĂ€ufig zum pH der Gewebe: Blut-pH 7.5 entspricht Gewebe-pH ca. 5.5.. nach Enderlein entwickelt sich der Endobiont im Blut bei einem pH zwischen 7.2-7.5″ hier

„Ratten 30min 45mT gleiche BlutbildverĂ€nderungen wie magnetisiertes Wasser..
Anstieg Leukozyten (Immunsystem) 11-49%“ hier

„krankhafte ZustĂ€nde zeigen sich in der Wasserstruktur“ Ulmer S.8

„alle Bluttests können normale Ergebnisse zeigen und dennoch
können Kapillaren in Herz/Gehirn verschlossen sein“ Batmanghelidj S.79

10. preiswerte Diagnostik/Therapie
warum so teuer, wenn vieles doch so einfach geht: Licht, Kinesiologie, Irisdiagnose, Haaranalyse, Zunge, Finger, Puls, pH-Wert, Hautwiderstand, Akupunkturpunkte/Meridane, Bioresonanz, Kirlian…
Gifte/Entgiftung -> 4. Gifte
Vergiftungssymptome? z.B. Haarausfall, Augenflimmern, Doppelbilder, Frösteln, BlĂ€hungen, Pilze, EBV, stĂ€ndige MĂŒdigkeit, reduz. Geruchs-/Geschmackssinn, Konzentrationsstörungen.. Schwermetallvergiftung? -> 4. Gifte/Entgiftung
Wann ist das Gift draußen? 3 Tropfen Koriandertinktur auf die Zunge und messen ob das Bindegewebe wieder testet (Bicom,..). Falls ja ist noch Gift da. Vgl. Pischinger Grundsystem Dr. Zimmermann, Klinghardt (Tinktur bei www.lightronic.com)
Muskeltest (=Kinesiologietest)
Delta-Arm-Muskel-Test: prĂŒfen was vertrĂ€glich/unvertrĂ€glich ist.. einfach handzuhaben
ob Gold oder Titanlegierung besser vertragen: z.B. bei Goldlegierung war keine Kraft vorhanden, bei Titanlegierung sehr viel.. Nahrungsmittel.. Störfelder“ Kanne
„Elektro-Akupunktur/Kinesiologie testet Autonomes Nervensystem (ANS).. ANS endet im Bindegewebe.. endet nicht im Gehirn in der Nervenzelle.. -> nur zu erfassen, welche Schwermetalle im Bindegewebe sind“ hier
Thie: „Gesund durch BerĂŒhren. Touch for Health.“ Der Mensch als MessgerĂ€t:
Muskeltest, zur Nahrungsmittel-/Medikamententestung, finden von Störfeldern/Allergien, Energiefluß aktivieren…
energetisch auf-/entladen. z.B. Narben als Störquellen -> z.B. Neuraltherapie, Akupunktur, Colorpunctur
Lubecki: „Heile dich selbst, mit dem Muskeltest. Einstieg in die Kinesiologie Mangelerscheinungen und Funktionsstörungen im FrĂŒhstadium – lange bevor Schmerzen oder Symptome auftreten – erkennen.. Warnsignale des Krpers wahrnehmen.
Kim da Silva, Rydl: Kinesiologie. Das Wissen um die BewegungsablĂ€ufe in unserem Körper“ Energetische Blockaden und deren Auflösung durch bestimmte BewegungsablĂ€ufe
Tierkinesiologie nach dem Wings-Konzept (Dr. Rosina Sonnenschmidt)
* direkt an Mensch/Tier oder
* an Blut, Speichel, Milch, Kot, Harn, Hautgeschnabsel, Haare, Federn, Sekrete aller Art
„als Anzeigeinstrument fĂŒr alle VorgĂ€nge in Körper und Geist..

25% des Lichts zum Sehen, 75% zur Steuerung der biolog. Funktionen..
bester Zugangsweg zu den inneren Organen.. Medizin der Zukunft“ hier
Licht: zuwenig UV, falsches Spektrum -> Mensch wird krank: Immunsystem, Energiemangel, psychisches Gleichgewicht, depressiv, Sehfeld, -schĂ€rfe, Konzentration, HyperaktivitĂ€t, Lernstörungen, Hörsturz, Tinnitus, MigrĂ€ne, Gelenkbeschwerden, Karies, Wundheilung, Stoffwechsel, Aktivierung Enzyme/Hormone/Vitamine, Lymph-/Blutfluß, Durchblutung Haut/Muskeln, Blutdruck, Regenerierung Organismus, Hautzellen/Falten, Akne, Haare, Narben, Nervenheilung, Entspannung Muskelgewebe, EntzĂŒndungen, schmerzlindernd, Minderung Osteoporose-Gefahr, Schutz vor Krebs (Energiezufuhr), Ekzeme, Herpes, Ödeme, Skorbut, TBC, Lupus vulgaris, Arthritis, GeschwĂŒre, HĂ€matome, Schwellungen, Zerrungen, Verstauchungen, KnochenbrĂŒche, Trigger-/Akupunkturpunkte, Karpal Tunnel, LĂ€hmungen, nichtinvasiv, ohne Nebenwirkungen, keine Gefahr bei hĂ€ufiger Anwendung.. hier
-> 8. Heilende Informationen Laser, IR, LED, LLLT
Fische und Pflanzen bekommen eher Vollspektrum als der Mensch! warum?

Lichttherapie: Die Medizin der Zukunft heißt Licht
Auge strahlt Licht zurĂŒck.. Vollspektrum oder Linienspektrum bei Mangel

Mineralstoffmangel aus den Augen ablesen, Konstitution bestimmen, Krankheitsneigung, humorale SĂ€fte..“ S.91 Baklayan Stockwell Hommel: „Irisdiagnose leicht gemacht“ Bos: „Die Kunst der Iris-Diagnose, das Auge als Spiegelbild von Krankheit und Gesundheit“
Mobilfunk/Handys/Radar: Auge.. besonders empfindlich.. kleinere SchĂ€digungen können irreversibel sein und sich aufsummieren.. Augenreizungen und LinsentrĂŒbungen (‘grauer Star’).. in Tierversuchen nachgewiesen. Versuche an Primaten zeigen, dass gepulste HF-Felder auch niedriger IntensitĂ€t das Auge schĂ€digen können.. Augenkrebs..“
..begrĂŒnte DĂ€cher und HauswĂ€nde aus Lehm schĂŒtzen vor Elektrosmog..“ hier
„bleibende Ablagerungen von Quecksilber in der hinteren Linsenkapsel des Auges mit der Spaltlampe nachweisbar (Atkinson-Augenreflex)“ hier
„Blick unscharf, verzerrt? Stoffwechselschlacken? -> Ablagerungen wegrĂ€umen
Muskeln chronisch verkrampft oder erschlafft? -> Muskeln trainieren
Sehnerven stumpf geworden? -> Sinne schÀrfen
-> Augentraining statt Brille:
Sehkraft erhalten/zurĂŒckgewinnen: oft + intensiv in die Ferne blicken, rasch von kurz auf lang umschalten, bewußt möglichst ferne Ziele ins Auge fassen, Details wahrnehmen, Plakat fĂŒr das Augentraining, erst nah, dann ferner Baum, jeden Zweig, jedes Blatt. Auge trĂ€nt. Übung 10min morgens. Bald verschwindet der Schleier. Das Auge braucht Licht. Übung sich den Helligkeiten anzupassen. Das Bild entsteht durch Vorstellungskraft. Trainieren“ S.473f „Die besseren Pillen“ (1985) Mosaik
Spannung (1-12V) und Frequenz (0-3kHz) nÀherungsweise durch Kontakt mit Zunge
„6 Arten Speicheltests mit Syncrometer:
+ kleiner/großer Speicheltest
+ Parasitentest: großer Darmegel, Leberegel, Pankreasegel..
+ Pathogentest: Bakterien Salmonellen, Shigellen, Staphylococcen..
+ Lösungsmitteltest: Toluol, Xylol, Propylalkohol..
+ Test auf toxische Elemente: Arsen, Blei, Cadmium, Quecksilber..
mit Hilfe von Mustern von Parasiten, Umweltgiften im Körpergewebe nachweisen.. Simone Straub.. Speicheltest-Kit anfordern“ Selfhealth news 16 2.04 hier
„Louis Claude Vincent: 3 Parameter bestimmen QualitĂ€t einer FlĂŒssigkeit eindeutig.. pH, rH2, R-Wert.. gilt fĂŒr alle Medien und Systeme.. auch Blut, Speichel, Urin“ S.60 HĂ€ring
Radioniksystem Abrams Oszilloclast z.B. Speicheltest einsenden“ hier hier
Tierkinesiologie nach dem Wings-Konzept (Dr. Rosina Sonnenschmidt)
an Blut, Speichel, Milch, Kot, Harn, Hautgeschnabsel, Haare, Federn, Sekrete aller Art
Helicobacter Pylori: Speicheltest (Medpro)
selbst nachweisbar.. keine Magenspiegelung notwendig..“ S.115 Gong 37, 14.9.02
„Atemgasanalyse: Erkennung Asthma, kardiovaskulĂ€re Erkrankungen, Nieren-/Leberversagen, Lungen-/Mammakarzinome, Überwachung Intensivpatienten, Untersuchung Metabolismus im Schlaf.. frĂŒher/sicherer diagnostizieren.. interessante Berichte..“ hier
Stimmfrequenzanalyse ermöglicht globalen Blick auf Schwermetalle, Umweltgifte, Azofarbstoffe, Spurenelemente, AminosĂ€uren, Neurotransmitter, ungesĂ€ttigte FettsĂ€uren, gefĂ€ĂŸaktive Substanzen.. als diagnostisches Verfahren bei Quecksilberausleitung u.a. Schwermetallen/Umweltgiften.. objektiver Nachweis fĂŒr EffektivitĂ€t verschiedener Ausleitungsverfahren..“ Sibylle Vogel 75438 Knittlingen 2, Tel. 07043-920 106 hier
„Schwachzonen am Kopf zeigen Organstörungen an.. Akupressurpunkte lösen Energieblockaden“ Kopfzonen
Haaranalyse zeigt Mineralien&Spurenelemente (Zink, Kupfer, Selen, Jod, Eisen, Silizium, Kalzium, Magnesium, Phosphor, Natrium, Chrom, Mangan, Zinn, …), Schwermetalle und toxische Metalle (Blei, Quecksilber, Silber, Aluminium, Arsen, Barium, Kadmium, Beryllium, Palladium, Antimon, Thallium, Wolfram, Uran, Wismut, Zirkonium) z.B. hier, Dr’s Data USA lt. Vortrag Klinghardt zuwenig wird zuverlĂ€ssig angezeigt, zuviel nicht, da Haare leicht verunreinigt sind. Drs Data bestes GerĂ€t..
Haarausfall durch Zinkmangel? Stockwell durch ÜbersĂ€uerung? Neumann
Haarausfall: Pulsierende Magnetfelder beugen vor/regen Neuwachstum an: Doppelblindstudie, placebokontrolliert, Effekt pulsierender Magnetfelder. Bestrahlung 12min 1-2x/Wo fĂŒr 36 Wochen.. ohne Nebenwirkung.. Becks magn. Pulser/Blutreiniger? M-zip
Frequenzen zur Beeinflussung hier
Quecksilber im Gehirn mit Kernspintomographie leicht nachzuweisen Schreiber S-zip
Quecksilber aus Gehirn mit Koriander ins Gewebe.. dort nachweisbar Klinghardt
Hand, Finger
unblutige Sauerstoffpartialdruckmessung Pulsoxymeter“ hier
LÀngsrillen FingernÀgel: Rheuma -> ErnÀhrung (EntsÀuerung), Entgiftung/Darmreinigung
Fingernagelmonde: zeigt HerztĂ€tigkeit, zu gering, falls Monde klein oder ganz weg Herz=Haupt- und 4 Nebenmuskeln, Daumenmond klein/weg -> Hauptmuskel stĂ€rken: ab 15:00 3-4x je 30-40 Tropfen Baldrian, ĂŒbrige NĂ€gel ohne Mond -> Nebenmuskeln stĂ€rken: 3x vor Essen Weißdorntropfen (Crataegan/Crataegutt) S.208 Moermann, Breuss: „Krebs. LeukĂ€mie und andere scheinbar unheilbare Krankheiten mit natĂŒrlichen Mitteln heilen

zuwenig Fingernagelmonde -> „Vein Lite“ -> zellulare Sauerstoffversorg., Entgiftung hier

Kinesiologie (Muskeltest): die richtigen Fragen stellen
Schrödter: „Heilmagnetismus, Quellen der Gesundheit“ (1987) Aurum Handauflegen
vgl. Heilmagnetismus von F.A. Mesmer: Magneten, heilende HĂ€nde
vgl. Bruno Gröning
vgl. Jesus aus der Bibel (vgl. auch Avatare: van Helsing: „Geheimgesellschaften“)
vgl. Reiki
Reiki: „Heilende HĂ€nde“ zur Heilung/Aktivierung Lebensenergie ..fließt Energie des Behandlers in EmpfĂ€nger.. tut sehr gut.. großartiges Erlebnis.. 4x hintereinander=wie 4 Wochen Urlaub …Schmerz, Erschöpfung, Stress, Unruhe, tiefe Entspannung/ Wohlbefinden/SelbstheilungskrĂ€fte, Ziele erreichen.. www.gesundheitsforum-vitalis.org
3 Reiki-Grade:
Öffnen der Handchakren, VerstĂ€rkung der Energie, Fern-Reiki, eigener Schutz
Haut Flanagan
* pro qcm: 1300 Schmerz-, 20000 BerĂŒhrungs-, 200 Druck-, 75 KĂ€lte-, 13 WĂ€rmerezeptoren
* kleinste Vibrationen wahrnehmen.. ĂŒbersetzt/digitalisiert Ă€ußere Welt
* möglicherweise latente FÀhigkeit Licht und Klang wahrzunehmen (vgl. Licht)
* piezoelektrisch.. erzeugt el. Signale/Skalarwellen, wenn in Schwingung versetzt/gerieben
* Reize ĂŒber Nervensystem und AkupunkturkanĂ€le interpretiert.. vom Gehirn entschlĂŒsselt
* Resonanzfrequenz signifikante Schwankungen.. von ErnÀhrung abhÀngig
* WiderstandsÀnderung innerhalb 3 min um das 10-fache
Laserlicht macht Marker fĂŒr Brust-/Prostatakrebs in der Haut sichtbar.. nicht-invasives Verfahren entwickelt.. Krebspatienten haben in Organen weniger Anti-Oxydantien als gesunde Personen.. Beta-Carotin, Lycopin in vielen Organen stark verringert.. Raman-Resonanz-Spektroskopie an der Haut.. kostengĂŒnstig..
Humboldt-UniversitĂ€t Berlin Klinik fĂŒr Dermatologie“ idw 2.5.03
Raman-Spektrum Skalpell mit Glasfasersonde.. Laserstrahl auf Gewebe.. anhand des reflektierten Lichts gesunde/kranke Zellen unterscheiden.. charakteristisches Spektrum.. kanzerogene Zelle oder nicht.. Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam.. Vanderbilt University in Nashville Tenessee.. Krebszellen im Endstadium stets richtig erkannt..“ Heise 11.6.01
Resonanzfrequenz der Haut ernĂ€hrungsabhĂ€ngig.. Einnahme roher AminosĂ€uren fĂŒhrt zu signifikanten VerĂ€nderungen“ S.30 Flanagan
Hautwiderstand Einnahme 28.35g reinerAminosĂ€uren -> Hautwiderstand verĂ€ndert sich in 3min um das 10-fache“ S.30 Flanagan
Optische Biopsie OCT (optische KohĂ€renz Tomografie): neuartiges Verfahren zur bildgebenden Untersuchung von HautverĂ€nderungen: infrarotes Licht ins Gewebe -> reflektierendes Licht.. innerhalb Sekunden ohne Schnitt/Narbe scharfes 2D-Bild nebenwirkungsfrei aus dem „Innenleben“ der Haut. Erfolgskontrolle bei Lasertherapie/Neurodermitis/Schuppenflechte. Welchen Einfluss haben Kosmetika? Wie verlĂ€uft die Wundheilung? FrĂŒherkennung von Hautkrebs? Augenuntersuchungen. Verfahren Ă€hnelt Ultraschall.. kein Gel nötig.. max. 1.7mm tiefe Aufnahmen der Haut. UniversitĂ€t LĂŒbeck“ idw 11.6.02
Akupunkturpunkte/Meridiane, el.magnet. Felder, Bioresonanz GerĂ€te-Übersicht hier
=“Diagnoseschnittstelle“ des Körpers fĂŒr Diagnosetester wie
+ Prognos, F-Scan, Biofind
+ Omega Acubase Hautwiderstand
+ AcuProII Hautwiderstand
elektromagnetische Komponente vgl. hier

* Meridian gestört
o Blockade auf Meridian
o Meridian-Asymmetrie
o Hypofunktion
o Hyperfunktion
o Störfeld durch Narbe
zugeordnete Muskeln Meridian
Supraspinatus KonzeptionsgefĂ€ĂŸ (Zentralmeridian)
Teres major GouverneursgefĂ€ĂŸ (LenkergefĂ€ĂŸ)
Pectoralis Major Clavicularis,
Levator Scapulae, Nackenmuskeln,
Magen-Meridian links/rechts
? Latissimus Dorsi, Trapezius,
Opponens Pollicis Longus, Triceps
Milz-Pankreas-Meridian links/rechts
Subscapularis Herz-Meridian links/rechts
Quadriceps, Rectus Abdominis DĂŒnndarm-Meridian links/rechts
Peroneus, Sacrospinalis, Tibialis Blasen-Meridian links/rechts
? Psoas, Trapezius, Iliacus Nieren-Meridian links/rechts
Glutaeus Medius, Adductor,
Piriformis, Glutaeus Maximus
Kreislauf-Meridian links/rechts
Teres minor, Sartorius, Gracilis,
Soleus, Gastrocnemius
Dreifach-ErwÀrmer-Meridian links/rechts
Deltoideus Anterior, Popliteus Gallenblasen-Meridian links/rechts
Pectoralis Major Sternal, Rhomboideus Leber-Meridian links/rechts
Serratus Anterior, Coracobrachialis,
Deltoideus, Diaphragma
Lungen-Meridian links/rechts
Fascia Lata, Biceps Femoris,
Quadratus Lumborum
Dickdarm-Meridian links/rechts
„Lakhovsky: Grundlage des Lebens=nichtmaterielle Schwingung.. jedes Lebewesen sendet Strahlungen aus.. Zellen=elektromagnetische Strahler.. mikroskopische Schwingkreise..
empfangen und senden Hochfrequenzwellen.. hören die Zellen auf zu oszillieren sterben sie..
Krankheit=gestörtes Gleichgewicht der zellularen Schwingung.. kranke Zellen mit entsprechender Frequenz behandeln.. verblĂŒffende Experimente.. Radio-Zellulo-Oszillator.. WellenlĂ€nge 2-10m.. Krebs durch VerstĂ€rkung der normalen Schwingungen gesunder Zellen ĂŒberwunden.. Energie von außen abgezweigt, kosmische Strahlung“ S.119f Tompkins/Bird
„jede biochemische Komponente ozilliert in in ihrem ureigenen Frequenzmuster..
Rife identifizierte mittels Spektroskop-Mikroskopen die energetische Signatur,
die jeder Krankheit eigen ist..“ hier
„SimonĂ©ton: 4 Klassen Nahrungsmittel:
– keine Strahlung
– bis 3000Å (Kaffee, Tee, Schokolade, Marmelade, KĂ€se, weißes Brot, Kartoffel roh=2000Å)
– 3000-6500Å (gekochtes, Eier, ErdnuĂŸĂ¶l, Wein, Rohrzucker)
+ 6500-10000Å (frische reife FrĂŒchte/GemĂŒse/rohe Meeresfische, Kartoffel gekocht=7000Å, gebacken=9000Å).. 6500Å=Grundstrahlung des Menschen“ S.153f Tompkins/Bird
Biophysikalische Informations Diagnostik BID, Biophys. Informations Therapie BIT
EAV, AcuProII, Prognos, Omega AcuBase, Biofind, Mora, Bicom, Vega, F-Scan
„die besten GerĂ€te Colorpunctur (Fa. AMS) und 4k-Stab (Warnke)“ Allergien
„Elektro-Akupunktur/Kinesiologie testet Autonomes Nervensystem (ANS).. ANS endet im Bindegewebe.. endet nicht im Gehirn in der Nervenzelle.. -> nur zu erfassen, welche Schwermetalle im Bindegewebe sind“ hier
bioelektrische Zellatmungsmessung.. hunderttausende Versuche.. Beweis, daß durch zahlreiche pflanzliche Stoffe.. Betazyane, Anthozyane.. Zellatmung von Krebszellen aktiviert und Virulenz gesenkt werden kann“ hier
Elektrosmog/Feldstörungen.. erkennen
+ Hautwiderstand normal z.B. 50kOhm, Radiowecker an Kopf 200kOhm (Maes S.100)
+ Körperspannung Digitalvoltmeter >10M <100pF (Maes S.24)
+ magnetisches Wechselfeld TelefonverstÀrker (Maes S.62)
+ statische Aufladung Elektrofeldmeter (=FeldmĂŒhle) (Maes S.150)
+ Luftionen Ionometer (Maes S.155)
+ Magnetfeld Kompaß, Magnetometer (Maes S.177f)
+ ionisierende Strahlung (Maes S.206)
+ Radongasmonitor, -dosimeter (Maes S.224)
+ SzintillationszÀhler, geeignete Kristalle (Maes S.243f)
+ elektromagnetischer Bluttest nach Aschoff (Maes S.253)
„hochempfindliche Magnetometer/elektrostat. Feldmeterhier
-> Akupunktur, Akupressur
„biokybernetische Diagnostik/Therapie analysiert/korrigiert gestörtes Selbstheilungssystem.. greift direkt in das dem biochem. System vorgeschaltete schneller arbeitende Informations- und Steuerungssystem ein..
Informationssystem der Haut als Touchscreen/Bildschirm/Tastatur ausgebildet..
welche Regelkreise sind außer Tritt.. gleichzeitig korrigiert.. Änderung kontrolliert.. gestörtes Selbstheilungssystem aktiviert.. Ergebnis pro Punkt innerhalb 1 Sekunde.. Behandlungserfolg unmittelbar erlebbar.. Reflexotron/Reflex-Stimulator TuR RS45 zur Dokumentation der Messwerte.. sonst nur HĂ€nde/spezielle SpitzeDr. Smit
Hautwiderstand (Energiehaushalt ĂŒber die Akupunkturpunkte, Einfluß von Magnetfeldern):
+ Skintalk z.B. fĂŒr Biofeedback
+ Biofind mißt Hautwiderstandserhöhung bei Verletzungen/Blockaden/Elektrosmog
+ Omega-AcuBase genaue Diagnosen, was wie krank ist: Organ/Krebs/EntzĂŒndung
+ F-Scan findet Resonanzstellen bei Blut, Körper, KohleschichtwiderstÀnden..
+ Waynes Rifegenerator findet Resonanzstellen (Anzeige springt) bis geheilt..
+ Abrams Oszilloclast fĂŒr Diagnose/Therapie
+ Reflexotron fĂŒr Diagnose/Therapie an Reaktionsstellen
+ Prognos: Energiebilanz, Meridiane „aus Rußland.. im Weltraum bewĂ€hrt.. Funktionsdiagnose.. energetische Behandlung.. zuverlĂ€ssige Diagnosemethode.. schulmedizinischer Segen.. Zustand der Organe.. Medikamententest.. wirkliche FrĂŒherkennung“ hier
Tender points: definierte Druckpunkte: Daumendruck bzw. 2-3 Finger
-> 4kg: Druckschmerz?“ Orthopress 03/01 Axel Hoffmann, Claudius Böck
Adlersche Druckpunkte“ siehe Peter Schmidsberger
Elektroakupunktur nach Voll (EAV), z.B. fĂŒr Zahnherde und zur Medikamententestung
von neun Universitten positiv bewertet.. gute Treffsicherheit ..amerikanisches Computersystem AcuPro II fr Elektroakupunktur nach Voll, kombiniert die chinesische Akupunktur mit westlicher Naturheilkunde und Umweltmedizin“ naturmednet.de
„Zeigerabfall.. virtueller Medikamententest.. Imprinterhier
„..fĂŒhrten die Mess-Ströme zu unerwĂŒnschten.. energetischen VerĂ€nderungen. ..kleinflĂ€chige Zerstörungen von Nervenzellen.. Ödeme..“
siehe 5. aus Erfahrung m.Colorpunctur besser Prognos, da Strom nur 0.4uA?
elektrische FrĂŒhdiagnose mit ‚Omega AcuBase‚: Haupt-, Gegenelektrode, bis 50 Akupunkturpunkte, 30min, Spannungen graphisch, zu hoch -> EntzĂŒndung Organ, zu niedrig -> Krebsherd (Fa. Digital Health Inc., Salt Lake City, Utah 84 121)“ hier B-zip
elektrischer Akupunkturstift mit Punktsuchfunktion: „Search n‘ Stim“ Model SW103 15, 30s, manuell, StĂ€rke einstellbar. Hong Kong
(Licht-)Akupunktur: Nogier/Bahrfrequenzen, Ausbilderliste, interessante Artikel ĂŒber erfolgreiche Ohrakupunktur“ hier Literaturliste hier
Reflexzonenmassage: wo tut der Druck weh? also Ablagerungen -> wegmassieren..
Marquart: „Reflexzonenarbeit am Fuß“ ..Organe ĂŒber Reflexzonen ansprechbar.. Diagnose und Therapie durch Massage von Reflexzonen.. Giftauscheidung verbessern.. Organe aktivieren.. verblĂŒffende Erfolge.. Standardwerk
Bernau, Meyer: „Schmerzfrei ohne Tabletten Das große Akupressurbuchbei Atemnot, Bandscheiben, Depressionen, Erschöpfung, KonzentrationsschwĂ€che, MĂŒdigkeit, Ohrensausen, Rheuma, Streß ..ausfĂŒhrlich gegen Tinnitus
Hempen: „dtv-Atlas Akupunktur.“ Geschichte der Akupunktur.. Lehre von den Leitbahnen und Reizpunkten.. wo die Punkte liegen, wie sie heißen.. auch fĂŒr Laien verstĂ€ndlich.. eines der schönsten deutschen BĂŒcher
Jirui, Wang, Fallbacher: „Akupunktur aus China in 101 Fallbeispielen.“ Innere Medizin, schmerzhafte Erkrankungen, Neurologie, Augen und HNO, Dermatologie, GynĂ€kologie, PĂ€diatrie.. aus der Praxis fĂŒr die Praxis.. einheitlich strukturiert.. nachvollziehbar dargestellt.. fĂŒr jeden etwas.. exzellente Darstellung der Stichtechniken..
Strittmatter: „Taschenatlas der Ohrakupunktur nach Nogier / Bahr.“ Auffinden und Lernen.. Wissen auffrischen.. tolles Buch mit hervorragendem Preis-LeistungsverhĂ€ltnis..
Rossmann: „Kompendium der Elektroakupunktur n. Voll“ Haug 140 S.
Voll/Werner: „Elektroakupunktur“
-> Akupunktimpuls, Klopftechnik
Mandel: „Die Akupunkt-Impuls-Therapie. Behandlung mit piezo-elektrischen Impulsen“
Klopfakupressurtechnik bei negativen GlaubenssÀtzen: -> 1. Psyche

Scott: „Allergie und der Weg, sich in wenigen Minuten davon zu befreien Allergien in kurzer Zeit austesten und auflsen: durch Energieausgleich.. durch das Klopfen von Reflexpunkten… Vertrglichkeit bestimmter Nahrungsmittel und anderer Substanzen erhhen. Tolles Buch, mit dem man sich selbst helfen kann..

-> Töne, Sonolumineszenz
„bestimmte Worte AUM: Energie freigesetzt im IR-Bereich.. Fourier-Transformations-Interferometer.. laserartige Energie im unteren IR-Bereich aufspĂŒren“ Flanagan
-> Licht
Biophotonenanalyse zur Bestimmung der QualitĂ€t von Lebensmitteln.. spektrale IntensitĂ€ten der spontanen ultraschwachen Lichtemission aus lebenden biologischen Systemen.. Probe mit Licht angeregt.. Art des Nachleuchtens ‚delayed luminescence‘.. ungeordnete Systeme leuchten anders als ideal organisierte Lebensmittel“ hier hier
-> elektr. Feld, elektr. Störung
Energieströme/-felder bestimmen: elektron. Elektroskop mit Luftkondensatorsonde.. bioenergetische Effekte messen.. durch Herzschlag bewirkte Änderungen noch in 1m Entfernung erfassen.. elektrostatisches Spannungsfeld.. mental beeinflussenFlanagan
„Prof. Harold Saxton Burr: Versuche mit Energiefeldern um Pflanzen, BĂ€ume, Menschen, Zellen.. mit Elektrometer Lebensfelder rund um Samen messen.. elektrische Analyse -> wie krĂ€ftig/gesund wird die Pflanze.. Änderung eines einzigen Gens -> VerĂ€nderungen im Spannungsmuster.. Biorhythmus.. Sonnenflecken.. Mondphase..“ S.26,125 Tompkins/Bird
„elektrische Spannungen im Baum.. die viel ĂŒber Gesundheitszustand aussagen“ S.107
„Hessische Landesanstalt fĂŒr Waldforschung benutzt Elektrodiagnostik bei BĂ€umen, um ihren Gesundheitszustand festzustellen.. FAZ 26.6.96“ S.111 Alexandersson
Lee Crock Device, Aura Therapy, Energy Cleaner, MexiStim Polarity Cycler, Zeta Potential Energizer: 3V aus 10 Zink/Kohle-Batterien bzw. 4.5V aus 9 Batterien, Relais polt alle 15min leitfĂ€hige Alu-Gittermatte bzw. Badewanne um.. <15cm Abstand.. beeinflusst Aura.. entgiftet Körper.. bei Energiemangel, Krebs, Morbus Hodgkin, Alzheimer, Rheuma, Arthritis, Viren, Alterung (Jungbrunnen), Nieren, Herz-/Lungenversagen, Epilepsie, Kopfschmerzen, Schmerzen, Hörverlust, Kurzatmigkeit.. 3-5 Tage“ hier hier hier
„Nordenström entdeckte Lichthof im Röntgenbild um bösartige Tumoren..
Tierexperimente zeigten bei Tumoren elektrisch unterschiedliches Verhalten..
dĂŒnne Nadeln eingestochen, schwachen Gleichstrom angelegt lĂ€ĂŸt verschwinden..
schmerzlos.. dauert ein paar Stunden“ hier
elektrische FrĂŒhdiagnose bei GebĂ€rmutterkrebs mit Voltmeter: Elektrode in Vagina, Vergleich Spannung Cervix, Abdomen -> Aussage ĂŒber GebĂ€rmutterkrebs“ hier B-zip
Elektrosmog messen: Multidetektor II“ hier
Herpes-Zapper gegen Herpes Simplex 1 (oral), 2 (genital) 15-20s jede Stunde bis die Symptome verschwinden (9V-Batterie)“ aus „A case for Electro-Therapy“ hier
-> Magnetfeld
„MagnetfeldverĂ€nderungen um Menschen.. in RĂŒckenlage auf Boden.. Kompaß einige cm ĂŒber Solar Plexus aufgehĂ€ngt.. starker Schmerzreiz verĂ€ndert Kompaßnadel.. Magnetfeld hellsichtiger Menschen gemessen.. paranormale FĂ€higkeiten.. dramatische VerĂ€nderungen“ hier
Magneten: Anwendung, Studien, Literatur Taiki Magnekon -> 8. Heilende Informationen
Magnetfeldresonanzsystem Unittron MT, 4k-Stab, MagnetoStab, Amplitudenfenstermonitor Unittron M200, Lichttherapiesystem Unittron Lambda Dr. Warnke W-zip
MagnetfeldgerÀte des Dr. Ludwig: Medisend, Metronom, Colorpunctur..
„bei Schwermetallen, Pilzen und Parasiten.. die besten ErfahrungenPower Letter 46
3 natĂŒrliche lebenswichtige Spektren: Schumann- Geomagnet- Solarfrequenz, dazu Farblicht/Amplitudenmodulation 1.66/3.3Hz, magnetische Antenne, im Metronom Rife – Frequenzen.. hilft bei Infektionen mit Pilzen, Bakterien und Viren.. verblĂŒffend.. (L-zip)
Ludwig: „Informative Medizin. Krankheitsursachen/Behandlung ohne Chemie“ VGM Essen
Squid-Magnetometer: in deutschen UniversitÀtskliniken: 19 Messsonden, -269°C
ortet berĂŒhrungslos die ultraschwĂ€chsten biomagnetischen Signale:
* Auge 0.1pT
* Gehirn 1pT
* Herz 50pT
krankhafte VerĂ€nderungen durch Magnetfeldanomalien sicher festgestellt“ S.187 Maes
-> Frequenzen, Impulse
„Hydromed 10-12Hz: Lockerung.. um das kranke Ohr herum.. oft starke Verkrampfungen.. Schmerzen nehmen rasch ab.. Ohrensausen (Tinnitus) verschwindet. 3x tĂ€gl. 10min.. auch bei Schwerhörigkeit..“ Reisch: „Gesundheit aus der Harmonie“
Nazarov-Stimulation: biomechan. Stimulation BMS.. aktiviert Muskeln durch rein mechan. Schwingungen.. mechan. Resonanz.. 10-100x effektiver als normales Muskeltraining.. 10-13Hz.. Muskelaufbau, Durchblutungsstörungen, Nerven, Bindegewebe, Regeneration, Alterung.. 30Hz ĂŒbertönt Schmerz“ hier Tipp mit Schwingschleifer, Lachen..
„Heroin-Frequenz 111Hz und andere Frequenzen im Drogenentzug. Steigerung GedĂ€chtnisleistung, KonzentrationsfĂ€higkeit (Neuro-Elektr. Therapie NET)..“ Meg Patterson: „Der sanfte Entzug“ hier
Rife-Frequenzen können Krebs.. heilen: Dr. Ludwig, Dr. Clark und andere verwenden Rife-Frequenzen in ihren GerÀten GerÀte Frequenzen
Diagnose: schwankende Frequenz vgl. Wayne, Therapie: z.B. je Frequenz ca. 3min..
Rifetone: 20-20000 Hz ĂŒber Kopfhörer (niedrige Freq. ĂŒber Differenzfrequenz li/re: Hauptfreq. links, Summenfreq. rechts) -> Binaural beats, hemispheric synchronisation
vgl. auch neurolog. Frequenzen Meg Patterson 111Hz..
Erzeugung z.B. ĂŒber CoolEdit, Csound, SBaGen -> http://uazu.net/sbagen
L-zip B-zip
Zapper (Clark, Eggetsberger) gegen Parasiten/Grippe..“ hier C-zip
Hanna Fresenius: Elektroneuraldiagnostik und -therapie.. GerĂ€t des Hr. Nemec.. Metastasen deutlich kleiner, Zustand Lungenkrebskranker besserte sich..“ S.156 Bierach: „BioelektrizitĂ€t, die geheimnisvollen KrĂ€fte in unserem Körper“ (1984) Heyne 780
starke elektr. Impulse: George Lakhovski, Antonio Priore, Gianni A.Dotto, Panos Pappas“ hier
Gianni A. Dotto: erfand Dotto-Ring.. 27″ aus massivem Kupfer.. benachbarte erhitzte und gekĂŒhlte Bereiche, Ă€hnlich Hunza-Land -> erzeugt nĂŒtzliches Magnetfeld gegen Krebs.. 7 offizielle Tests Prof. Gerald Willis UniversitĂ€t Dayton.. unbehandelte MĂ€use starben, behandelte ĂŒberlebten.. keine Spur von Krebs.. Patent..“ hier
Lakhovskys HF-Antenne: Pflanze mit Krebs: 1 Leiterschleife aus Kupfer herum, 30cm Durchmesser, sammelt kosmische Energie, gibt an Pflanze ab, Tumoren verschwanden“ hier
Violey-Ray: HF-Strom (ca. 400-500kHz) ĂŒber edelgasgefĂŒllte (oft Argon, Neon) Glaselektroden -> Magnetfeld, Licht (+UV vom Funken), WĂ€rme, Ozon.. ‚violette Flamme der Transmutation‚, violettes ‚crown‘ Chakra, elektrische Zellmassage.. gut fĂŒr Nerven, Nervenenden, Schmerzen, reinigt/ozonisiert Blut, mehr Sauerstoff in Gewebe/Blut, AnĂ€mie, hoher Blutdruck, Energie, Nieren, bessere Stimme, Schlaflosigkeit, Lungen-Tuberkulose, Prostata, Schuppen, graue Haare, Haarausfall, kalte HĂ€nde/FĂŒĂŸe, Hautkrankheiten, Falten, Hörvermögen, Taubheit, Tinnitus, Augenerkankungen, grauer Star, MuskellĂ€hmung, Rheuma, ZĂ€hne, Krebs..
Edgar Cayce
empfahl Violey Ray in fast 900 seiner Lesungen: Teslas Originaldesign, Resonanz! spĂ€ter einteiliges Design ohne Teslas Resonanzen und Magnetfelder“ hier hier
HF-ImpulsgerĂ€t PAP-IMI bei Sportverletzungen (Fußballspieler..), Knöchelverstauchung, Knochenbruch, Bluterguß, BĂ€nderdehnung, Tennisellenbogen, Meniskus, Osteoporose, erhebl. motorische Störung: Arm schlecht drehbar, GesichtslĂ€hmung, Muskelverspannung, HWS-Syndrom, Hexenschuß, ZĂ€hne (Parodontose, Karies, Wurzelvereiterung), Augen, BlasenentzĂŒndung, Blaseninkontinenz, ProstatavergrĂ¶ĂŸerung, (Organ-)EntzĂŒndungen „-itis„, Hepatitis, Genitalherpes, HĂ€morrhoiden, Wundheilung, Allergien, Hautkrankheiten, Ekzeme, Neurodermitis, Gendefekte, altersbedingte Erkrankungen, Falten, Blutdruck, -werte, Leukozytenmangel, Blutarmut, Durchblutung, Cholesterinspiegel, Beinthrombose, Körpertemperatur, Bakterien, Viren, Candida, Epstein-Barr, DauermĂŒdigkeit, Ersatz Antibiotika, Diabetes, Leber, Magen-, DickdarmgeschwĂŒr, Darmblutung, Herzstörung, Angina Pectoris, Zysten, AIDS lange symptomfrei, Verbrennungen, NervenschĂ€den (Gifte..), GehirnschĂ€den (nekrosis..), SchĂ€delfraktur, Koma, Alzheimer, Parkinson, MS, BlĂ€hungen, Asthma, Mandeln, chron. Rheuma/Arthritis, Polyarthritis, Versteifung, Arthrose, offenes BeingeschwĂŒr, Krebs (Auge, Gehirn, Dickdarm, Brust, Lunge, Adeno-, Prostata-, Ovarien-…) , friendship-forming, psych. Konflikte, Depressionen, Schmerzen (Zahn-, RĂŒcken-, Muskel-, Unterleib-, Kopf-, MigrĂ€ne), genetische Reparatur, Willebrand-Faktor, Samen wieder keimfĂ€hig, Wachstum Schnittlauch, Rennpferde hier hier FĂ€lle nicht bei systemischer LeukĂ€mie.. P-zip
Mikrostrom, Feinstrom, APS, MENS, Powerlift, Puls-Care =Anregung Selbstregeneration
uA stimuliert körpereigene Heilströme -> Körper hÀlt Heilstrom bis 36h danach aufrecht

Zellwachstum/Zellregeneration, GewebeverjĂŒngung, Haut-/Gewebestraffung, Cellulite, Falten/Fettzellen abgebaut, Facelifting, Anregung Haarwuchs, Narben, Narbenentstörung, Muskeln aufgebaut, Sportverletzungen, Schmerzbehandlung, Kopf-/RĂŒckenschmerz, MigrĂ€ne, Elektro-Akupunktur, Parodontose, Parodontitis, Iontophorese, Depressionen, Muskelverspannungen, Schlaflosigkeit, Gelenk-/WirbelsĂ€ulentherapie, Leistungssteigerung Sport/Freizeit, Gewichtsreduktion, antibakteriell/antiviral, StĂ€rkung Immunsystem, Aktivierung T-Lymphozyten, verbess. DNA-Synthese, Hautkrankheiten, Mykosen, Allergien, verbess. Kalziumaufnahme, Ausleitung Gifte/Schwermetalle, Heilung doppelt schnell.. Organismus erzeugt ausschließlich Mikroampereenergien als Gleichstrom im NF-Bereich MĂŒnchner Merkur/tz Nr.72/13 26.3.02 -> 8. Heilende Informationen
Alpha-Stim 2000.. mißt Körperstrom.. stellt Asymmetrie fest.. legt Mikroströme zum Ausgleich an.. löst Schmerz durch Auflösen der Blockade.. wirkt auf Hirnströme..
löst Stress.. erfrischt.. revitalisiert.. verbessert Hören ĂŒber passende Akupunkturpunkte..
Schlaganfall.. mit jeder Behandlung kehrt mehr Funktion zurĂŒck.. Tinnitus.. MS..
kranke Zellen aktiviert.. rascheres Lernen..“ Haley: „Politics in Healing“ Kap.9
Laterale Elektrische OberflĂ€chen Stimulation LEOS: richtet skoliotisch/kyphotisch verkrĂŒmmte WirbelsĂ€ule auf, nur nachts wĂ€hrend Schlaf, 2 KanĂ€le, biphas. Rechteckimpulse, 1-100(25-30)Hz 1-70mA 10-500(200-300)us, GerĂ€t Scolistim 2 von Fa. Krauth+Timmermann
auch Muskelstimulation bei LĂ€hmungen, Inkontinenz, Paresen“ hier
von kassenÀrztlicher Vereinigung anerkannt
-> Resonanz, Radionik
Schaukel funktioniert durch korrekt getimtes Anschieben..
Impuls im richtigen Moment zufĂŒhren.. chemische Bindungen verhalten sich analog..
-> gepulste Cooper Paare zur Therapie effektiver als Sinus..
auch zur Diagnose genutzt.. Probe angepingt -> charakteristische Resonanzen hören“ hier
„Albert Abrams: ResonanzgerĂ€usch beim Abklopfen gedĂ€mpfter in Ost-West-Richtung..
Einfluss des Erdmagnetfelds..“ S.156f Tompkins/Bird
„Albert Abrams: Krebsgewebe gegen Stirn verĂ€ndert Klang beim Abklopfen infolge einer Muskelkontraktion.. unbekannte Wellen von gesundem Körper registriert.. elektronische Reaktionen gewisser Körperstellen bestimmten Erkrankungen zugeordnet.. Strahlung erkrankter Gewebe durch Kabel ĂŒbertragen.. Diagnose aus einem Tropfen Blut.. jede Zahl auf der Skala entsprach einer bestimmten Krankheit“ S.157f Tompkins/Bird
„Albert Abrams Aparat sprach auf Blut eines Malariakranken an.. Blut allein bestimmter dumpfer Ton, Chinin selber Ton.. befallenes Blut und Chinin zusammen deutlich hellerer Ton.. Schwingungen der ChininmolekĂŒle löschen diejenigen der MalariamolekĂŒle durch Interferenz aus“ S.157f Tompkins/Bird
„Albert Abrams Oszilloklast (Abrams Box) sendete Wellen aus, die die Wellen der kranken MolekĂŒle verĂ€nderten oder löschten..“ S.158f Tompkins/Bird
Radioniksystem Abrams Oszilloclast z.B. Speicheltest einsenden“ hier hier
„T. Galen Hieronymus verbesserte Pathoklast.. Strahlung nach kurzer Distanz verschluckt.. Detektor fĂŒr eloptische Energie.. Patent US2482773 ‚Registrieren und Messen von Strahlungen verschiedenster Materialien‘.. bestrahlte Maiskolben mit Maiswurm.. tödliche KrĂ€fte.. Diagnose Herz, Lunge, DrĂŒsen.. der Apollo-Astronauten wĂ€hrend des Fluges anhand von Fotografien“ S.162f Tompkins/Bird
„PC-Radionikprogramm Quantec (Peter von Buengner): findet im ICD10 (Intern. Catalog of Disease) aus 11500 Krankheiten die, mit denen sich Patient gerade in Resonanz befindet. Kann auch Foto von Person mit HandflĂ€che zusammenbringen“ hier hier
Buengner: „Physik und Traumzeit“ InfobroschĂŒre: 0180-55 88 900 (Sonnenwind 6)
Radionik-Diagnose/TherapiegerÀt: hier
Ruth B. Drown: „The Theory and Technique of the Drown H.V.R. and Radio-Vision Instruments“ (1939) Anwendung Instrumente/Therapien. Einfache, billige Methode fĂŒr detaillierte Schicht-Bilder jedes Bereiches im Körper (wie CT) ohne Strahlung. (151S.)

Ruth B. Drown: „Radio-Vision: Scientific Milestone“ (1960)
einzig bekannte Methode fĂŒr patholog./histolog. Schichtaufnahmen weiches/hartes Gewebe ohne Anwesenheit des Patient. 23 Schicht-Fotos 45 Jahre vor CT. Noch heute mehr Möglichkeiten als CT. (56S)

Ruth B. Drown: „The Drown Homo-Vibra Ray Instrument: Uses & Methodology“ (Includes the Drown Rate Atlas and HVR Patents) (1951) getrockneter Blutstropfen zur Fern- Diagnose/Behandlung, Diagnose blood count, impinged nerves, urin, temperature, blood pressure, energy flow. Atlas fĂŒr alle bekannten Krankheiten, endokrine DrĂŒsen, craniale Nerven -> blockierter Energiefluß. Aufbau, Fotos/Zeichnungen wie es geht (159S.)

„Louis Claude Vincent: 3 Parameter bestimmen QualitĂ€t einer FlĂŒssigkeit eindeutig.. pH, rH2, R-Wert.. gilt fĂŒr alle Medien und Systeme.. auch Blut, Speichel, Urin“ S.60 HĂ€ring
„Zusammenhang zw. Wasserstoffionenkonzentration (pH-Wert) u. elektromagnet. AktivitĂ€t (ProtonenaktivitĂ€t).. Proton als Mikromagnet, der magnetisches Feld erzeugt“ S.62 HĂ€ring
Osteoporose: falls Knochenabbauprodukt Desoxypyridinolin im Morgenurin..
Test (Medpro) im Labor ausgewertet..“ S.114 Gong 37, 14.9.02
John W. Armstrong: „The Water of Life, A Treatise on Urine Therapy.“
„falls ensthaft krank nur Urin trinken, sonst nichts, bis komplett gesund, Fallbeispiele (Krebs, Infektionen, Herz, Schmerzen..) 90-150 Tage! Dies Vorgehen hĂ€lt weitere Gifte fern, so daß sich der Körper auf die eigene Heilung konzentrieren kann. Kann Leben retten“
Thomas: „Ein ganz besonderer Saft – UrinErfahrungsberichte.. als Waschmittel.. Hilfsmittel beim FĂ€rben.. Walkmittel.. Arznei fĂŒr Haare, Hals, Lunge, Mund, Haut, innere Beschwerden, Augen, Ohren, Allergien, Seele..

Martha M. Christy: „Selbstheilung mit Urin. Unsere eigene perfekte Medizin“ medizinische Forschungen und Erfolge

pH-Wertmessung ÜbersĂ€uerung? -> Neumann, 3. ErnĂ€hrung/Mangelerkrankungen
-> ggf. Darmreinigung, Entgiftung/EntsĂ€uerung, ErnĂ€hrungsumstellung, weniger Streß, kein Rauchen, mehr Bewegung, mehr trinken, Remineralierung: NahrungsergĂ€nzung (Mineralien, Silicea/Basica/CES Vitalpulver/SĂŒĂŸwasseralgen, Spurenelemente, Vitamine)
pH-Teststreifen: TeststÀbchen Fa. Merck pH 6.5-10 (0.2) Nr. 1095430001
Blut, ZellgewebsflĂŒssigkeit (pH, Magnetismus, Dunkelfeld, Pleomorphismus..)
„Albert Abrams: elektrische Diagnose aus einem Tropfen Blut.. jede Zahl auf der Skala entsprach einer bestimmten Krankheit“ S.158 Tompkins/Bird
„alle Bluttests können normale Ergebnisse zeigen und dennoch können Kapillaren in Herz/Gehirn verschlossen sein“ S.79 Batmanghelidj
„Louis Claude Vincent: 3 Parameter bestimmen QualitĂ€t einer FlĂŒssigkeit eindeutig.. pH, rH2, R-Wert.. gilt fĂŒr alle Medien und Systeme.. auch Blut, Speichel, Urin“ S.60 HĂ€ring
BioElektronische Funktionsmessung Vincent BEV: elegante Methode zur Bestimmung pH in Blut u.a. KörperflĂŒssigkeiten.. pH, rH2, spez. Widerstand=R-Wert..“ S.59f HĂ€ring
„Zusammenhang zw. Wasserstoffionenkonzentration (pH-Wert) u. elektromagnet. AktivitĂ€t (ProtonenaktivitĂ€t).. Proton als Mikromagnet, der magnetisches Feld erzeugt“ S.62 HĂ€ring
„pH=Ionenpotential fĂŒr AziditĂ€t/AlkalinitĂ€t.. ist der „magnetische Faktor“ nach Vincent..
pH im arteriellen Blut 7.4-7.45.. im kapillÀren Blut 7.35-7.4.. im venösen Blut 7.3-7,35..
durchschnittliches Blut-pH 7.2 normal, wird heutzutage kaum noch erreicht“ hier
„pH des Blutes gegenlĂ€ufig zum pH der Gewebe: Blut-pH 7.5 entspricht Gewebe-pH ca. 5.5.. nach Enderlein entwickelt sich der Endobiont im Blut bei einem pH zwischen 7.2-7.5″ hier D-zip
Dr. Wilhelm von Brehmer: hohe Bedeutung pH-Wert in Kulturen/KörperflĂŒssigkeiten. pH Ă€ndert sich nach Kontakt Blut-Luft. Haemo-Ionometer, um Wasserstoff-Ionenkonzentration innerhalb Blutbahn zu messen. Mikrobe im Blut -> Krebs. Alter/bösartige Erkrankungen: Blut-pH steigt. Proportional entwickeln sich Mikroben zu pathologischen Stadien. „Krebs-Eine Erregerkrankeit“. Forschungsergebnisse bestĂ€tigt – Blutparasit entdeckt..“ hier D-zip
„wichtiger Milieuparameter=Redoxpotential.. Bedeutung von W.F. Koch entdeckt.. Methylglyoxal besitzt photoverstĂ€rkende Eigenschaften.. bei 300nm“ hier D-zip
HĂ€moccult-Test: Blut im Stuhl? 3 Tage Stuhlprobe.. Testkarte (Medpro, Vitest)
selbst ablesen..“ S.114 Gong 37, 14.9.02
PSA-Test (ProstataSpezifisches Antigen): Blut aus Finger/OhrlÀppchen
Testkarte, 12-15min..“ S.114 Gong 37, 14.9.02 „Tumormarker“
Helicobacter Pylori: Bluttest (biofast, Vitest) oder Speicheltest (Medpro)
selbst nachweisbar.. keine Magenspiegelung notwendig..“ S.115 Gong 37, 14.9.02
Nanobakterien im Blut.. 20-200nm.. 100-1000x kleiner als Bakterien.. 1988 von Neva Ciftcioglu/Olavi Kajander als Substanz entdeckt, die Zellkulturen abtötet.. sondern harte Kalziumschicht ab.. wachsen langsam nur in Blut/Serum.. erst Abgabe eines endotoxischen Biofilms alarmiert Immunsystem -> EntzĂŒndung.. isoliert aus Polio-Impfstoff, Human Immune Gamma Globulin IgG, Fetal Bovine Serum FBS -> Impfstoffe auf Nanofreien Kulturen herstellen: 20nm-Filter nötig, 150Mrad, 90°C 1h..
+ Antigen-/Antikörper-Bluttest (NanobacTEST-S).. Urintest (NanobacTEST-U/A)..
– Nanobakterien verursachen falsch positiven Clamydien ELISA-Test
+ Vitamin C kann bei EindÀmmung der Nanobakteriellen Infektion helfen
+ Di-Sodium EDTA um HĂŒlle der Nanobakterien aufzulösen
+ PrĂ€parate NanobacTX und UroBac.. NanoBacLabs“ hier
Bluttest zur KrebsfrĂŒherkennung: Nachweis zirkulierender Tumorzellen.. Krebszellantigen in der Zellmembran vorhanden.. Farbreaktion.. Tumor sĂ€t Krebszellen aus, wenn er noch winzig ist.. 80% sterben an Metastasen (nicht am PrimĂ€rtumor).. Tumormarker und Schichtaufnahmen eignen sich nicht zur FrĂŒherkennung.. Verfahren, um potentielle Krebszellen aus Blut zu isolieren, auf Bösartigkeit zu untersuchen, fĂŒr therapeutische Zwecke zu kultivieren..“ S.39,92fff Dr. Ulrich KĂŒbler: „Krebs wird heilbar“ hier
Blutbahn von Krebszellen befreien: melanomapositive Zellen in der Blutbahn nach der Operation.. mehrere Therapiezyklen mit LAK-Zellen/Therapeutischer Vaccine -> Blutbahn von melanomapositiven Zellen befreit..“ S.95 Dr. Ulrich KĂŒbler: „Krebs wird heilbar“ hier
„Ultra-Mikroskope von Graton und Dane (Harvard UniversitĂ€t) ĂŒberschritten Abbe-Grenze: 6000-fache Auflösung bei VergrĂ¶ĂŸerungen von 50000.. Dr. Francis Lucas (Bell Tel. Labs) entwickelte modifizierte Variante bis max. 60000-fache VergrĂ¶ĂŸerung.. so wenig Linsen wie möglich.. Projektionsmikroskope“ hier
Kurt Olbrich Universalmikroskop Ergonom 400/500.. beste Auflösung bis unter 100nm.. große TiefenschĂ€rfe.. Auftreten viroider und fungoider (pilzĂ€hnlicher) Formen im Vitalblut als Indikator fĂŒr Krebsentwicklung/PrĂ€kanzerose.. Applikatoren fĂŒr Bluttests.. Tel. 06062-3282″ D-zip
GrayField microscopy.. lebendes Gewebe bei VergrĂ¶ĂŸerungen >10000.. Auflösung besser als 100nm.. große TiefenschĂ€rfe.. scharfe Konturen.. natĂŒrliche Farben“ hier
Bernard Muschlein leitet Forschungsteam, benutzt Ergonom 400 um Krebs, Aids und die LegionĂ€rskrankheit zu studieren“ hier
Royal Raymond Rife: entwickelte legendĂ€res prismatisches Dunkelfeldmikroskop.. 30000-fache VergrĂ¶ĂŸerung bei exzellenter SchĂ€rfe.. konnte lebende Viren beobachten.. untersuchte Wirkung bestimmter Frequenzen auf Bakterien/Viren.. heilte 1934 16 Krebs-Patienten mit ‚Rifes Ray‘.. kein Gewebe zerstört.. Virus/Bakterien zerstört..“ hier hier C-zip
Rife-Mikroskop mit 3-facher Auflösung (17000) von Dr. Francis Lucas.. Überlagerung zweier monochromat. UV-Strahlen.. 7 Modelle in rascher Folge.. 300000-fache VergrĂ¶ĂŸerung“ hier
Rife-Mikroskop.. 10x höhere Auflösung als normale optische Mikroskope.. Fraunhoferbeugung kompensiert.. Risley-Prismen.. moderne Bauweise“ hier
Litraonics-Mikroskop=Nemescope.. zeigt innere Struktur von Atomen/MolekĂŒlen und EnergiebĂ€nder in Farbe.. extrem hohe VergrĂ¶ĂŸerungen.. Bilder von Blutzellen.. Zusammenhang zwischen Krebs und Virus aufgezeigt.. Dr. Elmer Pierre Nemes“ hier
Mikroskop von Michael Coyle..
Gaston Naessens nutzt UV-Mikroskop fĂŒr Beobachtung lebender BX-Viren (Krebs) im Blut.. polarisiertes Licht.. 16 Formen dieses Virus=Beweis Pleomorphismus“ hier
„baute Mikroskop (Somatoskop) zur Beobachtung 150 Angström kleiner, lebender Organismen: Somatoskop.. Blut Kranker völlig verschieden.. Somatide im Blut.. bei Kranken Formenwechsel.. neuer Kondensor fĂŒr Mikroskope der Wissenschaftler 1998″ hier
„beeindruckend klare Blutbilder mit Naessens ‚Diachromic‘ Kondensorhier

Christopher Bird: „Galileo of the Microscope“

Somatide in KörpersĂ€ften aller Lebewesen.. Naessens-Mikroskop: winzige LichtpĂŒnktchen, die um lebendige Blutkörperchen herumtanzen.. in frischem GemĂŒse in riesigen Mengen vorhanden.. lĂ€nger lagern -> geht zurĂŒck.. organisch angebautes ungekochtes GemĂŒse/Obst: rasch positive Wirkungen auf das Blut.. EigenstĂ€ndigkeit/MobilitĂ€t Blutzellen/Somatide nehmen schnell zu.. Somatide in Hunza-Wasser, frischem Obst/GemĂŒse, Crystal Energy.. Somatide beobachtet -> Lebensweise entwickelt, die max. Energieniveau garantiert.. Schad-/Giftstoffe zerstören Energie/Zeta-Potential von Nahrungsmitteln“ Flanagan
Gaston Naessens: Der Somatid-Zyklus – sichtbar im Blut – erlaubt die FrĂŒhdiagnose degenerativer Erkrankungen bis zu 18 Monaten“ hier
„der erfahrenste Mediziner im Umgang mit dem Naessenskondensor ist Dr. David Ganong..
er hat sehr viel Videomaterial des Somatids und seines Zyklus aufgenommen“ hier
Antoine Bechamp: 1866 in pflanzlichen/tierischen Zellen und menschl. Blut lebende Kleinstbestandteile ‚Mikrozymas‚=’Urkeime‘, die unter bestimmten pathologischen MilieuverĂ€nderungen mit einer AufwĂ€rtsentwicklung reagieren“ hier D-zip
Reichs Bione, Prusiners Prionen, Bechamps Mikrozyme, Enderleins Protit/Symbionten, Naessens Somatide, von Brehmers Syphonospora polymorha.. alles dasselbe?
Bione/Somatide als Grundeinheit des Lebens? Somatide als TrÀger/Materialisierung biologischer Energieprozesse? als VorlÀufer der Erbinformation? hier
Institut fĂŒr bioenergetische Blutdiagnose hier
BRL-Labor fĂŒr mikroskopische Blutuntersuchung hier
Interessensgemeinschaft fĂŒr Dunkelfeldblutdiagnostik hier info@ig-df.de
vgl. Marco Bischof: „Biophotonen, das Licht in unseren Zellen“ ..Gurwitsch, F.A. Popp..
Dunkelfeldmikroskopiewenn das Blut auch dann nicht in Ordnung ist, wenn alle serologischen Laborparameter im Normbereich liegen D-zip
„Bakterien in Salz einkristallisiert.. immobil.. Kammern nicht mehr sichtbar.. Kristalle in ein statisches Gleichfeld -> Kammern wieder sichtbar, Bakterien nahmen AktivitĂ€t wieder auf..
+ Leuchten aus den Kammern identisch mit Prof. Popp`s Biophotonenstrahlung?
+ Halobakterien setzen Lichtenergie (Photonen) in el. Energie (Elektronen) um.. damit auch eine aktive Kommunikation möglich?
+ Wie konnten sie die Energie aufbringen, um die Gitterenergie der Salzkristalle zu sprengen? + Woher bekamen sie ihre Nahrung, um so lange Zeit zu ĂŒberleben?
+ Woher kamen das fĂŒr die Vermehrungsprozesse zwingend nötige Wasser, der Stickstoff und der Kohlenstoff. Sollten die Professoren William Prout (1822) und C. L. Kervran (1966) (Transmutation) doch recht gehabt haben?“ S.530 Dumrese, Haefeli: „Pleomorphismus. Blutpilze, Blutsymbionten, Blutparasiten unter besonderer BerĂŒcksichtigung der Enderleinschen Cyclogenie und der diagnostischen Methoden nach Haefeli“ von elementarer Bedeutung fĂŒr die medizinische Diagnostik und Therapie..
magnetooptisches Meßverfahren nach Prof. Allison auch bei extremen VerdĂŒnnungen“ hier
„Forschungen zeigen, daß das Blut der meisten Menschen extrem verunreinigt ist“ hier
krankhafte ZustĂ€nde zeigen sich in der Wasserstruktur“ S.8 Ulmer
„Blut enthĂ€lt Eisen.. Magnetfelder können chemische Struktur beeinflussen“ S.22 Ulmer
Magnetisiertes Wasser/Körperwasser: mehr hier
„durch geeignete Permanentmagneten wieder in die natĂŒrliche Ordnung..
3 Kristall Magnetik-Tropfen auf 1/4 Liter reorganisieren magnetische Struktur des Wassers..
Magnetfeld verĂ€ndert elektr. LeitfĂ€higkeit, verbessert ViskositĂ€t (FließfĂ€higkeit)..
Pflanzen 16% höher gewachsen.. 32% schwerer..“ hier

„Trinken.. fördert Ausscheidung Abfall-/Giftstoffe..“ hier
ungĂŒnstige Frequenzen sind 1.8 und 5Hz, nĂŒtzlich 1.2, 2.5, 7.8, 10Hz“ S.26 Ulmer

„Ratten 30min 45mT gleiche BlutbildverĂ€nderungen wie magnetisiertes Wasser..
Anstieg Leukozyten (Immunsystem) 11-49%“ hier

Elektromagnetischer Bluttest nach Dr. Aschoff: zeigt Anomalien im Blut..
Blut verliert durch Strom/Strahlung (Schlafplatzbelastung) magnetische Grundordnung
Nahrung und Wasser sollten ‚in Ordnung’=’magnetisch‘ sein
magnetisiertes Blut=Zeichen fĂŒr Gesundheit/biologische Harmonie.. Krebs“ S.26,202 Maes
Zetapotential: in lebenden System immer negativ.. wenn negatives Potential zerstört wird, ballen sich Zellen/Blutkörperchen zusammen.. ViskositĂ€t Blut nimmt zu.. Zellen können Stoffaustausch nicht mehr bewerkstelligen.. Krankheit=bedingt durch Zerstörung der negativen Ladung ZellgewebsflĂŒssigkeit/Blut“ Schreiber S-zip
OberflĂ€chenspannung: Ringtensiometer mißt OberflĂ€chenspannung Wasser.. 73-20dyn =enormer Anstieg freier Energie“ Flanagan

Ring/Platte Tensiometer Lauda TD1: Plattenmethode Wilhelmy
Automatisches Ringtensiometer Lauda TE1C: Ringmethode von du Nouy
Tropfenvolumentensiometer Lauda TVT1: Tropfen an Kapillare

Papierchromatografie nach Dr. Budwig:
+ Untersuchung Blutlipoide im Nativstadium aus einem Tropfen Blut auf Papier
-> Nachweismethode fĂŒr Tumorbildungen im Anfangsstadium (röntgenologisch noch nicht nachweisbar).. sicherer und einfacher als Röntgen.. 2-Phasen-Kontrastmikroskop 1953
+ chem. Nachweis ungesÀttigte/gesÀttigte Fette
+ Nachweis LinolsÀure (Omega-6)/LinolensÀure (Omega-3)
+ genaueste Analysen.. in einzelne FettsÀurekomponenten zerlegen.. FÀrbungen
+ Cytochrom Fa. Mack Illertissen: rote Farbe am Finger wg. Leinöl (Bildung Blutfarbstoff HÀmoglobin funktioniert beim Krebskranken nicht -> Cytochrom-Test zeigt rot, wenn Sauerstoffmangel behoben)
+ 1/1000 mg LinolsĂ€ure, dem Tropfen Blut Krebskranker hinzugefĂŒgt verhindert die fĂŒr Krebs typischen Kriterien“ hier

Budwig: „Zur Biologie der Fette. Die Papierchromatographie der Blutlipoide“

Carcinochromreaktion nach Dr. GUT-SCHMIDT.. beruht auf Feststellung von SEEGER 1938, daß Krebszelle ein Eiweiß ausscheidet, welches die Diazo-Reaktion gibt.. zu 92% richtige Resultate“ hier

Wittingsche Serum-Reaktion.. negativer Ausfall schließt Krebs sicher aus“ hier

Spektralanalyse nach BEYER Söhnehier

Dreifach-Reaktion nach Prof. NEUNHOEFER“ hier
„Hydroxylamin-Test aus dem Morgenharn nach Prof. Dr. O. Neunhoeffer“ hier

„Testung mit Bio-Jonostat nach v. KAPFF-LAUTEN-SCHLAGER.. erfaßt Alkalose, vermehrten Blutsauerstoffgehalt (rh) und vermehrte Blutmineralisation (rho)“ hier

elektromagnetischer Blut-Test nach Dr. ASCHOFF“ hier

Bluttests fĂŒr Krebs interpretieren: Bonnie O‘ Sullivan
Interview Dale + Spencer Feldman (stellt Rife-GerÀte her) beschaffen
Heinz-Spagyrik Blutkristallanalyse: ganzheitliche Diagnose-/Therapie: 1 Blutprobe
-> Erkrankung/Belastung aller wichtigen Organe (frĂŒh-)erkennen: entzĂŒndlich/degenerativ, bakteriell/viral/mykotisch, Giftstoffe, Umweltbelastungen
-> Analogien Kristallstrukturen Blut <-> Kristallstrukturen Lebensmittel -> DiÀtempfehlung
-> hochwirksames individuelles körpereigenes Arzneimittel aus Blut/Urin: „Homodot“
-> steigert Abwehr, keine herkömmlichen Nebenwirkungen

„Neurodermitis, Psoriasis, chron. degenerative Prozesse z. B. Bewegungsapparat, Stillstand
z. B. bei MS, PrĂ€kanzerosen, kleine maligne VerĂ€nderungen, Minderverbrauch von Schmerzmitteln, verbesserte LebensqualitĂ€t, Cholesterinstoffwechsel, Arteriosklerose, M. Bechterew, Durchblutungsstörungen, virale, bakterielle und mykotische Prozesse“ hier

CEIA-Flockungstest/kristalloptische Analyse – Darm-, Magenerkrankung, SchwĂ€chung Immunsystem, Durchblutungsstörung, Belastung der Leber erkennen..“ hier
Carl Spengler: Spenglersan Kolloid Bluttest, Suche Herde/Störfelder, Kolloid Immuntherapie D9 stark wirksam D-zip
Prof. Dr. Enderlein: Vitalblutdiagnose/Dunkelfeldmikroskopie: aus Entwicklungsstufen einzelner Mikrobenarten im Blut RĂŒckschlĂŒsse auf Gesundheitszustand ziehen:
Viren/Bakterien/Pilze durchlaufen Formenwandel.. im Blut Mucor-racemosus, Aspergillus-niger.. niedere Formen unschĂ€dlich, unersetzlich.. beeinflussen GerinnungsfĂ€higkeit, Beweglichkeit, Lebensdauer Blutkörperchen, Fließeigenschaften, Knochenbau,..
Enby, Gosch, Sheehan: „Die revolutionĂ€ren medizinischen Entdeckungen von Professor Dr. GĂŒnther Enderlein“ ..Überblick ĂŒber die medizinischen Entdeckungen und die wechselvolle Geschichte der Entwicklung der entsprechenden Arzneimittel.. therapeutische Erfahrungen bei Krebs, Multipler Sklerose.. gibt Patienten einen guten Einblick.. Fundgrube an historischer und fachlicher Information, die bisher in dieser Form in deutscher Sprache nicht allgemein verfĂŒgbar war..
Dumrese, Haefeli: „Pleomorphismus. Blutpilze, Blutsymbionten, Blutparasiten unter besonderer BerĂŒcksichtigung der Enderleinschen Cyclogenie und der diagnostischen Methoden nach Haefeli“ von elementarer Bedeutung fĂŒr die medizinische Diagnostik und Therapie..
Christiane HĂ€ring: „Dunkelfeld Blutdiagnostik, Bioelektronische Diagnostik nach Vincent“ viele Dunkelfeldbilder..
„Michael Coyle: Parasiten mit Dunkelfeldbildern: Pilze, Candida.. Beck.. Sanum.. Ozon.. kolloidales Silber.. Aufbau Darmflora.. Kurse fĂŒr Live blood analysis“ hier
„Pleomorphismus, Enderlein, Hochleistungsdunkelfeldmikroskop“ hier

Michael Coyle: „Applied Microscopy for Nutritional Evaluation and Correction
sehen, was im Körper an NÀhrstoffen fehlt und gezielt gegensteuern

O2-Aktivator/Beck-Zapper/Beck-Blutreiniger: elektrischer Strom (50-100uA) reinigt Blut, Lymphe -> Aids, Krebs, Hepatitis.. Elektroporationsverfahren, dazu Beck-Pulser“ hier E-zip
„Laser-Lichtblitze fĂŒr die Untersuchung von Zellen.. kontrasreiche Bilder.. Jörg Wollenzin: ‚Achromatization of a Sub-Picosecond Laser Resonator‘.. FH Kiel“ idw 19.5.03
Sauerstoff-Partialdruck (PO2) lĂ€ĂŸt RĂŒckschlĂŒsse auf Energiepotential zu“ S.105 „Experimente mit Leitungswasser“
Martin Wasserwirbler: hier
* SchĂŒssel mit 8 Liter entstört gestörten Platz.. strahlungsfreier Raum 2m breit..
* Triebbildung von Ligusterstecklingen.. deutliche Callusbildung nach 8 Wochen
* Kristallisationsbilder mit Kupferchlorid
* Colorplate
* Kirlian-Fotografie
* Eisbilder von Christa Sahlström
* Hautwiderstandsmessung GeoRhythmoGramm nach Dr. Hartmann, Eberbach
* Pendel und Rute (rechtsdrehend wie bei Quellwasser)
* Steigbild (anthroposophische Methode zur Messung energetischer ZustÀnde)
Thermokamera findet Tumoren, EntzĂŒndungsherde
Sherill Sellman: jedes Jahr in USA 180000 Brustkrebsdiagnosen, 44000 Tote. Ursachen bekannt: Gift in Nahrung, Umwelt, Medikamenten, giftige Diagnosetechniken..
* von 1940 bis 1980 Produktion synthetischer Chemikalien Faktor 350 gesteigert
* Billionen Tonnen giftiger Stoffe freigesetzt, nur 3% der 75000 Stoffe auf Sicherheit getestet
* nach Verbot Benzene Hexachlorid, DDT, Lindan fiel Krebsrate dramatisch
* Brustkrebsmedikament Tamoxifen verursacht 4 Krebsarten, darunter Brustkrebs
* Hersteller des Medikaments stellt auch die Gifte her, die Brustkrebs auslösen können
* Mammografien (Röntgen) 5-15% Fehldiagnosen, verhindert keinen Brustkrebs, Frauen in Menopause empfindlich gegen Strahlung, erhöhtes Risiko fĂŒr Brustkrebs/Metastasierung
* Infrarot-Thermografie besser/sicherer, nicht angewandt.. Profitgier?
-> giftfreies Shampoo, Festiger, Seife, Zahnpasta, Lotion nötig hier
Licht (Sonne, Vollspektrum, UV..) hier -> Auge
Lichttherapie: Die Medizin der Zukunft heißt Licht Lichtmangel, UV-Mangel macht krank
Auge strahlt Licht zurĂŒck.. Vollspektrum oder Linienspektrum bei Mangel
Gurwitsch: Kommunikation zwischen Zwiebelwurzeln..
Reiter/Gabor: 1928.. KommunikationswellenlÀnge im UV 338nm..
Popp et al: 1992.. Stoffwechsel emittiert Lichtquanten/Biophotonen.. Nachweis, daß bei Krebs IntensitĂ€t/Ordnungszustand(=KohĂ€renz) der Photonenemission vermindert ist..
W.F. Koch: Methylglyoxal photoverstĂ€rkend bei 300nm.. Photonen fĂŒr Zellkommunikation.. verstĂ€rkte Lichtabgabe der Zellen -> Wiederherstellung der RegulationsfĂ€higkeit des Organismus.. Ergebnisse bei Krebs hervorragend hier
John Ott: im ungefilterten Sonnenlicht strömen Chloroplasten (Photosynthese) auf geordnete Weise.. UV ausgefiltert -> unbeweglich in die Ecken.. am Abend langsamer, auch unter kĂŒnstlichem Licht.. Solarstrahlung?“ S.122f Tompkins/Bird
„mit bloßem Auge Aura von Pflanze, Tier, Mensch sehen“ S.134 Tompkins/Bird
„Semyon Kirlian: Lumineszenzen von lebenden Organismen fotographisch festhalten.. 2 gleichaussehende BlĂ€tter.. Krankheit vor Ausbruch in Bildern sehen.. 75-200kHz“ S.127 Tompkins/Bird
Kirlian -Fotografie, -Videografie, Meridian-energetische Kirlian-Diagnose, Aura und Kirlian, Die entrtselte Kirlian-Fotografie, Kirlian-Gert zur Erstellung von Fotos mit Schaltplan und Literatur, Bilder
Sauerstoff, Wasser, Salz hier
„auer Sauerstoff ist nichts ĂŒberlebenswichtiger als Wasser..
Warum ist dann nicht der Wassergehalt der erste Check vor jeder Diagnose?“ hier
Ozontherapie sehr wirksam.. vgl. hier hier hier hier unterdrĂŒckt.. siehe hier O-zip
„Tests ergaben ein gefĂ€hrlich niedriges Vorhandensein von AminosĂ€uren im
menschlichen Körper.. 30-AminosĂ€uren-Bestands-Test“ S.206f Bragg
Holz/Kreysch: „Bioelektronik – mit selbstgebauten Meßschaltungen LebensvorgĂ€nge erfassen: Herz-, Muskel- und Gehirnaktion EKG, EMG, EEG, Puls, Hauttemperatur, Biofeedback, Hörgrenze“ (1982)
WĂŒnschelrute, Pendel, Biotensor: Der Mensch als MeßgerĂ€t vgl. Bird: „Handbuch der WĂŒnschelrute“ Wasser, BodenschĂ€tze finden, Draht-KleiderbĂŒgel im Vietnamkrieg..
„Bovis: mit Hilfe des Pendels Gesundheit und relative Frische von Obst, GemĂŒse u.a. Nahrungsmitteln aufgrund ihrer Ausstrahlung feststellen“ S.152 Tompkins/Bird
„SimonĂ©ton: 4 Klassen Nahrungsmittel:
– keine Strahlung
– bis 3000Å (Kaffee, Tee, Schokolade, Marmelade, KĂ€se, weißes Brot, Kartoffel roh=2000Å)
– 3000-6500Å (gekochtes, Eier, ErdnuĂŸĂ¶l, Wein, Rohrzucker)
+ 6500-10000Å (frische reife FrĂŒchte/GemĂŒse/rohe Meeresfische, Kartoffel gekocht=7000Å, gebacken=9000Å).. 6500Å=Grundstrahlung des Menschen“ S.153f Tompkins/Bird
John Ott: Bohnen (biologische Systeme) registrieren Strahlungsmengen viel genauer als die sonst ĂŒblichen StrahlungsmessgerĂ€te.. kumulative Wirkung.. vor TV-GerĂ€t krankhaft verkrĂŒmmter Wuchs..“ S.122f Tompkins/Bird
Psychophon nach Ing. Franz Seidl: fĂŒr den Transzendentalempfang.. Unterbewußtsein..
3 Aufnahmemethoden: Radio-Breitbandempfang-, Selbstsender-, Mikrofonmethode..
auch als ErdstrahlengerĂ€t zu verwenden“ hier
Zeitreisen: unterirdischer Tempel in Damanhur, Zeitreisemaschine, David Luczyn 030-78707078 Dluczyn@stardust-archiv.de, www.stardust-archiv.de, www.spirit-net.de, www.damanhur.org, Reisen organisiert Odrome 030-2815488 (Sonnenwind 6)
Indigo-Kinder: die Kinder von morgen sind da.. gegen Aids resistent.. andere DNS.. medial begabt.. hyperaktiv.. wissen dass sie etwas besonderes sind.. versagen in der Schule.. bisherige Erziehungsmethoden greifen nicht..
Caroll, Tober: „Die Indigo Kinder. Eltern aufgepasst… Die Kinder von morgen sind da.“
Paul Dong: „Chinas Indigo-Kinder“


Zappers and other Gizmos 1-2002

This is an attempt to describe some of the bio-electronic equipment available and to suggest reasons why more than one type may be useful. These are not necessarily presented in order of invention. I have either built, used, owned, or taken apart nearly all of these devices.

The violet ray device. This is a small Tesla coil that feeds variously shaped plasma tubes. Good results have been reported. Currently some are building these with variable frequency capability. Construction details are at http://www.royalrife.com/violetray.html. I have built one of these using the 555 circuit and transistor from an EMEM2.

The Rife beam-ray device. Rife fed various frequencies into the electrodes of gas filled glass phanotron tubes to form an ionized plasma. This was very effective against the carcinoma and sarcoma viruses and other pathogens. It also stimulated various tissues to repair themselves – dissolve cataracts, and so on. It is reported that he fed 500 watts of power into the tube, which was placed within a few inches of the person being treated. This was a bit more aggressive than the current practice of using a 100 or so watt unit several feet from the patient. Rife’s frequencies ranged from 160,000 to 12,830,000 Hz and many of these were in the same range as those researched by Dr. Hulda Clark.

Contact Pad Devices. It is not certain who began using audio frequencies and applied them to the skin via contact electrodes. Such pad devices are often called Rife machines, but Rife-Crane or just Crane may be more accurate. A lot has been said about the effectiveness of such devices, much of it negative. On the other hand, I have seen these units destroy diseases like herpes quickly, and take care of mononucleosis in one treatment so that a very sick child was fine the next morning and ready for school. Many have reported „spontaneous remissions“ of cancers. Not bad by any standard. I am sure that many more stories could be told. The BK-4011 or 4040 can easily be converted to a Crane type of device. Unfortunately some companies are advertising contact pad devices as „Original Rife Machines“

Dan’s Enhancer. Wanting to observe auras, Dan (not the same Dan who built the first EMEM devices) took a 12000 volt neon sign transformer, two sheets of glass, one sheet of aluminum foil, a small sheet of copper, and a neon bulb and built the Enhancer. The unit was found to have biological effects by accident. Hundreds of these units have been built, and numerous „spontaneous remissions“ of many conditions, including cancer, have been reported. Run times used by those who have recovered from cancer tend to be in the range of four hours per day. One theory is that the Enhancer puts out a huge variety of frequencies, and that the person using it is getting small doses of the ones that they need. It takes a long time so soak up enough of the desired frequencies. It is also said that the device increases the voltage across cell membranes, also very desirable. One advantage of this unit is that it may be effective against conditions where frequencies are not yet known. The Enhancer cost me about $200 to build, and the test run was a very interesting experience.

The „Doug“ unit. „Doug“ had heard that Rife had killed pathogens using various frequencies. So „Doug“ fed frequencies into a small coil under his microscope stage and discovered Lyme disease frequencies. He then fed these into a 2000W audio amplifier, and ran the output of that into a large capacitor and coil combination. Using this setup, he cured himself. Several others used the device for successful breast cancer cures. They reported that they could feel something happening in the tumors at 2128Hz. Construction information is available at http://healthalternative.freeyellow.com.

The EMEM unit. As the 2000 watt amplifiers that „Doug“ used are no longer built, Dan Tracy built a device using a smaller coil with a ferrite core and smaller amplifier. Results have been good. One Seattle researcher reports that breast cancers often feel hot when exposed to the device. Some tumors have disappeared in as little as two weeks.

The „Ray“ device. The Crane type units generally have an output control that controls the output voltage, and thus the current. „Ray“ developed a device that puts out 200 volts at constant current of about 1 milliamp. Low currents are used, so that there is less sensation than when other pad-type devices are used. A woman with breast cancer borrowed the unit and placed one electrode on each side of her affected breast. In only one week of treatments, the tumor shrunk to the point where the mastectomy was cancelled. This device was later successfully with a case of prostate cancer. One man who has used the Ray device reports 7 consecutive cancer recoveries and recoveries from everything else it has been used on except for a case of diabetes. The Ray device is solid state but there are plans for a vacuum tube version of this device at http://www.royalrife.com/tubeunit.html. The vacuum tube version has also successfully been used for cancer.

The Beck zapper/plant stimulator/blood cleaner. At one point, Dr. Bob Beck (who invented the camera strobe) weighed 285 pounds, was confined to a wheelchair, had very high blood pressure, had very high blood sugar, and had lost most of his hair. He had previously written articles on Rife-Crane type equipment. In 1991 he heard about Dr. Stephen Kaali and others at Albert Einstein College and their announced and patented cure for AIDS. They had found that a mere 50-100uA of electricity at 60 Hz would rid the blood of AIDS. According to the patents, it will also rid the blood of any other pathogens present. Beck decided that it was not necessary to remove the blood from the body as per the patents. He would just apply 4 Hz (AC is used to prevent electrolysis) to a small electrode on each of two pulse points and clean the blood in the body. He chose the pulse points on the inside of the ankle just below and behind the ankle bone. (We currently use the radial and ulnar arteries on the same wrist.) To test for negative effects, he went around for four hours a day for a month with one electrode on each ankle. He also used his magnetic pulser (see below) on himself. After a month, he began to effortlessly lose weight. His blood pressure and blood sugar normalized. His hair grew back. When I visited with him in March of 1996, he weighed 180 pounds and was not using a wheelchair. This unit will clear up many (possibly all) infections in the blood, and no frequency needs to be known. I have seen hepatitis C clear up using this device a number of times.

The Beck magnetic pulse generator. The Beck blood cleaner only cleans what is in the blood that flows past the electrodes. It does not get at the lymph (which may have little or no circulation) or pathogens that may hang out there. So Beck put a 2.5mh coil in series with the flash tube of a camera flash. When the test button is pushed, a powerful magnetic pulse is produced. This produces a small current in any nearby tissue, dealing with pathogens resident there. It is not only a lymph cleanser; it does very well on localized infections such as sties or pockets beneath teeth. No frequency need be known. It also loosens up tight muscles so that chiropractic adjustments are much easier. The Vivitar 1900 flash has been used as the basis of thousands of these devices. The coils come from MCM Electronics. Another variety that I call the super thumpy, uses the same coil, and the small party strobe from Radio Shack. Construction notes are at http://www.royalrife.com/superthumpy.html. And at http://www.royalrife.com/haining.html are plans for a much more powerful version designed by Bob Haining. Haining’s version uses even higher voltages than the super thumpy and construction should not be attempted by those not familiar with safety procedures. Sota makes a good version.

The Clark zapper. Dr. Hulda Clark used a frequency generator to deal with various pathogens. At one point, she asked her son Geoffrey to build her a small battery operated frequency generator. The device he built produced a pulsed DC – only the positive half of the full wave. Dr. Clark found that it would kill various pathogens even when it was not set to their frequency. Thus was born the „zapper“. These small homemade units can destroy many different parasites, bacteria, and viruses using just the one frequency of 30,000-40,000 Hz at 3-5 volts. A real time-saver. Many of us have had good results with these units. The output wave does not remain square when the contacts are applied to the skin. Dr. Gary Gear was able to keep the wave square by reducing the output to under 2 volts.

The Super Zap. There have been three areas where the Clark zapper has been criticized. The first area has been the low output. The second has been the 30,000 Hz frequency. At that frequency, there is some skin effect, so that current tends to travel along the skin and around the outside of internal organs. Also, the zapper output is not a square wave when the unit is attached to the skin. The corners of the wave become very round. To deal with all of these issues, the Super Zap was developed. The output voltage has been increased and lower frequencies such as 727 Hz or 2128 Hz have been used. Other frequencies could be selected if some health problem (like Lyme disease) was the primary concern. A tantalum capacitor is used in parallel with the output resistor to keep the wave square. (Thanks to Dr. Bill Biagioli for this.) Pulse length has been increased to 75%. Like the Clark zapper, the Super Zap is most effective at its selected frequency, but it will also kill a very large variety of other pathogens at the same time. No frequencies need to be discovered to use it. At http://www.royalrife.com/zapper727.html are construction details for these zappers. Bruce Stenulson makes quality variable frequency zappers.

The Rife-Bare Device. This is a re-discovery, to a considerable degree, of Rife „beam ray“ technology. It uses a frequency generator, CB radio, linear amplifier, antenna tuner, and plasma tube. It is the favorite treatment device of many. We greatly appreciate the fact that Dr. Bare has been willing to share his discoveries with the world. So much these days is „proprietary“.

The Wade device. Gary Wade has experimented with applying audio frequencies to the body with a vibrating piezo-electric plate. Some good successes have been reported.

The BioTec 2000. This is a Rife/Bare type of device that uses a 86,000 Hz carrier and two small glass tubes that are held in the hands or are placed on the body. I am hearing good reports about these units.

The Photon Sound Beam appears to be somewhat similar to the BioTec 2000 except that it does not produce a full range of frequencies. The Photon Sound Beam promoters claim that these frequencies are not necessary. I do not have much experience with this one. One I tested only produced 727 Hz.

The EMEM2. Dan, who designed the original coil-type EMEM, tried feeding the output of an audio amplifier into an automotive ignition coil, through a spark plug, and then into one end of a plasma tube similar to those used in the Bare devices. The other end of the plasma tube is connected to a ground, and to a plate for contact with the feet. It is a contact device – the tube (or a small metal plate attached to it) must be touched for best results. Dan reports that it is more effective against Lyme and other conditions than was his EMEM coil device. In the latest version, a single transistor replaced the audio amplifier. There are reported cases of cancer recovery using this device. One Seattle researcher reports that the EMEM2 using plates for both feet is more effective for prostatitis than other devices including the EMEM3. Construction information is available at http://www.royalrife.com/emem2.html. Bruce Stenulson produces a quality version of this device with some refinements such as variable output and adjustable spark gap or no gap as some prefer.

The EMEM3. This is similar to the EMEM2 but uses a high pressure helium phanotron tube. It is more convenient than the EMEM2 in that no contact is made with the device during use. The current version is called the EMEM3D and uses two ignition coils for added power. One Seattle man built a „quad“ with four coils, and even an eight coil version. That is the most powerful radiant device that I have personally seen. Users of EMEM3 and EMEM3D have reported numerous spontaneous remissions of cancers. One patient with advanced prostate and bone cancer used an EMEM3 using only 727 Hz. After several months his doctor phoned me to say that the unit appeared to be doing some good. After a few more months (one year total) the doctor called to say that the patient is now cancer free. A radionics saliva test showed high levels of BX, however so the single frequency was not adequate for that. The EMEM3 also works well without the spark gap.

The Weeks Parker device. Dr. Rife reported the frequency of 11,780,000 Hz as the frequency that kills the carcinoma/BX virus. Weeks Parker developed an inexpensive 5-watt unit to produce that frequency. No audio is used. His device has been used to drive the linear amplifier on a Bare unit. One person with prostate cancer used this device and I was later able to have a radionics saliva test done. BX virus levels had dropped to zero. Construction information is at http://www.geocities.com/weeks_parker.

I have also experimented with a B&K-4040 at 11,780,000Hz for BX and 11,430,000 for BY with good results. Treatment times have to be fairly long.

There is also a person using the Icom IC-718 ham radio transmitter on 11,430,000 and 11,780,000 with very good results. Run times have to be very short, on the order of 30 seconds due to die-off problems. Two antennas are used instead of a plasma tube. These frequencies can also easily be modulated with audio if desired. A plasma tube could be used if desired.

The Bioray. The Bioray (also called the BeamRay) is a computer that produces audio frequencies, an audio amplifier, and a plasma tube. There have been some good reports from users. One user reported that she liked hers almost as well as her EMEM3D, so it must be good!

The F-Scan. This is a major breakthrough. The F-Scan „pings“ the body with frequencies from 1-2,999,999 Hz and detects resonances.

Rife and Cancer


Royal Raymond Rife is probably best known for claims that he discovered an effective treatment for Cancer. Indeed should this be the case, and there is a lot of circumstantial evidence to support this, then this would be one of the most significant medical discoveries of the 20th century.

Here in Europe, there are a number of doctors and clinics openly using the Rife method for treating patients for cancer and many other diseases. We also know of a reputable manufacturer of medical equipment in Germany (Onco-Therm GmbH) that already produces a commercial unit for hospitals that includes the Rife protocol as part of a comprehensive treatment for cancer and was presented at the Medica trade fair in 1999! Other companies are known to be in the process of preparing their own machines for release into the European market in the near future. Although the medical establishment here in general is not yet aware of Rife’s discovery, there are certainly plenty of signs that this will be changing in the near future.

To provide you with some serious background information on the subject, here is an extract from a paper entitled:
Dr. Rife and the Death of the Cancer Industry“ written by the physicist, Gary Wade.

The Possible Genetic Cause of the Great Majority of Cancer Cases that are Microbe Induced

In 1931, after seven years of attempting to isolate a microbe cause of cancer from over 20.000 cancer tissue samples, Dr. Royal Raymond Rife did just that. Rife’s 1931 discovery of a cancer microbe finally reached general public notice in 1944. That year a article entitled The New Microscopes was published both in the February issue of The Journal of the Franklin Institute and in the 1944 Annual Report of the Board of Directors of the Smithsonian Institution.

Rife’s work was not then and has not yet been appreciated by microbiology. because microbiology has a large blind spot, both in its physical visual view of the living microworld and in its conceptual view of the structure and life cycles of the living microworld. If you wish to look at living cells, the best research optical microscopes generally available throughout the world only reach about three thousand power. These microscopes in general cannot detect viruses, unless a fluorescence technique like Rife’s fluorescence technique is used. These microscopes give very limited structural detail about living cell organelles. If the biologist wants detailed structural information about some cell structure, they use an electron microscope. However, the electron microscope picture is the picture of a dead, often highly degraded and distorted structure. This is because the sample preparation process, which produces a sample that can withstand the conditions of high vacuum and bombardment by a high energy electron beam has degraded and distorted the original living structure. So at best you end up with a distorted snap shot of a non living structure.

I do not mean to denigrate the great and marvelous contributions made by the electron microscope. I have considerable personal experience with the use and operation of scanning electron microscopes and I hold them and transmission electron microscopes with high regard. I particularly appreciate the immense contributions made to the understanding of micro cell structure by the massive ultra high resolution transmission electron microscopes such as can be found at the University of Colorado at IBoulder,CO. . However, all this not withstanding. I also know the electron microscopes‘ limitations, both physically and in its actual use by researchers. If you have a interest in understanding biological microstructure, go to the trouble of going to a good research library and look up the Feb. 1944 issue of The Journal of the Franklin Institute or the 1944 Annual Report of the Board of Directors of the Smithsonian Institution. In the RE. Seidel and M. Elizabeth Winter article, The New Microscopes, look at the photographic plates. Note the high quality resolution comparable to that of current electron microscope photographs. The photograph of the typhoid bacillus was taken with the Rife Universal Microscope at 23,000 power and then photographically enlarged to 300,000 power. Note that this photograph has the resolution commonly found in todays high resolution electron microscope pictures of bacteria. Further note that the resolution in this print is not as good as the resolution on the negative it came from do to the limitations in printing pictures in 1944 and even today. As was explained in technical detail in Appendix A, Rife had discovered an optical assembly configuration that effectively suppressed all Fraunhofer diffraction phenomenon. while at the same time he made the organism light itself by a natural fluorescence phenomenon. This fluorescence phenomenon was achieved by illuminating the specimen with an intense narrow wavelength band of light. The particular band of light was unique to each microbe. Also note that this is a photograph of an intact living bacterium. If you are familiar with current microbiology. you know that little if any time is spent by the great majority of researchers watching and studying live microbes. Except for spot optical microscope checks to make sure live cultures are as they should be or are as assumed they should be. research is carried out by biochemical techniques the results of which are interpreted in the light of past perceived research results. In short actually very little live observation on microbe life cycles are carried out by researchers anywhere on the entire planet.

This brings us to the other blind spot in biology. Its name is pleomorphism or the ability of a microbe to change its physical form. During the later half of the 19th century and into the early part of this century, a sharply fought battle over whether or not some microbes could change their physical form was waged. Those infavor of monomorphism won out and it became „heresy“ to advocate pleomorphism. After two years of reviewing the research for and against pleomorphism, it is clear that the monomorphists were wrong. The monomorphists won the argument because they had political prestige and economic positions of leverage. The monomorphists used optical microscopes and lab techniques not adequate to determine the issue due to inadequate magnification power, lack of non-lethal staining methods, sheer ignorance, and sloppy to lazy research work. If you go to the trouble of looking up the Feb. 1944 issue of the Franklin Journal, note that the Rife microscope photograph of the typhoid bacillus clearly shows the formation of a filter passing form (the original operational meaning of the word virus) of the typhoid bacillus, in the top end of the bacillus. Rife found that when this bacillus virus was released by the bacillus, it had a bacterium flagella and was motile. Now all of this is just plain crazy, if you are a currently trained microbiologist. However, no currently trained microbiologist owns or uses a Rife type optical microscope which could easily view this and the similar BX cancer virus, which is also a motile virus (ovoid body with bacterium flagella). The ovoid body dimensions of the BX cancer virus are 750 angstroms long by 500 angstroms thick. It is propelled by a proton transport flagella the same as the parent bacterium. This „virus“ will easily fit inside the so called AIDS virus (HIV) outer capsid and is comparable in size to the inner (HIV) capsid. I now ask you microbiologists reading this: Will this BX cancer „virus“ be recognized in a high power electron microscope photograph for what it is or will it just be considered another piece of degraded cellular debris in the prepared cancer cell section sample? Much of what you see is what you are trained to see. How are microbiologists trained to see?

Rife, using his Rife type microscope, had for seven years been able to observe and isolate a microbe from carcinoma cancer tissue. However, upon injection of concentrations of this microbe into test animals, no cancer was produced. In 1931, Rife got the idea to expose a sample of card normal breast cancer tissue to 24 hours of broad band violet to ultraviolet light exposure from a argon gas discharge tube (see Journal of the Franklin Institute article). A one half centimeter on a side cube of carcinoma breast cancer tissue was placed into a test tube containing Kendall medium and incubated at 37 degrees centigrade. The test tube was then exposed to 24 hours of argon gas discharge light. The test tube growth medium was then examined under the Rife Universal microscope. at a magnification of 10.000 diameters. The medium was found to be teeming with animated ovoid microbes 1/15 microns long and 1/20 microns thick. which Rife eventually named the BX cancer virus. This BX cancer virus was then carried through fourteen transplants from Kendall Medium to Kendall Medium. The animated BX cancer virus multiplied and remained of constant form. The fact that the BX cancer virus could multiply on a sterile non-living growth medium indicated that Rife’s BX cancer „virus“ was a living microorganism unlike the currently accepted understanding of a virus as a biological structure dependent on cellular metabolism to regenerate (multiply) and propagate its existence. From current knowledge, we must assume that Rife’s BX cancer virus contains within its structure, a gnome, DNA decoding enzymes, protein digestive enzymes, transfer RNA, ribosomes, and associated proteins.

When concentrations of this BX cancer virus were injected into 426 albino rats, all rats developed cancer tumors at the injection release site in the animal tissue. Further experiments with the BX cancer virus demonstrated that it can be easily changed from one microbe form to another by means of altering the media upon which it is grown. Rife found more than six forms, which the BX cancer virus could be transformed into. These included: 1) BY cancer virus, which caused sarcoma cancer tumors. 2) Cryptomyces plemorphia fungi, which Rife found implicated in rheumatoid arthritis. 3) Progenitor cryptocides. 4) Bacillus coli. 5) Bacillus typhosus, and 6) Virus of the bacillus typhosus, which can be clearly seen in the photograph of the typhoid bacillus appearing in the article The New Microscopes of Feb.1944.

Rife was not the only researcher to find a microbial cause for cancer. Many others have also. Nor was Rife the only one to build an optical microscope that could see the BX cancer virus. Currently in Canada the biologist Gaston Naessens uses an ultraviolet microscope which can easily view the BX cancer virus in living blood from cancer patients. Naessens‘ microscope uses an ultraviolet light source which is first polarized. then focused down and sent through a frequency doubler crystal and finally sent into a special condenser section for dark field microscopy. Looking at live blood from cancer patients, Naessens has found and made videos of at least sixteen different forms the BX cancer virus can be transformed into. I have viewed some of these videos and the anti mated (motile) BX and BY cancer virues are clearly visible and look just as Rife described them.

As for the other researchers who have found the same microbial cause for cancer as Rife, they have all been persecuted, while their work has been maimed and discredited by the corrupt higher ruling circles of what currently passes for legitimate medicine and microbiology. Perhaps a brief review of the work of one victim is in order.

Dr. Virginia Livingston-Wheeler in 1947, while studying tumors, found the same organism in all of them. Her findings were published in August 1948 by the New York Microscopical Society Bulletin. Later in Dec. 1950, Wheeler had an article published in the American Journal of Medical Sciences on microbes cultures taken from both human and animal tumors. On Sept. 10, 1953 The Washington Post reported the discoveries of Dr. Wheeler and her team from Rutgers-Presbyterian Hospital Laboratory which were disclosed at the 6 th International Congress of Microbiology in Rome. They had found conducive proof of a microbial cause for cancer. When Dr. Wheeler and her group returned from Rome to Rutgers-Presbyterian Hospital they found that the funds for their laboratory were being cut off. The laboratory was closed. This was the behind-the-scenes work and doings of Dr. Corneluis P. Rhoads, the head of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. The fear of the cancer industry elite is and was immense. If the truth about the true cause of cancer becomes known, a cheap cure will be found shortly thereafter. This will kill the cancer goose which lays tens of billions of dollars worth of eggs a year. Is there nothing these scum will not do for their god money? No!

The San Diego Union of July 31st, 1949 reported on the work of Dr. Gruner of Mill University, Montreal, Canada and Dr. J.E. Heft of Windsor, Canada. They were in agreement with and had experimental proof that Dr.Royal Raymond Rife’s discovery that cancer was caused by a microbe was correct.

In 1950 Dr. James Hillman of RCA Labs in Princeton, N.J. found the BX cancer virus using an electron microscope.

For an in-depth documented overview of the massive suppression by allopathic medicine of real cancer treatment breakthroughs that worked, I recommend you read: 1) The Cancer Cure That Worked, by Barry Lynes, and 2) The Healing of Cancer, by Barry Lynes. Both books are available through Marcus Books, P.O. Box 327, Queensville, Ontario, Canada LOG 1 RO. (41 6)-478-2201.

I will now share with you some observations about cancer cells and a classic experiment in which they are compared to normal cells, which suggests a simple answer to how cells infected with the BX cancer virus become cancerous. It has long been noted that cancer cells act and appear somewhat like undifferentiated embryonic cells. Furthermore, cancer cells apparently have mostly an anaerobic (without oxygen) metabolism. Note that the only time in the normal life cycle of mammalian cells in which they are of a undifferentiated embryonic nature and also have an apparent appreciable anaerobic metabolism is the period between the time the female egg, the ovum, has been fertilized in the fallopian tube and just before a viable placenta has developed in the uterus. Geneticists and embryologists have shown that the entire development of the fetus from just-fertilized ovum to the fully developed fetus is governed completely by sequentially read and expressed genetic information. There is an exceedingly complex genetic interchange and feedback control system in operation. Some of this genetic code is used only for a short period of time and is then sealed away not to be read or opened up again in the individuals existence, except during chromosome copying prior to cell division. Cancer cells act as though they have had some set of embryonic gene sequences reactivated. However, in the now mature differentiated mammalian cells from which this cancer cell has been derived, the control system that normally would have deactivated this embryonic gene sequence(s) is itself long since deactivated. The cancer cell is in a run away catch 22 situation.

It has been found that many genes occur in sequenced sets in which none of the genes in the sequence can be read and expressed unless the first gene in the sequence has been opened to be read. Just in front of that first gene there is a DNA code sequence which has to have a promoter protein bound to it so that the DNA code sequence reading enzyme can temporarily attach to this promoter protein and then begin reading/translating the DNA code of the gene sequences into messenger RNA for protein synthesis by ribosomes. For this promoter protein to attach to its DNA coupling sequence at the beginning of the gene sequence, this sequence must be in the normal B-DNA right handed double helix form (see Figures 1 and 3). If the coupling site code sequence or the DNA code sequence immediately in front of it has a blocking protein attached or is in the form of the left handed Z-DNA double helix (see Figure 2), the promoter protein can not bind/couple with its DNA code sequence and therefore the entire sequence of genes will not be read and expressed. The Z-DNA double helix form is a very compact form of the double helix. It has no major grove structure like the B-DNA double helix which allows a promoter protein to physically match up with a specific DNA code sequence which will manifest itself in the unique molecular structure of the surface of the major grove for that unique DNA code sequence. The Z-DNA double helix structure gives very little information about what the DNA code sequence is in its core. For a left handed Z-DNA double helix associated with a specific DNA code sequence to convert itself into a right handed B-DNA double helix, so that the promoter protein can attach, the concentrations of various ions in the cell nucleus must be in certain specific ranges for that specific Z-DNA sequence. The specific concentrations and ratios of ions in the nucleus is determined by the actions of ion gates and pumps in the cell outer membrane. These ion gates and pumps are controlled by messenger proteins and compounds from both inside and outside the cell membrane. What this means is that the cell genetic expression can be greatly influenced and controlled by the genetic expression of other cells and cell sets (organs). And of coarse during embryonic development this external cell influence is in dominant control of the whole cell system of membrane ion gates and pumps.

Now that some of the basic genetic control process has been stated, several questions need to be asked. Can one or more microbe proteins or chemical compounds be generated and released inside a mammalian cell by a parasitic microbe? Can these proteins or compounds act as a messenger to open up or close down cell membrane ion gates or pumps? Can this opening or dosing of ion gates and or pumps cause a gene sequence which is normally only open during early embryonic development to open up again and thereby cause the cell to go cancerous? I believe the answer to all these questions is yes. Of course there are many other possibilities i.e. some of these protein fragments may act as promoter proteins or combine with and remove blocker proteins, thereby allowing a promoter protein to attach to a DNA sequence and thereby initiate DNA transcription.

Dr. Robert 0. Becker, M.D. has written a book The Body Electric in which he goes into great detail about tissue regeneration processes and their electrical and ionic connection to genetic expression. I will now use information distilled from Becker’s book which supports my above suppositions. In 1948 Dr. Meryl S. Rose performed a mile stone experiment on salamanders. Rose transplanted frog kidney cancer tumor tissue onto a salamander’s hind limb. These frog tumors were virus induced. The results of his experiment, however are the same even if the tumor is carcinogen induced, which was done later. The transplanted tumors would grow and spread, leading to the salamander’s death, if no intervention was taken. However, if Rose amputated the limb below or through the middle of the tumor, the salamander would regrow the limb and in the process the tumor(s) would disappear, even if the tumor had already spread to other body locations. Tissue biopsies of the wound region during regeneration showed that both salamander cells as well as cancerous frog kidney cells dedifferentiated into embryonic cell forms during the blastema formation process as the wound healed. Even more amazing, as the blastema propagated forward, regenerating the limb, both embryonic frog and embryonic salamander cells of the blastema multiplied (devided). They differentiated into the cell types needed to form the new limb tissue, i.e. muscle cells, cartilage cells, capillary cells, etc. In later years researchers such as Becker demonstrated that it was the near unique ability of the salamander’s nervous system to drastically change the ionic environment around blastema cells, along with hormone secretions from nerve dendrites, which allowed blastema cells to dedifferentiate into embryonic cells and then to red differentiate into the new cell types of the regenerating limb. Becker and other researchers were able to get rats to regrow most of, or all of a amputated limb. They implanted a negative current source that produced a negative electric potential distribution inside the limb directly behind the amputation site. This closely mimicked what a salamander would have at that site if it were scaled up to the rats size. To understand what is happening here, you need to know that in a rat just as in a salamander the myelin sheath cells coating the motor nerve fibers carry an electron current through collagen fibers which are N-type semi-conductors. This current is deposited mostly into the body’s electrolytic solution surrounding the cells near where the nerve fiber ends. The myelin sheath cells coating the sensor nerve fibers carry an electron current on their collagen fibers away from where the sensor nerve fiber ends. The motor nerve fibers are essentially all in the body interior and the sensor nerve fibers are essentially all on the body surface. As a amputation wound heals over with skin, surface sensor nerve fibers cover over what is normally a motor nerve fiber region. In a short period of time the cells under the new forming skin layer can be converted into dedifferentiated embryonic cells under the influence or control of the external cell membrane ionic environment at the wound site as determined by the electric currentipotential of the combined sensor and motor nerve sheaths activity in the wound area ( blastema formation zone). I can not here go into all of the wonderful detail of Becker’s book. However, I hope I have given the reader at least an understanding of how cancer can possibly come about by a simple change in the ion environment in the cell nucleus. If you are interested in tissue regeneration or are aserious biologist. I can not recommend Becker’s book enough. Particularly the last chapter, Postcript: Political Science. This chapter with great clarity and skill, clearly shows why we as a nation need to dismantle all centralized cesspools of corruption as exemplified by the National Institutes Of Health. The NIH needs to be replaced by regional institutes which are government funded, but ran and controlled by democratically elected administrators elected by the research community.

Before ending this appendix, a warning and an explanation of why X-ray radiation should never be used to treat cancer. Rife was able to isolate the BX cancer virus from cancer tumor tissue samples. He then exposed these viruses to 24 hours of ultra violet light exposure. This virus obtained in this manner was 100% effective in inducing cancer in lab animals. His form of the BX cancer virus was exceedingly virulent. Other researchers who apparently isolated the same BX cancer virus, or a form of it, and inoculated test animals by similar methods only had approximately 25% cancer induction rates. A possible simple answer for the discrepancy is that the ultraviolet light from the argon discharge caused some of the adjacent thimine DNA base codes to dimerize (chemically bond together). When the DNA reader enzyme which translates the DNA base code into messenger RNA for protein synthesis comes across a dimerized thimine base code pair, it stops RNA synthesis. The reader enzyme then breaks into two fragments. One fragment stays at the dimerization site to mark it and the other fragment initiates a complex set of enzyme reactions to remove the dimerized pair and replace them with a new undimerized pair. During this repair process the messenger RNA generated fragment is released. If this messenger RNA fragment contains the genetic RNA base code sequence for ribosome attachment, it will be read by the ribosomes and a protein fragment will be generated and released. In particular, if the RNA fragment is fed into a cluster of ribosomes (polyribosomes) which are located on or associated with the intercellular matrix web intersections, we can expect many copies of the coded protein fragment to be generated and released Furthermore, since the RNA fragment does not contain the normal stop synthesis code and message RNA end sequence base code, the RNA fragment is not likely to be immediately dismantled after polyribosome reading and protein synthesis like regular messenger RNA is. This fragment is likely to be read over again and again. Now. if the generated protein fragment happens to be an activator or suppressor of a cell membrane ion channel or ion pump you have the potential beginnings of a cancer producing situation as discussed above. This protein fragment(s) might also act as a promoter protein that enables the DNA reader enzyme to attach to and read a gene sequence. Or this protein fragment may combine with a blocker protein on a repressor gene at the front of a DNA gene sequence and remove it, thereby allowing a promoter protein to combine with a DNA sequence and then facilitating attachment of the DNA reader enzyme (RNA polymerase). All of this is not the normal „plan“ of the normal cell metabolism. An excellent example of this sort of defective protein production and its cancerous consequences is the genetic disease xeroderma pigmentosum. In it the individual has an inherited defect in their ability to repair the aforementioned DNA base code dimerization damage. They are hypersensitive to sun light exposure and develop pre-cancerous and cancerous skin conditions. They usually die of skin cancer before their twentieth birthday. Now what does this have to do with massive cellular tissue damage suffered by cancer patients while under going standard allopathic medical X-ray treatment for cancer? As stated in Appendix B. Rife’s normal treatment for cancer patients was three minutes of exposure once every three days to his frequency instrument. This frequency instrument, when treating cancer, probably produced repeating packets of 11,780,000 or 23.560,000 light pulses per second. These light pulses in turn produced ultra low intensity ultra sound in the patient’s body of a frequency of 11.780.000 or 23.560.000 cycles per second, which is the approximate mechanical structural resonance frequency of the BX cancer viruses. The Bx viruses disintegrated. In the normal carcinoma cancer cell, there are thousands of BX cancer viruses. When these BX cancer viruses all disintegrate together at the same time, they release their gnome, digestive enzymes, ribosomes, assorted proteinslenzymes, etc. into the cell. The cancer cell is overwhelmed, dies, and promptly disintegrates. When using Rife’s cancer treatment method on a cancer patient that has undergone extensive allopathic medical X-ray damage, there is the high possibility of an encounter with a new kind of cancer cell which Rife’s treatment method won’t work on. Allopathic medical X-ray treatment causes significant ultraviolet light, ionization, and free radical production both in tumor tissue and adjacent normal tissue. With this ultraviolet light, ionization and free radical production, there is the associated dimerization of adjacent DNA base code molecular pairs. Both cancer cells and adjacent non cancer cells suffer significant cell membrane integrity damage from the X-ray radiation. All of this culminates in the possibility of a heavily radiation damaged BX cancer virus penetrating the cell membrane of a non cancerous cell and instigating production of cancer causing protein fragments as discussed above. But its own gnome so badly damaged that it can not propagate itself. If this were to occur, then a cancer cell could be created which was not infested with the BX cancer virus and therefore not treatable by Rife’s frequency instrument or ultra sound of 11.789,000 or 23.560.000 cycles per second. Of coarse the X-ray radiation alone could generate a cancer cell that the original Rife’s treatment method would not cure.

Well we have skimmed over a lot of technical data in this appendix. however, I hope the reader now has a conceptual frame work in which to begin questioning the current allopathic medicine approach to cancer causes, treatments, and cures. Only by honest researchers going back and looking at the suppressed results of past honest cancer researchers can we hope to find honest valid answers about cancer causes and cures.

„An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents: it rarely happens that Saul becomes Pual. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out and that the growing generation is familiarized with the idea from the beginning.“

Max Planck

Taken from: DR. RIFE AND THE DEATH OF THE CANCER INDUSTRY. a paper by physicist Gary Wade.

P.S. – It is now empirically known that many types of cancer can be easily and quickly killed by exposure to pressure square waves of a frequency of approximately 2127 cycles per second. It appears that one or more of the higher frequency hidden fourier sine wave components. i.e. 3(2127), 5(2127), 7(2127), 9(2127), etc. opens up ion gates on the cancer cells‘ membrane and radically changes the ionic conditions inside the cancer cell such that it drops the bi-lipid layer potential difference below some critical value below which the cancer cell can not recover and it dies.

Veröffentlicht in Krebs

Professor Pappas‘ Theory of Cancer

Developed by Professor P.T. Pappas,

based on the experience of PAP IMI results,

over the last ten years.



Upgraded Version, January 2, 2002

1998-2002 by P.T.Pappas . All rights reserved.

The present article consists of a publication of an original Theory and Idea by the Author, presented here for the first time world wide.

No part of this text may be reproduced in any form without the expressed written consent of the author.

No idea presented here for the first time may be expressed or transmitted in any form without ethical acknowledgement and proper due reference to the Author.


We would like to state a more consistent theory of cancer that we came up to, based in ten years of experience with the fascinating results obtained after PAP IMI exposures, and, compare these results, with other theories and methods .


The first assumption concerns the most basic principle of physics, which we have come to several years ago in association with cancer. The assumption concerns the physical energy of the cell. Energy in physics, even in universe as a whole, is the most fundamental and universal concept of cause and effect, which controls every action in the cosmos, between a donor of the energy -the cause, and a receptor of the energy -the result. We may say, a system with energy transformed from one form to another or given from a donor to a receptor, is an alive system. A system with energy but not given and taken between donors and receptors is a died system. We state below this extremely simple and fundamental principle for cancer in relation to the physical energy condition of a cell.


Cancer is a critical state of low energy of a cell, in which the cell is being „trapped“ for various reasons. This critically low energy state is manifested by a low transmembrane potential of 15 mvolts, which causes a „chain“ of specific malfunctions for the cell, and a general state of ischemia (low energy) for the organism. When a cell is in this particular low energy state and below 15 mV (Nobel Laureate Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Cone and others) proliferates, divides in two identical parts in an attempt to survive in large numbers.


Cancer is also the most general phenomenon of missing energy and proliferation in biological systems, and it is found in all forms of life, i.e., plants, animals and we even claim in all life societies that of humans, animals, plants, as well as that of various microorganism.


We demonstrate the above, with a common example taken from agriculture, and known practically to all farmers.

Let us suppose, that we have two plants , which we water every day. The plants stay healthy, but do not produce flowers or seeds to enter into the of reproduction. However, as soon as, one of the plants is deprived of watering, and as a result is found in a state of stress , having less nutrition and energy , then it flowers and reproduces to survive by extension. That is, as soon as, one of the plants is found in a stressful environment , i.e. without nutrition and energy, (because of lack of water which acts as the carrier of nutrition), it produces as soon as possible flowers and seeds, in order to multiply, and obviously, tries to survive as species, via a large number of successors, following an „instinct“ or a survival „program „, deeply encoded in its DNA by its creator.

This is a general phenomenon of reproduction, known for almost all plants .


The same holds true for an advanced organism , which may secure its food fairly easier versus a primitive one, which strives every day for food. Indeed, a primitive organism is in a continuous state of stress , for finding food and energy . In order to counter this and overtake its daily battle for food and to survive as species, it multiplies very fast and in large numbers.

On the contrary, an advanced organism or animal multiplies very slowly, and in fewer numbers. For example, big animals like elephants or humans multiply very, very slowly, with respect to a smaller animal like a rabbit or a primitive organism for example.

The same is true for a poor, versus a rich, society. Poor couples of primitive societies, usually tend to have five, ten or more children with respect to rich couples of wealthy societies, which tend to have one or two children only.


A low energy proliferating cell with limited resources and energy availability, for any reason, because it is in a toxic environment , or because it is found in a rather anaerobic (non-oxygenated) environment, which was not intended to be so in the first place, or because it is surrounded by a tumor, or it is adjacent to a tumor, which lacks veins and arteries and strives for energy and food, and without possibility of proper oxygenation, nutrition, or metabolism and therefore energy, causes to the adjacent or nearby cells, a similar shortage of nutrition and energy .

We can say, proliferating cells in energy crisis, cause a similar“energy crisis“ to nearby cells. In other words, the energy crisis of a smaller area of cells, is diffused or extended to a broader area, because of the most basic and fundamental principle of physics , the principle of conservation energy in a limited area.


This crisis of low energy, is reflected to the following general chain reactions and results:


low transmembrane potential,

increased accumulation of sodium ions inside the cell ,

increased water molecular attached to sodium molecules inside the cell


increase of volume of the cell and osmotic pressure inside the cell,


thinning of the cell membrane.


With above conditions and when transmembrane potential drops below 15 mV, it leads to cell division and eventually cell over population, which enhances and diffuses the existing energy crisis from the cells to the system., in other words, energy crisis is then extended and generalized for the system as a whole with the characteristic of low energy and ischemia for the system itself. We may say, that cells with low energy get into a „panic“ state of feverish multiplication, in order to preserve their species, following an inherent program encoded in the most fundamental part of their DNA for survival under the emergency of severe conditions. So, more cells are produced inside the tumor, or more cells are produced adjacent to the tumor which are found naturally in a low energy or poverty environment, diffused from the expanding prime energy crisis – prime cancer. Newer cancer cells will lack even more energy for the same reason. So, we see naturally why the tumor grows or diffuses to adjacent areas and tissues, a phenomenon known as „cancer diffusion“, i.e., cancers ability to diffuse to adjacent healthy cells and tissues which is particularly unexplained today. Obviously, the more those „low energy“ cells multiply, the more is the need for even more energy in the organism as a hole to feed the newborn cells. Therefore, the energy crisis and the cell starvation expands and expands.


The organism soon becomes a „poor society in a panic crisis situation“ as a whole, lacking even more energy . In such a case, more and more cells will become into a „panic state“ for nutrition and energy and so, we see that cancer thriumphally metastasizes and generalizes. The organism or person becomes thin, weak and ischemic, with the common characteristic of energy lack and improper nutrition. Cancer then spreads and generalizes, with no way for the organism or person to overcome this increasing need of energy and nutrition.


Apparently, there is no way out of this „energy crisis“ when many more new cells appear, and, the organism (or the person) dies. This is more or less the macroscopic „scenario“ of the cancer phenomenon, omitting numerous details of the cell physiology, and the details how the organism gradually fails as a whole, because of its growing „starving cells over population“, and the resulting development of this „energy crisis“.


As an indisputable example and confirmation of the above, we may consider the modern technique of genetic engineering that of cloning living cells. The technique of cloning living cells consists in forcing a just fertilized egg to duplicate into more than one copy, so that more than one identical embryos develop. This technique, even as simply as reported widely in the public media, consists in isolating a just fertilized egg and putting it in a very low nutrition environment. When the egg is found in such low nutrition environment and obviously low energy, proliferates in identical copies, in exact agreement to the ideas expressed above.


The just fertilized egg is stressed to extinction, its survival program encoded in its DNA is automatically activated and tries to survive by multiplication in large numbers.


After a number of proliferating cell copies, biologists then remove the cell copies back to a proper nutrition and energy environment , where proliferation stops and proper cell development to identical embryos occurs.


The same technique for plants is known for many thousands of years to farmers of this planet, called „meristomatic“ culturing, or plants cloning as we could say today. This old technique can be found in encyclopedias. Meristomatic culturing or cloning for the plants is typical for Orchids confirming directly our above hypothesis of multiplication andcancer.


A small piece of a leave of an orchid is cut and removed to a dry isolated air sealed environment, and is placed on a dry inorganic material like a stone-wool (used in building industry for sound insulation). Stone-wool has nothing to offer to the piece of leave in the dry air-sealed environment. The orchid cells are found immediately in a stressed environment with complete lack of nutrition other than the nutrition was already in serum of the leave. Soon the cells in the piece of the leave, because the energy and nutrition crisis they face, multiply and provide a new orchid.


The above example of orchid is in principle common and typical with meristomatic culturing of other plants and it is in rinciple the same with the modern technique of modern cloning in Biology.

However, we may question immediately the following:


Why orchid cells when stressed lead to a new orchid and not to cancer?

Similarly, the other way around:

Why cells when stressed lead to cancer and not to a new plant or animal like in meristomatic culturing or in biological cloning?


The answer is that meristomatic culturing or biological cloning is always processed away of the main plant or animal, and then a new identical in form and in function plant or animal develops, according to its DNA description of the cell, regardless of the location. On a particular location or anatomic position of an organism, cells differentiate, or specialize, or restrict their DNA function to a specific task. This DNA restriction imposed by the anatomic position of the organism is what prohibits a multiplying cell on the organism to develop to a new independent organism as it would have done away of it and away from the particular anatomic position.

When starving conditions are imposed on an anatomic position of a plant or on an animal, either the cells will die or the cells with the „restricted by this position DNA“ give a „monster form“ multiplication that we call cancer.


It is beyond the scope of this article to discuss and prove the form giving or cell differentiation factor on an anatomic position of an organism. For the present scope, we may only call the controlling factor, the etheric archetype or morphogenic ether of the organism, after Aristoteles who specifically defines the non material and non visible „Ether“ or the „Fifth Essence“, as the non material agent that gives form to inorganic and organic matter. Additionally, we may say that the etheric archetype seems to be in operation in giving forms to plants, animals, stones, clouds, mountains, the visible craters of the moon, the recent (late 90’s) found galaxy arrangement in the Universe, forms associated with cohesion forces, forms of the iris of the eye, forms in crystals, ores concentration, forms in dried water, dried blood, dried saline, ice, all different forms of the very well known, but still unexplained, snow flakes!… etc.


Cancer has also form. Though cancer is considered as a non controlled multiplication of cells. We may directly this an exaggeration because cancer is indeed the opposite. It is a controlled multiplication in a particular volume. Any arbitrary concentration of cancer cells in a particular volume is subject to immediate fatality, for no metabolism necessary for any kind of cells, can be supported. For any cells, including cancer cells, an elementary system providing nutrients and sustaining at least an elementary metabolism is required. Tumors are known to create an organized net of capillary tubes, arteries and veins that collectively connect to a main artery for blood supply in humans. Medication for halting an organized geometric structure called angiogenesis is provided to     cancer patients to eliminate their tumors. So we see that tumors without the differentiated cells to form geometric structures called angia or arteries can not survive.


Therefore, though it is explicitly said that cancer is a non controlled undifferentiated multiplication of cells, it is also clearly admitted the opposite – cancer cells also differentiate in an organized form of arteries.


The new factor that differentiates and gives the particular form to new born cells and geometric form to the non- existing before tumor, we may call here the etheric archetype of the tumor that gives form to it enabling it to survive.


We shall postulate also here that this form factor is also the same as the universal form-factor called ether by Aristoteles and that is present every where in the Universe, as in the examples we gave above, indicate.


From the many years of observations and experimentations and for reasons to understand the rest of this presentation, We shall also state here, as postulates, two basic principles which govern this non material form of etheric archetype.


  1. The principle of extendability of etheric archetype, i.e., to copy or extend itself to any available carrier.
  2. The Principle of fractal information for the etheric archetype, i.e., to carry all the form information to any point irrespectively of the available volume.


We may conclude, that the methods of treating cancer, obviously should be based on controlling one or more of the factors, governing the above self-sustained mechanism of lack of energy and shelf-organized proliferation, which is creating more need for energy, for the induced population growth.


Destructive controls of cancer:


We consider this category, to be the first category used to control cancer.

We call this category „destructive“, because, it is mainly based on means of destruction (or means for killing cancer cells), which may, or may not be the same means, which have already caused cancer in the first place, according to the ideas expressed here.

Immediately, we see that the destruction methods or any cell destruction processes are cause of cancer too, as cancer itself is a state of emergency for survival against any destruction and extinction.



The destructive methods of controlling cancer practically are:

  1. Surgery
    Surgery consists of removing and destroying of a large population of cancer cells, mainly by mechanical means.


  1. Radiation
    Radiation consists of destroying of a large population of such cells, mainly by gamma radioactivity.


  1. Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is a generic term derived form two Greek words that of chemia for chemistry and that of therapia for treatment. However, chemotherapy in practice consists in destroying large population of cancer cells and other cells, by strong toxic substances.


In reality, though, chemotherapy reduces cancer population, the same action of chemotherapy is a characteristic reason for cancer development, in the same sense we explained above, by making the cells which survived, to get into an extreme state of     „panic“ and proliferation for survival. On top of this, the toxic action of chemotherapy does not assist at all to restore the missing energy resources of the organism by distracting other vital functions and particularly by destroying the immune system.



Constructive methods controlling cancer may consist of:

  1. Primarily restoring the missing energy , so the cells do not need to proliferate, and subsequently become cancer cells.
  2. Helping the organism to restore its normal function, for loss of normal function, results in lack of energy .
  3. Enhancing the immune system, which may limit the number of cancer cells, and thus limit the energy and nutrition expenditure of the organism .

Preventing self-organization of tumors by the extinction of the etheric archetype associated with the particular tumors.

Unfortunately, the existing medical methods are not oriented into the constructive methods of treatment of cancer. On the contrary, constructive methods are called „alternative“ methods. Law excludes them in certain States of USA, even for those medical cases, that the destructive methods are admitted to offer no hope.


For example, in certain States of USA, any treatment of cancer other than surgery, radiation and chemotherapy is considered illegal!

A law, which in its strict sense, obviously contradicts, and interferes with the freedom of „scientific“ method and development.


PAP IMI exposures are assumed to provide magnetic and induced electrical energy which transform to direct energy to all cells and particular to „energy thirsty“ cancer cells, by increasing the transmembrane potential of the cells, and thus, putting them into a state which is known not to trigger proliferation. (Nobel Laureate Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Cone, and others).

At the same time, the immune system is generally enhanced by PAPIMI exposures, and may start „extinguishing“ cancer cells.


PAP IMI exposure, due to its unique instant power, may cause considerable disturbances that apparently may disorganizes or may erase the etheric archetype associated with the tumor. As soon the tumor’s etheric archetype is erased, during the PAP IMI pulse pause, the rest of the body’s healthy etheric archetype may be extended or copied in the area, under the first principle of extendability of etheric archetypes.

In the respect of the principle of the etheric archetype extendability, a rejection has been reported in many cases along or after PAP IMI exposures, by an „under the tumor growth“ of healthy tissue , to the point that the tumor itself was rejected, in a manner that a „foreign body “ took place. Also, tumor necrosis has been many times observed without ever any destructive effect on adjacent or any where else healthy tissue.

Apparently, systematic or generalized cancer cases may not be helped by PAP IMI exposures and the principle of extendabilty, for there will be no healthy area to be copied or extended to over a local cancerous area. Indeed, systematic or whole body leukemia cancer were never found to be helped by PAP IMI exposures.


The triple action of PAP imi exposures

for treating cancer cells may be summarized as follows:


  1. PAP IMI exposures, are assumed to stop cell proliferation by increasing energy directly in the form of increase of transmembrane potential and also by reestablishing cell metabolism to normal levels.
  2. PAP IMI exposures are assumed to enhance or excite the immune system, that may extinguish cancer cells. Also, PAP IMI enhances other vital functions of the body, i.e., liver function, lung function, blood and lymph circulation, kidney function, etc, that may sustain or enhance in general metabolism
  3. PAP IMI may erase the etheric archetype associated with the tumor to the point to cause tumor disorganization and necrosis, as well as to initiate tumor rejection as a „foreign body rejection“ by under the tumor healthy tissue


As secondary actions of PAP IMI exposures in the respect of treating cancer cells with the above ideas of „cancer being in a state of low biological energy and nutrition“, in general may be considered to be:

PAP IMI’s strong anti-inflammatory action, enhancement of metabolism, nutrition via blood influx and tissue oxygenation.


Suggested provisions associated with PAP IMI treatments for reestablishing metabolism:

It is an imperative condition that a cancer patient may have availability in all nutrients for his intended enhancement of metabolism by PAP IMI.


„All cancer patients should be in good and sufficient order with respect to all of their vital functions that will sustain sufficiently their metabolism with and after PAP IMI exposures. In this direction, vital function’s sufficient restoration or enhancement is necessary prior to the fulfilment of PAP IMI exposures.


As a good marker for underweighted cancer patients, we consider is to start gaining weight, by an increase of intake of calories and nutrition.


The thermometer for an underweighted cancer patient should be a daily weight scale. Inability and failure to restore lost weight or farther loss of weight, should place the procedure under reconsideration into a state of alert. Consultation with an expert with knowledge on nutrition and metabolism Medical Doctor should be an emergency and first priority.“


We anticipate to publish in the near future, (see articles on nuclear transmutation on this presentation) numerous didactic examples and paradigms, more details of how PMF energy of the kind the PAP IMI devices is producing, increases cell energy, action and vitality, in the light of the research of biological nuclear transmutations of low energy, made by the Great French Scientist Louis C. Kervran; as well as in the light of the recent developments of cold nuclear fusion relating and confirming Louis C. Kervran of low energy nuclear reactions, which seem to take place particularly in every biological activity and to be the soul of every living cell.



We believe Louis C. Kervran’s findings are the missing link so far, for understanding properly basic cell physiology, energy and cancer. Such ideas will distinguish the year 2001 and beyond from all previous years.


January 2, 2002


Professor Panos T. Pappas ,

e-mail pappasp@attglobal.net


Veröffentlicht in Krebs

InfraRed Muscle & Tendon Relaxer


This is a totally amazing light therapy device in that it can easily relax tight muscles and tendons with its tissue-penetrating 940nm (light wavelength) infrared light and 660nm near-infrared light. Using this alternative light therapy, one minute on any tight muscle point is usually enough to do the trick. Other light therapy devices like this exist but they are more expensive (up to $6500), harder to use on back muscles & shoulders, often don’t even specify the lights wavelength, and require batteries to run which quickly need replacement. The president of this company uses his infrared therapy device to relax his fibromyalgia muscle points.
The results he gets are so incredible he wants everyone with fibromyalgia to have the same experience. He was inspired to create it after watching a spot on TV about a pro basketball player getting infrared light treatment on his ailing wrist and as a result being able to continue his career instead of quitting due to increasing wrist pain. This is an indication of beneficial effect for anyone with tendonitis or carpal tunnel syndrome. According to one scientific research report (ISBN: 0-8194-1500-6) blood exposed to infrared light had less blood cell aggregation (clumping together) which would free up more surface area of red blood cells to transfer nutrients and oxygen to tissues. We sell this device in spite of the cry-babies at DioMedics trying to get us in trouble with the FDA since they sell an approved unit and we don’t. We also sell the plans to build it yourself. The construction plans are only for people with electronics building experience. Included is a parts list, schematic, and assembly drawing (where to put the parts on the pc board). This unit is not for problems with a large surface area since the light output area of it is only 1.25″ diameter. For large areas I recommend a high wattage infrared heat lamp. Just do a search on Lycos for an „infrared heat lamp“.
Word of Warning: This is a strong source of infrared light which should not be looked at directly with the naked eye and should be kept out of the reach of children. Eye exposure of more than 1 second could possibly cause temporary damage. (I did this and experienced ‚green‘ vision for about 30 seconds afterwards but had no permanent damage.)

Units available from other companies: PAIN-X-2000 MODEL 900 $169, PAIN-X-2000 MODEL 1600 $349, PAIN-X-2000 MODEL 2500 $845, PAIN-X-2000 MODEL 5700 $1,350, ANODYNE MODEL 4000 $4,100, BIO-SCAN 2 CLUSTER HEAD $1,800, BIO-SCAN NEW 2 CLUSTER HEAD $1800, BioScan Light Patch $189, BioScan Tendon Saver $189, THERALASER $1,995, Respond 2400 $4,099, Alphalaser $3,586, Equilaser 100mW $3,375, THOR DD 150mW Laser $4,100, 40mW DD + 69 Diode 583mW Cluster $6,500

Just so you’ll know how nice my competition is, heres an email to me on Oct 18 2000 from the maker of PAIN-X-2000 (Randall Everett everett@lw.net:
„Your website has been forwarded to the Food and Drug Administration for legal action for advertising a medical device that is not FDA approved. You are advertising a device for medical problems for human use. Also you need to remove any reference on your website or advertising material pertaining to the PAIN-X-2000. Since you are refering to the PAIN-X-2000 as being like your device, which it is not.“
I replied letting them know in no incertain terms that they were scum-sucking pigs that were part of the medical problem (over-regulation and just existing for the almighty dollar) and not the solution.


Red Light Therapy

Light therapy has been shown in over 40 years of independent research worldwide to deliver powerful therapeutic benefits to living tissues and organisms. Both visible red (400nm – 700nm) and invisible infrared light (700nm – 2000nm) have been shown to effect at least 24 different positive changes at a cellular level. Visible red light, at a wavelength of 660 nm (nanometers), penetrates human tissue to a depth of about 8-10 mm. It is very beneficial in treating problems close to the surface such as wounds, cuts, scars, trigger points, and acupuncture points and is particularly effective in treating infections. Infrared light penetrates to a depth of about 30-40 mm which makes it more effective for bones, joints, deep muscles, etc. Although both red and infrared wavelengths penetrate to different depths and affect tissues differently, their therapeutic effects are similar.

Wavelength dependent photobiochemical reactions occur throughout nature and are involved in such things as vision, photosynthesis, tanning and Vitamin D metabolism. In this view, infrared therapy is really a form of light therapy, and infrared light emitting diodes (LED’s) and lasers are important in that they are convenient sources of intense light at wavelengths that stimulate specific physiological functions (Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 9:1-5, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, 1989). At this time, research has shown no side effects from this form of therapy other than an occassional increase in discomfort for a short period of time after treating chronic conditions. This occurs as the body reestablishes new equilibrium points following treatment. It is a phenomenon that may occur as part of the normal process of recovery.

LED’s and Lasers are no more than convenient devices for producing light at specific wavelengths, and in addition to the one already cited, several other studies establish that it is the light itself at specific wavelengths that is therapeutic in nature and not the machine which produced it. All biological systems have a unique absorption spectrum which determines what wavelengths of radiation will be absorbed to produce a given therapeutic effect. The visible red and invisible infrared portions of the spectrum have been shown to have highly absorbent and unique therapeutic effects in living tissues.

What is the Difference between near-infrared LED’s and LASERS?

Light Emitting Diodes (LED’s) are another form of light therapy that is a relatively recent development of the laser industry. LEDs are similar to lasers inasmuch as they can emit the same light but differ in the way that the light energy is delivered. Lasers are focused beam single-wavelength light emitters that can be intense enough (a ‚hot‘ laser) to burn/cut tissue or ‚cold‘ enough to only have light therapy effects. LEDs do not deliver enough power to damage the tissue, but they do deliver enough energy to stimulate a response from the body to heal itself. With a low peak power output but high duty cycle (50%), the LEDs provide a much gentler delivery of the same healing wavelengths of light as does the laser but without the same risk of accidental eye damage that lasers do.

A significant difference between lasers and LEDs is the power output. The peak power output of LEDs is measured in thousandths of a watt, while that of lasers is measured in watts. However, this difference when considered alone is misleading, since the most critical factor that determines the average amount of energy delivered is the duty cycle of the device. LED devices usually have a 50% duty cycle. That is, the LED pulse is ON for .5 seconds and OFF for .5 seconds, versus the .2 millionths of a second burst from a laser at 1 hertz, which is ON .0000002 seconds and OFF for .9999998 seconds. This is a .00002% duty cycle. In short, the LED diodes emit more than 33% more ‚average‘ energy than a comparable laser diode because of the substantially longer duty cycle, even though the peak output is much less.

Moreover, LED’s allow the light beam to spread out instead of being a pinpoint light beam and they generate a broader band of wavelengths than does the single-wavelength laser. The wide-angle diffusion of the LED confers upon it a greater ease of application, since light emissions are thereby able to penetrate a broader surface area. Moreover, the multiplicity of wavelengths in the LED, contrary to the single-wavelength laser, may enable it to affect a broader range of tissue types and produce a wider range of photochemical reactions in the tissue.

If LED light disperses over a greater surface area, this results in a faster treatment time for a given area than laser. The primary reason that Jaguar chose the LEDs over lasers is that LEDs are safer, more cost effective, provide a gentle but effective delivery of light and a greater energy output per unit of surface area in a given time duration. Our units produce visible near-infrared red light with a center frequency of 660nm (nano-meters).

What does Light Therapy actually do?

Light Therapy Can:

1. Increase circulation by increasing the formation of new capillaries, which are additional blood vessels that replace damaged ones. New capillaries speed up the healing process by carrying more oxygen as well as more nutrients needed for healing and they can also carry more waste products away.

2. Stimulate the production of collagen. Collagen is the most common protein found in the body. Collagen is the essential protein used to repair damaged tissue and to replace old tissue. It is the substance that holds cells together and has a high degree of elasticity. By increasing collagen production less scar tissue is formed at the damaged site.

3. Increase RNA and DNA synthesis. This helps damaged cells to be replaced more promptly.

4. Stimulate fibroblastic activity which aids in the repair process. Fibroblasts are present in connective tissue and are capable of forming collagen fibers.

5. Stimulate tissue granulation and connective tissue projections, which are part of the healing process of wounds, ulcers or inflamed tissue.

6. Stimulate the release of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the major carrier of energy to all cells. Increases in ATP allow cells to accept nutrients faster and get rid of waste products faster by increasing the energy level in the cell. All food turns into ATP before it is utilized by the cells. ATP provides the chemical energy that drives the chemical reaction of the cell.

7. Increase lymphatic system activity. Edema, which is the swelling or natural splinting process of the body, has two basic components. The first is a liquid part which can be evacuated by the blood system and the second is comprised of the proteins which have to be evacuated by the lymphatic system. Research has shown that the lymph vessel diameter and the flow of the lymph system can be doubled with the use of light therapy. The venous diameter and the arterial diameters can also be increased. This means that both parts of edema (liquid and protein) can be evacuated at a much faster rate to relieve swelling.

8. Relieve pain. The photons of light energy enter the body as negative ions. This calls upon the body to send positive ions like calcium among others to go to the area being treated. These ions assist in firing the nerves thereby relieving pain. Light therapy is successfully used in pain therapy, dermatology and rheumatology with excellent therapeutic effects in the treatment of shoulder humerus periarthritis, tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome.

9. Stimulate acetylcholine release and other parasympathetic effects.

10. Increase phagocytosis, which is the process of scavenging for and ingesting dead or degenerated cells by phagocyte cells for the purpose of clean up. This is an important part of the infection fighting process. Destruction of the infection and clean up must occur before the healing process can take place.

11. Induce a thermal like effect in the tissue. The light raises the temperature of the tissue treated which can kill or disable temperature sensitive bacteria and viruses.


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From http://www.beyond2000.com/news/Dec_00/story_932.html:

In the laboratory, Whelan and his team have shown that skin and muscle cells matured in cultures grow 150 to 200 percent faster when they’re exposed to the LED’s.
They reported a 40 percent improvement in patients who had musculo-skeletal training injuries treated with the light-emitting diodes.
In the field, a wound-healing device was placed on the attack submarine USS Salt Lake City. Doctors on board described that crewmembers‘ lacerations doubled their healing rate when exposed to the LED light.
So far, what we’ve seen in patients and what we’ve seen in laboratory cell cultures, all point to one conclusion, says Dr. Harry Whelan, professor of pediatric neurology and director of hyperbaric medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin. The near-infrared light emitted by these LED’s seems to be perfect for increasing energy inside cells. This means whether you’re on Earth in a hospital, working in a submarine under the sea or on your way to Mars inside a spaceship, the LED’s boost energy to the cells and accelerate healing.

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